Seeing this, Jiang Wanying did not care about what Liu Cong said just now, and then said: "At present, we have freed up a department and established a charity fund department."

"As you said, we invested 10% of the net profit of 4 billion earned last month, which is 400 million."

“Right now, I just don’t know how to use this money.”

"According to your wishes, you can't donate it, so how should we use this money?"

Faced with Jiang Wanying's question, Liu Cong thought for a while and then gave an accurate answer.

"This is very simple. Didn't I tell you that day?"

"This money can be used like this..."

Liu Cong and Jiang Wanying discussed in the pavilion for a long time, and Jiang Wanying also understood what Liu Cong meant.

"I understand. I will follow your plan when I get back."

"But this project may have to be handed over to other people in the company."

Liu Cong looked at Jiang Wanying and asked, "Why?"

Jiang Wanying was silent for a while, and then explained: "As you know, we will be seniors this year, and I still have a lot of project reports and graduation thesis to deal with."


Hearing Jiang Wanying's explanation, Liu Cong could understand. After all, not every Huaqing student is as free as Liu Cong. They are very busy every day.

Some people are busy studying for postgraduate entrance examinations, some are busy with various competitions, and others are focused on scientific research.

The overall learning atmosphere at Huaqing University is still very good.

It's just that Liu Cong is an outlier, and the school will not force him to do anything.

After all, he is someone who can develop photolithography machines and controllable nuclear fusion.

Moreover, as an academician, he can be the president of Huaqing University.

Liu Cong looked at Jiang Wanying and nodded, "Well, it doesn't matter. If you are busy with tasks, you can ask others to do it for you."

"But some big things in the company still need to be decided by you personally."

At this point, Jiang Wanying nodded undeniably.

"Well, I know that."

After the two people discussed it, they went directly to the cafeteria to have lunch together.

While Liu Cong was queuing up to buy food, he saw someone he shouldn't have seen.

At this time, Ariel Ariel was queuing up alone at the window not far from Liu Cong to eat.

Her current attire is not as flashy as before, and she doesn't even need to put on makeup.

Ariel Ariel didn't notice Liu Cong, and Liu Cong didn't want to go up and say hello when he saw her.

Therefore, the two of them just missed it.

After lunch, Liu Cong had time in the afternoon and wanted to go to the laboratory to continue his graphene battery experiment.

After so many days of hard work, his skills have become more and more sophisticated.

He believes that it won't be long before he can create a graphene battery.

Just when Liu Cong was about to get in the car and go to the outlet laboratory, Academician Zhou's phone rang.

After a month or two, Academician Zhou finally called again.

Liu Cong knew that usually when Academician Zhou called, there must be something important, otherwise he would not call.

Obviously, Liu Cong guessed correctly.

As soon as the call was connected, Academician Zhou's urgent voice sounded from the other end of the phone.

"Academician Liu, we have made great progress again! This time it is really great progress!!"

When he heard this sentence, Liu Cong knew that this might really be good news.

"Academician Liu, it's not convenient for me to talk about the specific matters on the phone. You'd better come here quickly!!"

"Okay, I know Academician Zhou, I'll drive over now."

Seeing that today's experiment could not be completed, Liu Cong started the car and drove directly to the special laboratory in the suburbs.

At around two o'clock in the afternoon, Liu Cong came to this special experimental area.

Compared with last time, the defense this time is even stricter.

Soldiers were guarding everything within a five-kilometer radius.

Liu Cong even saw radar and anti-aircraft guns inside. When Liu Cong came last time, these things were still not available.

"This car owner, stop!!"

"You can't come here, please go back the way you came, otherwise don't blame us for being rude!!"

The soldier guarding the gate pointed his gun directly at Liu Cong's head.

Seeing this, Liu Cong didn't mean to panic, but took out something similar to an ID from his pocket.

After seeing this, the soldier looked at Liu Cong again, and then directly handed over the certificate with both hands.

"I'm sorry, I was rude just now!!"

"Quick, let Academician Liu go immediately!!!"

The soldier in green military uniform waved directly to the front.

The next second, the door was opened by two soldiers.

Of course, Liu Cong has not arrived at the research institute yet. He is still close to five kilometers away from the research institute.

Liu Cong drove very slowly on the road, for fear that these soldiers would shoot Liu Cong.

Fortunately, there were army vehicles following Liu Cong, so no soldiers stepped forward to stop Liu Cong.

Soon after, Liu Cong came to the gate outside the research institute.

The defense here is stricter than outside, and there are cameras everywhere.

The defending soldiers saw Liu Cong being escorted by military vehicles and looked at Liu Cong's license plate.

Now he came up to confirm Liu Cong's identity, and then opened the door directly for Liu Cong.

After entering, Liu Cong parked his car at the same spot and prepared to enter the institute's workshop.

From the time Liu Cong came in outside to the time he entered the institute, there were soldiers following Liu Cong.

When he was about to enter, Liu Cong dialed a special number, which was also the special number used by Academician Zhou.

After all, in this kind of research project involving the ultimate secret of the country, no one is allowed to bring mobile phones.

Some of them are specially distributed by the state and can only be bound to one person.

After making the call for a while, Academician Zhou hurriedly came out.

Academician Zhou was a little excited after meeting Liu Cong.

"Academician Liu, you are finally here!!"

"Hurry in!!"

Afterwards, Academician Zhou waved to the soldiers behind him, and then the two soldiers left on their own.

"Academician Liu, this is really a major breakthrough!!"

"We made it!"



Liu Cong looked at Academician Zhou in front of him in disbelief.

"Yes! We succeeded, we really succeeded!"

"Our model is complete!"

After listening to Academician Zhou's story, Liu Cong's hands were trembling.

He knows what it means to successfully develop a model, which is 100% replication.

As long as there is a model, a controllable nuclear fusion power plant can be copied one to one.

This is a historic technological breakthrough for China and even all mankind! ! !

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