Mr. Jiang looked at the audience with a smile on his face.

"I know you're excited to see a price like this."

"I think that as an automobile company, we should do our best when the country is in distress."

"Because we all have the same blood flowing through us, and the rabbit will never surrender to the eagle!"

Speaking of this, Mr. Jiang's face turned red and he looked particularly excited.

After hearing Mr. Jiang's words, the audience burst into warm applause.

In the live broadcast room, the audience unanimously praised it.

Ant chasing the wind: It is indeed a national enterprise. Such a high configuration is only sold for 89,999. It is simply too conscientious.

Wandering Toad: 89999, you can’t suffer a loss or be fooled. I must buy the best one.

Hehehehe: This is too conscientious. The price is very friendly to ordinary people. After the press conference, I will definitely buy one and drive it.


Mr. Jiang took the microphone and pressed his hand to the underground audience, signaling everyone to be quiet.

The audience was also very cooperative, and within a few seconds, the scene became quiet.

Mr. Jiang watched the time approaching two hours, and there was no trace of ink.

The prices of the next three models were directly quoted.

“The price of the high-end version of Chery Honor is only 109,999!!”

“The low-end version of Chery Kaisheng 119999!!!”

“High-end version of Chery Kaisheng 139999!!!”

When they heard the prices of these cars on the spot, they were almost crazy. They never thought that such an all-around car would cost so little.

What's more, these cars are equipped with China's highest technology products.

Domestic engines, 5nm automotive chips, domestic automotive systems, domestic gearboxes...

Moreover, judging from the high-altitude free fall experiment and collision experiment just conducted.

The safety factor is directly ahead of the joint venture brands, and the price is even more discounted.

However, the most impressive thing about this car is its fuel consumption, which is cut by more than half.

Compared with ordinary cars, with the same fuel tank capacity, other cars can only run five to six hundred kilometers, while the battery life of the two cars can directly run more than a thousand kilometers.

At this point, the on-site press conference ended, and the applause from the scene did not stop for a long time.

The popularity of Chery's official live broadcast room has reached more than 70 million, which has never been done before.

This also proves that everyone recognizes these two cars, which is why so many people come to see them.

On the stage, Mr. Jiang took a microphone and said to the audience in the audience and the live broadcast room: "These two cars of our company will be available for online and offline pre-sale after the press conference."

"We guarantee that we will not increase prices or deceive consumers. As long as there are quality problems, you can always come to our company's official website to complain!!"

“Today’s press conference ends here!!”

After Mr. Jiang finished speaking, he bowed deeply to the audience below, and then walked straight off the podium of the press conference.

At this point, the press conference came to a successful end.

Liu Cong, who was sitting at the back of the audience, was generally quite satisfied after seeing such a press conference.

In terms of price alone, it is in line with Liu Cong's expectations.

After all, the cost of the engine on its own production line is only a few thousand yuan. Taking into account other costs, this car does not earn consumers much.

However, at this price, a lot can certainly be sold.

Judging from the current Chinese market, high-end ordinary people cannot afford it, while the only cars with more affordable prices are those made by domestic manufacturers.

The moment Mr. Jiang stepped down, a large number of reporters waiting for interviews swarmed up.

Faced with such enthusiasm, Mr. Jiang could only patiently answer every question from reporters.

At this time, Jiang Wanying and Liu Cong, who were sitting in the back, took advantage of the chaos and quietly walked out of the press conference, and then came to an office.

Half an hour later,

Mr. Jiang came to the office, saw Liu Cong and Jiang Wanying sitting on the sofa, and immediately came to greet them.

"Mr. Liu, please forgive me if I didn't treat you well just now!"

When Liu Cong saw Mr. Jiang being so polite, he immediately stood up.

"Mr. Jiang, what you said is serious."

While Mr. Jiang and Liu Cong were talking, a familiar face walked into the office.

Seeing this, Mr. Jiang quickly introduced Li Shuqing to Liu Cong behind him.

"Mr. Liu, let me introduce to you. This is Mr. Li Shuqing, the chief CEO of China Resources Group."

"This time our on-board chip was entrusted to Mr. Li."

Later, Mr. Jiang said to Li Shuqing in front of him: "Mr. Li, this is Mr. Liu Cong."

After listening to Mr. Jiang's introduction, the two looked at each other and smiled.

"Junior brother, I didn't expect you to be here too!"

"I will definitely come to support such a big press conference!"

After listening to what the two people said, Mr. Jiang and Jiang Wanying were a little confused.

"What are you two doing?"

Li Shuqing looked at Mr. Jiang who was full of questions and laughed.

"This is my junior brother, we are very familiar with each other."

A familiar sentence can reflect the special relationship between two people.

The two knew each other, something Mr. Jiang never expected.

Seeing that no further introduction was needed, Mr. Jiang hurriedly invited the two of them to sit down and drink tea.


Japanese automobile executives,

When they watched the Chery Automobile press conference, they were so angry that they slapped their thighs.


"We have been tricked by the United States!!"

After watching this press conference, Yamamoto Matsushita, who was sitting in his seat, couldn't calm down for a long time.

"Oda Army, how are your discussions with China going?"

"Will they allow us to re-enter the Chinese automobile market?"

Yamamoto Matsushita held back his anger and asked the middle-aged bald man beside him.

Judging from Oda's expression, this matter didn't seem to be going well.

"Ms. Matsushita, I have been in contact with China recently, but there has been no response from them."

Oda Jun was on pins and needles, and at this moment, he didn't know how to report to everyone.

Yamamoto Matsushita didn't look good, and everyone at the venue didn't look good either.

In the past few months when supplies to the Chinese automobile market were cut off, Japan's national GDP dropped by 5 percentage points.

This does not include the market for ultra-high-precision machine tools and high-precision bearings.

You know, Japan itself is an island country with scarce resources.

More than half of the country's economic resources depend on exports.

They really regretted listening to the words of the United States this time.

Yamamoto Matsushita used all his strength to slam the table hard.

"No matter what, we must reopen the Chinese market!!"

“Whether it’s price reduction or preferential policies, we can’t lose such a huge market, otherwise we won’t be able to afford the consequences!!”

Seeing how angry Yamamoto Matsushita was, the people present were silent.

When it comes to the level of discomfort, these people below actually have the most say.

Because of their withdrawal from the Chinese market, the sales of these car companies have been cut in half.

"Hi!!" Everyone responded in unison.

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