Wuhu City, China.

At 6:30 in the afternoon, under the watchful eyes of Mr. Jiang and others.

Liu Cong, Li Shuqing, and Jiang Wanying boarded the car back to Peking.

Before leaving, Mr. Jiang looked at Jiang Wanying with reluctance in his eyes.

After all, father and daughter rarely see each other a few times throughout the year.

But everyone had their own things to do, so Mr. Jiang didn't do much to persuade them to stay.

At seven o'clock in the evening, several people successfully boarded a plane from Xingqiao International Airport in Luzhou.

On the plane, the three of them sat side by side.

During this period, Li Shuqing and Liu Cong talked about the company's listing from time to time, while Jiang Wanying listened quietly.

Three hours later, several people left the airport in Peiping.

Liu Cong looked at the sky covered with dark clouds and sighed.

"It should be cool tomorrow."

"Yeah, the weather forecast says it's going to rain tomorrow."

Li Shuqing flirted with Liu Cong's words intentionally or unintentionally.

"Junior brother, Miss Wanying, I will take a taxi and go back to the company first. I still have a lot of things to do there."

Liu Cong nodded, "Okay, senior brother, go and get busy!"

After bidding farewell to Li Shuqing, Liu Cong took Jiang Wanying to find his car in the parking lot near the airport.

Because they came back in such a hurry, neither of them had a meal.

So, the two simply went to the snack street next to Huaqing University for a late-night snack.

During the period, Liu Cong also learned from Jiang Wanying about the current situation of the company there.

Liu Cong was also a little surprised when he learned that he had received another big order.

"You mean those countries in Equatoria also use our browser?"

"Isn't the network system over there underdeveloped?"

Seeing Liu Cong's questionable face, Jiang Wanying, who was holding a skewer, chuckled.

"Who told you? There are nearly 1.3 billion people there, and there are more than 50 million Internet users."

"Although mosquitoes are small, they are still meat."

"Besides, these countries will continue to develop in the future. When the time comes..."

Jiang Wanying was licking the skewers and drinking beer while planning the future of the company with Liu Cong.

Liu Cong is also very pleased to see that the company can develop like this now.

I originally wanted to solve the problem of China Browser, but unexpectedly it also opened up markets in other countries.

Now Jingwei Software Co., Ltd. has become a leading domestic software company.

It only took Liu Cong and his team half a year to achieve such a status.

For Liu Cong, this is simply a miracle.

Liu Cong looked at the shiny Jiang Wanying and took the initiative to hand her two napkins.

"You've done a great job on this matter. I'm wondering if I should give you a raise."

When Jiang Wanying heard what Liu Cong said, she waved her hands repeatedly.

"There is no need for a salary increase. The annual salary plus shares is already a lot."

"Besides, even if you give me so much money, I can't spend it all."

Liu Cong nodded, "Well, then let's improve the benefits of the company's employees!"

"Too much money doesn't do much good to me."

After Liu Cong finished speaking, he seemed to have thought of something else.

"By the way, since our company makes so much profit every year, why not give back more to society."

"Tell the departments below to establish a Hope Poverty Alleviation Foundation immediately during this period."

"Ten percent of the company's annual net profit will be used to support the future flowers of our motherland."

"You must do it yourself and don't let those criminals take advantage of the loopholes."

Liu Cong's words almost made Jiang Wanying, who was drinking beer, spit out the wine.

"Ten percent!?"

"This is not a small amount! Do you know what our company's net profit was last quarter?"

"Ten billions!"

Liu Cong had no interest in what Jiang Wanying said.

Now that he has said this, he will not take it back.

"Just do it like this. If you really can't use it up, use it to repair nursing homes and build Hope Primary Schools."

When it comes to giving back to society, Liu Cong is very determined.

In this regard, Jiang Wanying had no choice but to nod in agreement.

After the two of them finished eating, Liu Cong sent Jiang Wanying downstairs in her community. Then he drove back.

After arriving home, it was already past twelve o'clock in the evening.

Although Liu Cong's steps and voice were small, he was still captured by Chen Qiong.

I saw Chen Qiong wearing lace pajamas, walking up to Liu Cong and sniffing at Liu Cong.

Then he looked at Liu Cong with unfriendly eyes and said, "Say! You were fooling around with that woman tonight!!"

"Why do you smell like perfume!"

After hearing what Chen Qiong said, Liu Cong sniffed his clothes carefully, but he only smelled the smell of barbecue.

Seeing that Chen Qiong was a little angry, Liu Cong quickly explained: "Don't get me wrong, I went to Huizhou Province to attend a press conference today."

"The daughter of the company boss and I are classmates..."

However, Liu Cong's explanation did not calm down Chen Qiong. Instead, the more he explained, the more confused he became.

"Chery, you know, she is the daughter of the CEO of Chery Company."

"We just had a simple meal and didn't do anything else."

"Smell it, I still smell like barbecue."

Liu Cong lifted his sleeve and put it in front of Chen Qiong's nose.

Seeing this, Chen Qiong ran away with a look of disgust.

"Okay, I believe you, but there will be no next time."

When Liu Cong saw that Chen Qiong had calmed down, he immediately went over and kissed Chen Qiong.

"Thank you, wife, I'm going to take a shower!"

After Liu Cong left, Chen Qiong touched the half of his face that Liu Cong had just kissed, with a smile on his lips.

"It stinks so much, who cares!"


Time moves forward one week,

At noon, Liu Cong was sweating profusely and doing experiments in the laboratory.

Even with the blessing of air conditioning, it still can't resist the scorching sun.

During this time, a lot of equipment was added to the laboratory, and some materials that were not originally available now appear on the laboratory's experimental bench.

After all, relying solely on dry ice in the laboratory to cool graphene batteries is generally an unrealistic problem.

Through the information extracted from the data, Liu Cong learned that as long as a special material is added to the battery, the problem of inactivation of graphene properties caused by excessive temperature can be solved.

Net alloy is a very unfamiliar term to Liu Cong.

In fact, Liu Cong had never heard of such a thing before.

For this reason, Liu Cong also searched a lot of information on the Internet, but found nothing.

This means that the field of materials is still extremely blank in this area.

In other words, the next road still needs to be explored by Liu Cong himself.

As long as there are records, Liu Cong can overcome this difficulty.

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