When Liu Cong learned that the other party knew his real name, he was not surprised.

After all, he is also a public figure now, and it is normal for him to be known to the public.

Presumably, this person had already inquired about him before coming.

"I came here today mainly because I wanted to discuss something with you."

When Liu Cong heard that something was going to be discussed, his originally smiling face immediately became serious.

"You said, as long as I can do it, I can promise you."

Hearing what Liu Cong said, Sun Shaoyuan in front of him showed an elusive smile.

"Now that you've said that, I'll get right to the point."

"I came here this time to buy your patent!"

Sun Shaoyuan approached Liu Cong's face with a smile on his face, "Is that okay?"

At this time, Sun Shaoyuan's face showed not a smile, but a murderous intent.

To be honest, this was the first time Liu Cong had seen a person exuding such an aura.

Liu Cong even doubted whether there had been any murder cases in his hands.

Even so, Liu Cong was not deterred by Sun Shaoyuan's expression.

"Mr. Sun, I'm sorry, but I can't agree to your request."

Liu Cong said as he poured tea for the two of them.

Sun Shaoyang's expression gradually turned grim when he saw Liu Cong being so calm.


After Sun Shaoyang took the cup from Liu Cong's hand, he politely said thank you.

"Can you tell me why you don't sell this patent?"

"It's okay if you transfer it to us."

Faced with this matter, Liu Cong remained indifferent.

"I'm really sorry. If you come to buy medicine, I might agree to it. This condition is really unacceptable."

Liu Congpi said to Sun Shaoyuan in front of him with a smile.

After Sun Shaoyuan heard that Liu Cong rejected his request, he had no intention of giving up.

"Do you know who I am?"

"Do you know the four major families?"

When Liu Cong heard the words "four major families", he was a little surprised.

Sun Shaoyuan's surname is Sun, and there happens to be one Sun family among the four major families.

According to Liu Cong's understanding, this Sun family is the Sun family that controls a lot of medical resources. Even many Putian hospitals now have the shadow of the Sun family.

In addition to medical care, the Sun family also controls many mines, securities companies, and even some gray industries.

It can be said that the wealth of the current richest man in China may not be as much as that of these four major families.

This shows how terrifying this is.

The saying that wealth can rival a country is definitely not fabricated, it is based on real evidence.

"You know, don't you?"

"Yes, I am."

Seeing Sun Shaoyuan reveal his identity in front of him, Liu Cong knew that this matter might be a bit tricky.

Unlike before, those so-called bosses were only rich at most, but the four major families were different.

Many members of their family are highly respected and have people in various fields.

Most people would be frightened to their knees when they heard Sun Shaoyuan say this.

With such an identity, anyone would be afraid of him.

However, even so, Liu Cong could not hand over the patent in his hands.

"Can we discuss it now?"

Seeing that Liu Cong didn't respond, Sun Siyuan in front of him reminded Liu Cong again.

Liu Cong looked at the two of them and smiled helplessly.

"Master Sun, I'm really sorry. Even if you are from the Sun family, I will not hand over the patent in my hand to you."

Seeing Liu Cong being so determined, Sun Shaoyuan's face gradually fell.

"I originally thought you were the illegitimate son of the Liu family, but then I checked again and found that it was not the case."

"But you have many companies under your name, but I can't even check them."

"I don't know what means you used to hide them, and it doesn't matter."

"I also know that there are people behind you protecting you, but this is not your rampant method."

Sun Shaoyuan has already made his words very clear to Liu Cong.

Liu Cong was also surprised that he had done so much homework before looking for him.

Obviously, Sun Shaoyuan came prepared this time and was determined to kill Liu Cong.

Liu Cong smiled helplessly, "Master Sun, I'm just an ordinary person. Please stop digging into my identity. You won't be able to find out anything."

"As for the patent, I really can't grant it, so please don't embarrass me anymore!"

Sun Shaoyuan was stunned. Secretary Huang next to him was also stunned.

Ever since he was young, Sun Shaoyuan has always been smooth sailing, and he has never been able to get anything he wants.

Even if he couldn't get it, his father would get it for him at any cost.

The reason is that he is the only son of the head of the Sun family. If he doesn't love him, who will?

However, just today, Liu Cong rejected Sun Shaoyuan over and over again.

This made him look a little confused.

"Are you willing to let me acquire your company?"

"I've given you enough face by being able to negotiate with you, but you don't know what's good and what's good, so don't blame me for being rude!"

Faced with the naked threat, Liu Cong smiled.

"Master Sun, we have no grievances. You wouldn't target me like this!"

"Who says there is no hatred without injustice?"

"Forget it, I don't want to mention that matter anymore!"

Sun Shaoyuan's words made Liu Cong confused.

He has never had contact with anyone in the Sun family from beginning to end, so how could he offend them.

Now, there is only one theory that can work, and that is that Sun Shaoyuan came specifically to find trouble.

Just to threaten Liu Cong into handing over his patent.

Because this cake is so big, many people are jealous.

Sun Shaoyuan is just standing in the open now, and there are still many people behind the scenes who have not shown up. He doesn't know what kind of problems are waiting for him in the future.

Seeing that Liu Cong was out of luck, Sun Shaoyuan no longer planned to stay here.

"We are not done with this matter!"

"Secretary Huang, let's go!"

With that said, Sun Shaoyuan walked out without even looking back.

Before leaving, Secretary Huang gave Liu Cong a pitiful look, as if he were looking at a lamb about to be slaughtered.

"Walk slowly! Come and play often when you have time!"

Even so, Liu Cong was not angry.

For people of this level, if you can, try not to provoke them. Otherwise, even if someone protects you, you won't be much better off.

"It's strange, when did I provoke people from the Sun family?"

After the two left, Liu Cong thought about it carefully and couldn't figure out where he offended Sun Shaoyuan.

"Oh, forget it, let him be!"

"It's impossible to try to get my idea anyway."


A prison in Peiping City.

A middle-aged man with stubble on his face was pulled out by two police officers.

"You're free now!"

"Click~" With a crisp sound, the handcuffs were unlocked.

"Thank you, Master!"

The man in front of him fell to his knees on the ground.

"Get up! Give me something to eat later."

"If you get into trouble again next time, I won't be able to protect you."

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