After finishing the experiment, it was getting late.

Liu Cong put the lunch box after eating next to the laboratory sink, washed it, and then sent it to Anna's office on the second floor.

At this time, Anna had not gotten off work yet and was busy working on documents in front of the computer.

After seeing Liu Cong knock on the door and come in with an empty lunch box, Anna motioned to put the lunch box on the table aside.

Then he waved to Liu Cong, "Liu Cong, our factory in the suburbs can start work tomorrow."

"In other words, our medicines will be available to be shipped to offline pharmacies across the country in the near future."

When Liu Cong heard this, he thought this was good news!


"Popularize it as soon as possible. I often read online that some patients report that they cannot buy medicine. As long as this factory is open, I think this problem will be much better."

"Besides, if it doesn't work out, we will build another factory in another place and try to spread our medicine to all parts of the country!"

With that said, Anna turned the computer screen to Liu Cong's side, pointed to a black font on the computer screen and explained to Liu Cong: "In fact, there is such a plan from above."

"He asked our institute to build factories in Jiangnan Province, Huizhou Province, Gannan Province and other places, saying that the funds were insufficient and the state would subsidize them."

Liu Cong looked at the bold words on the computer screen and saw that this was indeed what he said.

Moreover, this document was issued by the special department of China, and it can be said to be absolutely authoritative.

However, the more this happens, the more cautious Liu Cong must be.

After all, Liu Congdong's cake is too big in this matter.

Many top profitable industries, such as high-end medical care, are in the hands of the four major families.

They are the four major families of Zhang, Liu, Sun, and Xiao. They are involved in almost all walks of life in China.

However, these families usually stay behind the scenes and never interfere in the Chinese market.

However, once their own interests are touched, they may not sit still and wait for death.

However, as for how far things will develop, Liu Cong really can't say.

After Liu Cong came to his senses, he nodded calmly.

"Well, then just follow the country and whatever it says will be what it says."

"Our purpose is to serve the country, serve the society, and serve the people."

"We will fight wherever the superiors ask us to fight. If necessary, we can lower the price of medicines."

“It doesn’t even matter if you don’t make any money!”

Liu Cong's words really shocked Anna. She even thought Liu Cong was a madman.

Which enterprises do not exist to make money, unless they are some state-owned enterprises, they can do this.

However, for a private company, not making money is a fatal blow.

"Mr. Liu, this!! Σ(⊙▽⊙"a!"

Ana sat in her seat, her expression out of control.

"If we don't make money, the company really can't survive, Liu Cong, think twice!!"

Seeing Anna looking so panicked, Liu Cong signaled Anna to calm down.

"Who says we can't make money? We don't want to make money from the Chinese people. This way at least we won't let people take advantage of us and we can gain a good reputation."

"If you can do this, the government will definitely protect you..."

Liu Cong followed Anna and talked about his thoughts. Anna understood quickly. After Liu Cong said this, he understood what Liu Cong meant.

"Liu Cong, you mean to let us invade overseas markets, right?"

"That's right, as I told you last time, my box of medicine is selling for a hundred and eighty thousand dollars outside, and others will definitely buy it."

"In an industry, as long as you can achieve a monopoly, you can set the rules of the industry."

What Liu Cong said was quite leadership-like.

"Mr. Liu, what you are saying is that we don't have to worry about selling our medicine now. As long as we don't sell our patent, others will even imitate it."

After listening to Anna's words, Liu Cong gave an affirmative answer.

"This is necessary. If this is not possible, there is no need to develop this anti-cancer miracle drug."

"Okay, it's getting late now. You should get off work."

"When will you go to the new factory tomorrow? You can tell me on your phone then."

Liu Cong simply said goodbye to Anna and then left the office door.


At half past eight the next day, Liu Cong put on a formal suit and went out.

Because today is the opening day of the pharmaceutical factory, he must go there in person.

According to Anna on her cell phone, many prominent figures in the government will come to inspect today.

As the boss of the company, he certainly cannot take this opening event lightly.

The new factory built by Liu Cong is also in the economic development zone. It is not too far from Liu Cong's machine tool company, only more than five kilometers away.

The reason is that the land here is relatively cheap, and with government support, the factories are ready-made.

As long as they buy the equipment themselves and solve the fire protection problem, they can officially open the business.

Liu Cong drove 20 to 30 kilometers and followed the navigation to the entrance of the newly built pharmaceutical factory.

At this time, it was already around 9:20 in the morning.

Anna and the leaders of the outlets were standing at the door to greet people coming and going.

After Anna saw Liu Cong's car, she immediately asked the security guard to open the door.

After watching the door open, Liu Cong drove in.

Anna trotted closely behind, and then gave Liu Cong directions to the parking lot.

After entering, Liu Cong's first impression was that the factory was very large and extremely clean.

Magnolia grandiflora is planted on both sides of the road. It just so happens that this season is the day when magnolia grandiflora blooms.

The whole air is filled with the fragrance of magnolia grandiflorum.

The new factory has a total of seven production workshops.

Originally this factory was a steelmaking plant in the 1990s, but it has been shelved due to environmental renovation.

Fortunately, Liu Cong picked up this leak.

During this period, Liu Cong spent billions just to install the equipment in the factory. Fortunately, Liu Cong's family has a big business now, otherwise he really couldn't afford to build it like this.

Going deeper inside, Liu Cong saw two red banners hanging on the huge stone monuments on both sides of the factory.

It says: Provide first-class service and establish a first-class image.

Based on integrity and win-win with quality.

Moreover, there was a big lottery ticket hanging in the middle of the road. Of course Liu Cong knew what it was for.

Generally, companies have to cut the ribbon when they open their doors as a good omen.

At this moment, a middle-aged man appeared behind Liu Cong.

"You must be Mr. Liu!"

Hearing the greetings from behind, Liu Cong immediately turned around.

This was a very unfamiliar face that Liu Cong had never seen before.

"Hu Ju, you are here!!"

Anna was very enthusiastic when she saw this middle-aged man.

After hearing Anna's words, I learned that the other party's identity was very unusual.

"Mr. Liu, this is Hu Jun from the Peking Drug Supervision Bureau, Director Hu."

After Anna introduced her like this, Liu Cong didn't dare to neglect her.

"Hello, Director Hu, I'm Liu Cong."

"I'm glad you can come and attend our company's opening ceremony today."

Director Hu was very polite when he saw Liu Cong being so polite.

"Mr. Liu, you are serious."

“It’s really admirable to have such achievements at such a young age!”

Next, after the two exchanged a few words, other people came to the stone tablet one after another.

So, Anna introduced the people who came to attend the opening ceremony one by one. Some of them were known to Liu Cong and some were not.

Some people even didn't even know Anna and Liu Cong.

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