"I want to see what kind of forces are behind this young boy, and he can actually get protection from the military."

"I don't believe the military can do it a second time!!"

Master Sun's low roar made Secretary Huang take a step back in fright.

"Master Sun, what should we do now?" Secretary Huang asked.

Master Sun plated the walnuts in his hand and looked at Secretary Huang.

"Don't touch him yet. What's important now is to rescue Wu Hengyu, that loser, from prison."

"After all, I have been with my father for more than ten years. There is no credit but hard work."

"As for what happens next, it depends on what the people in the United States say..."


Another half month has passed, and there are only about ten days left before school starts.

At this time, Liu Cong in the laboratory was doing the experiment in hand.

After so many experiments, Liu Cong became more and more proficient in synthesizing pure alloys.

"10% for copper, 0.30% for nickel, 30% for aluminum..."

Liu Cong recited silently while putting the metal into the furnace.

Tens of minutes later, a synthesized net alloy appeared on the experimental table.

Liu Cong repeated the usual steps of forging, processing, installation, and then powered on the battery.

This time, the battery was fully charged from zero to 100% in just thirty seconds.

This is already a very big improvement.

Even if Liu Cong stops experimenting now and directly puts this battery on the market and claims that it is a graphene battery, a large number of manufacturers will rush to cooperate with Liu Cong.

After all, in the current battery market, no manufacturer can shorten the charging speed of the battery to less than one minute.

Moreover, with the same battery capacity, the battery life of Liu Cong's battery is more than double that of ordinary batteries, which is a very scary number.

But in Liu Cong's view, this is still far from enough.

In many aspects, Liu Cong still needs to improve a lot.

The battery life Liu Cong tested this time was no different from the last time. The only difference was that the charging speed was two seconds faster than last time.

This is already a huge improvement for Liu Cong.

You know, when Liu Cong developed controllable nuclear fusion, he also explored it step by step.

In just one month, it was not easy for Liu Cong to achieve this step.

"It seems that I can't get the graphene battery out before school starts."

"But it doesn't matter. I still have a lot of time left."

At this time, just as Liu Cong was thinking about how to conduct the next experiment, a phone call came in.

After the call was connected, a sweet voice came from the phone.

"Are you Liu Cong, the captain of the Huaqing University team?"

Liu Cong was a little confused, but he still answered the other person: "Hello, I am!"

"It's like this, the national LoL competition, the competition between the top 64 and the top 32 will start in a week."

"Please prepare your team members for subsequent competitions."

If the other party hadn't reminded him, Liu Cong would have really forgotten about this matter.

After all, it had been quite some time since Liu Cong and his team advanced to the top 64 last time.

When Liu Cong thought that he had not touched this game for a long time, he suddenly felt unsure.

And his team members didn't contact him often, and even like Liu Cong, they simply forgot about this game.

The world of academic masters is really unclear and incomprehensible.

Later, Liu Cong opened the Penguin account that he had not opened for several days, then clicked on the LOL team group, and passed the words of the organizer to several people intact.

The reaction of the four people was very calm, and they all just sent and received.

It seems that in their eyes, this competition is as normal as doing experiments.

In fact, Liu Cong is not too interested in this kind of competition, but he can earn reputation points and gain popularity.

Moreover, as long as he enters the top four in China, he can participate in the World Championship. By then, Liu Cong's reputation will be able to spread overseas.

The benefits are definitely many.

Therefore, no matter what, he must seize this opportunity, otherwise this opportunity to become famous will be wasted, and a skill point will also be wasted.

"It seems that I need to find time to train with my players. I don't know if they have the time."

"I'll ask again later!" Liu Cong said to himself.

Looking at the mess all over the table in the laboratory, I put down my phone and started to tidy up the laboratory.

After sorting out the equipment, Liu Cong was ready to go downstairs and go home as usual.

When he just went out, Liu Cong bumped into a person head-on. This person looked familiar to Liu Cong. When he remembered, this person had already spoken first.

"Mr. Liu, do you still remember me?"

"I attended the ribbon-cutting ceremony of your factory that day."

Standing in front of Liu Cong was Secretary Huang.

"Oh! I remember, why did you come to see me today?" Liu Cong asked.

"That's it. My young master wants to see you. I wonder if you have the time?"


Liu Cong looked up at the orange sky, then looked at the phone in his hand.

"Well, it's getting very late now, how about another day?"

Secretary Huang smiled and said: "It's okay, as long as you are willing to meet, you can decide the time!"

Liu Cong didn't know how to answer Secretary Huang's words for a moment, so he could only smile friendly towards Secretary Huang.

"Well, maybe tomorrow."

"I'll wait for you in the conference room on the first floor below at 9:30 tomorrow morning."

Seeing this, Secretary Huang could only fulfill his promise.

Liu Cong didn't take this matter to heart. After all, it was normal for someone to want to meet him.

At around nine o'clock the next morning, Liu Cong was sitting in the office alone waiting for the person from last night to show up.

It was just half past nine when Liu Cong heard the sound of high heels and leather shoes outside the door.

The next second, there was a gentle knock on the office door.

"The door isn't locked, just push it open."

As soon as he finished speaking, the door was pushed open by a man in his thirties.

Behind him is the secretary who talked to him in his research institute last night.

The man in front of him was about the same height as Liu Cong, with a beard and a very masculine look.

Everything on his body is a luxury item, even the watch on his hand is from Patek Philippe.

Liu Cong knew that the person in front of him was definitely not an ordinary person.


The man in front of him took the initiative to extend his right hand. Upon seeing this, Liu Cong quickly stood up from his seat and shook hands with this man.


"Please sit down!"

The man in front of him didn't be polite to Liu Cong and sat down directly.

In order to show his kindness to the landlord, Liu Cong began to make tea.

During this period, the two did not communicate at all, as if they were waiting for each other to find a topic to talk about first.

It was not a problem to see the two of them continue to be in such a stalemate, so Secretary Huang on the side began to take the initiative.

"Mr. Liu, this is our young master."

"Master, this is Mr. Liu."

Seeing this, Liu Cong planned to take the initiative first.

"Hello, may I ask your name?"

The person in front of him didn't hide anything and said directly to Liu Cong: "My surname is Sun."

"Name, Shao Yuan."

When Liu Cong was about to introduce himself, Sun Shaoyuan immediately said: "I know, your name is Liu Cong."

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