Liu Cong saw that the melting point in the furnace had reached the height he wanted, so he poured the various metals he had prepared into the furnace one after another.

Since graphene batteries don't require much metal, every time Liu Cong cuts metal, he cuts it into small pieces and then puts them into the furnace.

Although there is still waste, it is unavoidable.

Watching the metal in the furnace melt one by one, Liu Cong borrowed a tool and dropped catalyst into it.

The moment the catalyst went down, thick smoke billowed. Fortunately, Liu Cong was used to it after doing so many experiments, otherwise he would be really in a hurry.

After the catalyst was added, Liu Cong immediately closed the lid of the furnace to allow the metals to fully react inside.

After a few minutes, Liu Cong felt that it was almost done, and then quickly cut off the power supply.

After about ten minutes, Liu Cong slowly opened the lid on the furnace.

The moment he opened the lid, a burst of gas rushed toward Liu Cong.

Fortunately, Liu Cong was well prepared, otherwise these high-temperature and slightly toxic gases would definitely corrode the mucous membranes of the mouth and eyes.

After the metal inside was completely cooled, Liu Cong used large tweezers to take out an oval-shaped piece of metal.

The color of the entire metal is bright silver, and even without polishing, its surface is just like a mirror.

Then, under the huge pressure, Liu Cong pressed the originally oval metal into a smooth shape.

Then, Liu Cong used special tools to shape the piece of metal into what he wanted. The whole process took Liu Cong nearly three hours.

Fortunately, someone came to deliver meals at noon, otherwise I would have been hungry again.

This was Anna's accidental discovery. When he saw Liu Cong skipping lunch in order to do experiments, he started his feeding journey.

"Mr. Liu, why don't you take a break first and then sit down after lunch."

The door of the laboratory was lightly clicked, and Anna's sweet voice came from outside the door.

Seeing this, Liu Cong immediately put down the experiment at hand and went to open the door for Anna.

As soon as he opened the door, what Liu Cong smelled was not the smell of rice, but the smell of perfume emanating from Anna's body.

Seeing the sweat on Anna's face, Liu Cong actually felt very beautiful. Maybe this was the charm of the young woman.

"Mr. Liu, these are the sweet and sour pork loin and fish-flavored shredded pork I made at home for lunch."

"Oh, by the way, there's also a winter melon and pork ribs soup."

After finishing speaking, Chen Qiong handed the lunch box in front of him to Liu Cong, and took out another lunch box from his bag.

In the past few days, Anna had always bought food for Liu Cong from outside. Unexpectedly, this time she would do it herself.

This made Liu Cong, who was standing outside the laboratory door, a little overwhelmed. If Chen Qiong knew about such a thing, he would probably be criticized again.

However, since it was Anna's heart, Liu Cong was too embarrassed to refuse.

"Sister Anna, thank you very much for bringing me food every day."

"Actually, it's okay for me to eat fast food bought from outside. You don't have to cook it yourself."

Although Liu Cong said so, he still took the soup Anna handed him.

"Mr. Liu, I don't usually cook, but I have time today, and I can't eat it alone, so I brought it to you."

"But I have never eaten any of these. I brought them out separately for you in advance."

Seeing Anna trying her best to explain, Liu Cong expressed his thanks again and said that he didn't care about it.

"Sister Anna, thank you for your hard work!"

To be honest, I felt a little embarrassed to have Anna deliver food to me every day. After all, I only had a superior-subordinate relationship with her.

Moreover, as far as Liu Cong knows, Anna's current emotional state is still single.

If this scene was seen by others, there might be some scandal.

Just when Liu Cong was about to say that there would be no trouble in the future, Anna had already reached the stairs.

"Just put the tableware in my office after you finish eating. I'll go get busy!"

Just like that, Liu Cong still didn't say those words to Anna.

Liu Cong held the green lunch box in his hand and showed a smile.

“I didn’t expect it, it tastes really good!!”


After finishing lunch, Liu Cong touched his belly with satisfaction.

Looking at the mess in the laboratory, Liu Cong knew that he was going to start experiments again.

Liu Cong first polished the polished pure alloy metal to a deep level in order to completely integrate it with graphene.

Liu Cong looked at the pure alloy sheet, which was only a few tenths, and nodded with satisfaction.

Then, the thin piece of pure alloy metal was immediately attached to the outside of the lithium iron phosphate battery.

It can be said that Liu Cong's craftsmanship is becoming more and more sophisticated. This metal sheet completely overlaps the battery seamlessly.

Liu Cong took out the graphene he had prepared from the special locker.

He then used a special adhesive to bond the graphene and pure alloy together.

Judging from the appearance, at least Liu Cong was successful this time.

So, Liu Cong divided the positive and negative electrodes of the battery, and then wrapped the battery tightly with a layer of special insulating material.

This is the fifth time Liu Cong has done such an experiment. He still remembers that when he did the first experiment, because he did not grasp the thickness of the material well, the battery bulged and smoked.

This frightened Liu Cong so much that he sprayed a fire extinguisher on the battery.

Later, Liu Cong realized that the battery itself would not explode or catch fire.

Therefore, Liu Cong thought that he was worrying too much.

After completing a series of basic operations, Liu Cong connected the battery to the charger.

This time Liu Cong went very smoothly, and the battery was fully charged in less than a minute.

This time, Liu Cong was very pleased, because after five experiments, he found a bulge once, no response after charging twice, and another time the battery stopped working after half of the charge.

This time, fortunately, it was fully charged. For Liu Cong, this was an improvement.

So, the next step was to start the most boring part.

Liu Cong took an ordinary battery and started comparing it with the graphene battery here.

But this time Liu Congfang was smart and directly used a higher-power LCD screen as an experimental comparison. Obviously this time it was much faster than the previous experiments.

In a little more than an hour, the power of an ordinary battery is completely consumed.

The graphene battery here is only more than ten percent higher than ordinary batteries.

Liu Cong knew that this experiment also failed.

After all, according to common sense, the utilization rate of graphene batteries is nearly twice that of ordinary batteries.

However, Liu Cong was not discouraged.

He knew that the problem was with the pure alloy material. As long as he continued to improve it, he would eventually achieve the results he wanted.

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