Wu Hengyu burst into tears of gratitude for Sun Xianyuan's action.

"Thank you, Master, for the rescue. I promise there will be no next time."

Wu Hengyu was really scared this time. After working hard in the mall for so many years, it was the first time he had spent so many days in jail.

He originally planned to spend his whole life in prison. After all, the crime he committed was too great.

Big enough to be jailed for life.

If Sun Shaoyuan hadn't done so many things for the Sun family, he would never have had a chance to get out of the prison gate.

Seeing Wu Hengyu's good attitude, Sun Shaoyuan's expression softened a little.

"Okay, let this matter go as it is!"

"Just go behind the scenes. You will definitely not be able to open the company."

Now, Wu Hengyu doesn't care about this at all.

As long as you can be free, nothing else matters.

"Master Sun, I will just support you behind the scenes from now on."

Afterwards, Sun Shaoyuan took Wu Hengyu out of the police station. Before leaving, he had an in-depth exchange with the chief here.

At noon, Liu Cong had just finished his morning experiment.

Anna had already put all the food at the door. She knew he was doing an experiment, so she didn't disturb him.

Since I wasted some time this morning, I didn't do much experimentation.

After lunch, Liu Cong continued his experiment.

In the afternoon, I repeated the experiment of pure alloy fusion. Compared with before, there was some progress today.

This still made Liu Cong very happy.

In the evening, Liu Cong drove home as usual.

After dinner, Liu Cong returned to his room.

Because, he has a very important thing to do tonight.

Then play training games with your teammates.

After all, it's less than a week before the game starts.

For a long time, several people did not have any game exchanges.

Just taking advantage of these few days, a few people can have a good run-in in Alliance Canyon.

Liu Cong had not played for a while and was a little unfamiliar with this game.

Fortunately, he is good at ice. Even if ice is not strong this season, Liu Cong relies on his unique skills to lead his teammates to kill indiscriminately in the alliance canyon.

You know, this is Dian Yi's master game.

The fact that he can accomplish this is enough to prove that Liu Cong's understanding of this game has reached its ultimate level.

And his teammates are also very powerful characters.

If Liu Cong has some talent, then few of them don't.

The first teammate is the fifth blind monk in the national server, the second teammate is the third bright moon in the national server, the third teammate is the sixth crocodile in the national server, and the fourth teammate is the first Thresh in the national server.

The gaming talents of these people can only be described as terrifying, and they are the kind who can learn the game without fail.

In the dead of night, Liu Cong's earphones occasionally heard the sound of his teammates reporting signals. At other times, they were playing games seriously.

In just one night, Liu Cong returned to his peak.

He went up from Master to King, and regained his title as the best ice player in the national server.


Five days later,

It was a drizzly rainy day, and Liu Cong and his four other teammates set out on their way to Shanglu for the competition.

They have no substitutes and no sponsors.

Even the team uniforms are Huaqing University uniforms.

If you want to say that they don't respect the game, they are called the Huaqing University team.

The school uniform has the words Huaqing University.

To say that they respect the game, their clothes are too monotonous.

However, for people who play games, what they wear is not important in their eyes.

What matters is whether you play the game well and whether you can carry, that's enough.

"Captain, do you want to hold an umbrella?"

After getting off the taxi, Liu Cong realized that he had forgotten to bring an umbrella when he went out.

But in order to prevent the gaming equipment he brought from getting wet from the rain, Liu Cong had no choice but to hold an umbrella with his teammates.

Since both of them are very tall, a small umbrella is very fragile in the wind.

Soon after, the five people got on the high-speed train.

In order to give the team members the best treatment, Liu Cong directly booked a first-class seat and paid all the expenses himself.

After all, this is the competition that I proposed to hold, and I am too embarrassed to ask them for ticket money.

Liu Cong even paid for the hotel they stayed in, but for the later rewards, this was not a big deal.

After arriving in Shanglu, a few people booked a three-star hotel next to the stadium, which was enough for them.

This time, it is the last time for their top 64 to advance to the semi-finals. As long as they can enter the semi-finals this time, it means that they are qualified to enter the world championship.

By then, it won't be just the Chinese teams that are competing against them.

If you can really win the world championship, you will not only get money and fame, but you can also bring glory to the country.

From the LOL World Championship to the present, no championship has belonged to a Chinese team.

The only time they entered the semi-finals, the game was ended 3:0 by Ryukyu Kingdom.

This competition has dealt a big blow to the Chinese LOL industry.

For a long time, no one was willing to touch this game.

A game loses its commercial value if it loses pleasure during playing.

Then he is not far from bankruptcy. This is an iron law.

Fortunately, in order to regain lost game users, Penguin regained a large number of users by logging in to give away skins and holding offline competitions.

Otherwise, this game may become popular in China.

Therefore, this time, Liu Cong came here for the semi-finals.

Otherwise, he and his teammates would not have worked so hard to score points during this period.

During this period, they also developed many sets of playing methods to deal with various emergencies on the field.

After all, their opponents this time are not just small campus teams.

Those who can detect the tight siege are basically major clubs.

Over the years, there really has not been a college that can enter the stage of the LOL world.

It was the afternoon of the next day,

Liu Cong will usher in their first game from the top 64 to the top 32.

Today, their opponent is a club called Phoenix.

When they saw the Huaqing team facing them, they did not underestimate their opponents.

They didn't dare to underestimate them easily. This was a team from the highest university in China.

Even if they are eliminated this time, they will still shine in other areas.

"I declare that the game officially begins!!!"

Following the game host's order, the sixty-four teams on site began the competition.

This scene seems to be in a large Internet cafe, very lively.

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