In order to upgrade to a bachelor's degree: Master the photolithography machine technology at t

Chapter 316: Controllable nuclear fusion power station, a major breakthrough

"Quick!! Take me in and have a look!!"

It can be said that this is the only news that Liu Cong has been excited about in the past few months.

Academician Zhou was also unambiguous and immediately took Liu Cong into the workshop.

However, before entering, all of Liu Cong's electronic equipment was handed over to the guarding soldiers for safekeeping.

In the workshop, the parts and equipment needed for the controllable nuclear fusion power station are being produced at this time.

Every part is very big, even a screw is bigger than Liu Cong's entire body.

Liu Cong looked left and right, looking at the environment in the workshop.

This time, there are more equipment in the workshop than the last time I came here.

This also means that they have made adequate preparations this time.

"Academician Liu, we followed your idea and worked hard day and night on research, and finally we got it done."

"Just a small controllable nuclear fusion power station, its power generation power exceeds our imagination."

"I'm thinking that if a real controllable nuclear fusion power station is built, the entire city of Peiping will only need one controllable nuclear fusion power station."

"By then, the era of coal-based power generation will be completely replaced!!"

After listening to Academician Zhou's speech, Liu Cong knew what it meant.

Once such equipment is developed, it will be inexhaustible.

It can even be said that with such technology, Blue Star can be directly promoted to a first-level civilization.

Energy freedom is largely equivalent to humans having the ability to explore the universe.

With the current state of science and technology of mankind, the most we can do is allow people to go to the moon.

Moreover, in the next few decades, humans will not stand on the moon.

It can be seen how difficult it is for human beings to explore planets.

And with controllable nuclear fusion, it means that humans are very likely to develop the ability to control nuclear fusion starships.

By then, it will no longer be a dream for humans to fly out of Blue Star to other planets! !

It can be seen that there is a reason why everyone is so excited.

As they spoke, the two of them arrived outside the research institute.

After layers of identification, the door outside the laboratory was opened.

At this time, a huge device appeared in front of Liu Cong.

When Liu Cong saw such a huge thing, his pupils became enlarged.

This is exactly the state of the ideal controllable nuclear fusion power station in Liu Cong's mind.

"It really shocked me!"

Liu Cong couldn't help but sigh. When Dean Zhou saw Liu Cong's reaction, he nodded in agreement.

"Academician Liu, let's go in."

At this time, this small controllable nuclear fusion power station is operating at full capacity.

The controllable nuclear fusion power station that originally had only one tokamak device now has two.

The reason is that when one of the tokamak devices runs out of fuel, the tokamak device next to it will sense and start immediately to complete the interaction.

"Academician Liu, we plan to use this small controllable nuclear fusion power station to supply electricity to the entire workshop and a radius of ten miles."

"We have completed the first phase of testing and it was very successful."

"The next step is to complete the subsequent transfer, and this small controllable nuclear fusion power station can be put into use!!"

When Academician Zhou said this, his eyes were full of pride.

It can be seen how satisfied he is with the new power generation equipment in front of him.

Not only was he satisfied, Liu Cong and everyone were also satisfied.

At this time, Academician Li also put down what he was doing after seeing Liu Cong coming over.

"Liu Yuan, you are here!!"

Liu Cong looked at Li Yuan who was beside him, smiled and nodded.

"Can I not come for such an important matter?"

"But why are you getting thinner and thinner?"

Looking at Academician Li's gradually thinning face, Liu Cong couldn't help but become concerned.

Academician Li waved his hand, "It's okay, I'm just a little tired during this period. I'll just take a rest after I'm done!"

Academician Zhou next to him was silent when he saw Academician Li like this.

Seeing that Liu Cong was silent, Academician Li added: "Lao Shu and the others will come over soon."

"I guess this point is already on the way!"

"Shu Lao is coming too?"

Although Liu Cong asked this, he was not surprised. After all, the people involved in such a major matter would definitely come to take a look.

Afterwards, Academician Zhou and Academician Li took Liu Cong to look around the laboratory and saw that these researchers were working hard on the research at hand.

Although each of their faces was full of exhaustion, they had no intention of putting down their work.

Liu Cong was deeply moved by this scene.

These scientific researchers have put in so much effort for the country's scientific and technological progress and for the people to live and work in peace and contentment.

"Academician Liu, this device has become more efficient after our reform."

"The equipment you saw for the first time did not have a lot of things done right."

Academician Zhou pointed to the condensation tube on the tokamak device.

"In one experiment, the condenser tube almost exploded, causing irreversible damage to the device."

"Later, we really had no other choice, so we used more stable oil cooling to dissipate heat. Since then, this has never happened again."

After listening to Academician Zhou's introduction, Liu Cong nodded repeatedly.

"This, I did not think fully about this at the beginning, but fortunately it did not cause any harm."

At this moment, the special phone in Academician Li's pocket suddenly rang.

Upon seeing this, Academician Li immediately picked up the phone in his hand.

"Oh, you're at the door!"

"Okay, I understand, I'll come and pick you up!!"

After hanging up the phone, Academician Li turned back and looked at the two of them.

"Everyone from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Mr. Shu are here. I have to go out and take care of them now."

After finishing speaking, Academician Li opened the door of the laboratory and hurried out.

At this time, Academician Zhou still took Liu Cong to introduce their next plan to Liu Cong in detail.

"According to the requirements of the government, we need to build the first controllable nuclear fusion power station within half a year."

"With the current progress, I guess we don't need to wait until then."

“It will be fully built in about four months!”

Liu Cong has no doubt about this.

It is not without reason that China is known as an infrastructure madman.

"Well, where do they plan to build this controllable nuclear fusion power station?"

Seeing Liu Cong asking this, Academician Zhou patted his thigh.

"That's a good question for you!"

"Don't worry, the foundations over there are being built now, and the power station over there will be built soon."

"At that time, we can transport the equipment directly from here."

"The power station over there is not far from us, less than two kilometers away."

From what Academician Zhou said, it’s really not that far away.

Liu Cong and Academician Zhou were walking and chatting, and unknowingly came to the entrance of the laboratory.

At this time, the door of the laboratory was slowly opened.

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