A group of people headed by Academician Li walked in slowly.

At this time, each of their faces was filled with shock, just like those who had never seen the world before.

Liu Cong understands this reaction very well.

Because there is still very little research in this field.

Even Liu Cong has only scratched the surface.

There were about ten people who came to the laboratory, and many of them were familiar faces.

A large number of people are the same group Liu Cong met in Huaqing Laboratory.

Led by Shu Lao, they slowly approached Liu Cong.

There are many people, all of their attention is focused on this controllable nuclear fusion power station.

I didn't see Liu Cong in the laboratory at this time at all.

"Academician Shu, you are here!"

Upon seeing this, Academician Zhou and Liu Cong came up to greet Mr. Shu warmly.

Elder Shu used a walking stick and moved step by step towards Liu Cong and Academician Zhou.

Seeing this, Liu Cong hurriedly stepped forward to help him.

"Academician Liu, we haven't seen each other for a while. How are you doing?"

At this time, Mr. Shu looked at Liu Cong, who was helping him, with extremely kind eyes.

"Academician Shu, everything is fine!"

"Okay, okay! As long as you live well, I will live well!"

"If you don't have a good life, I won't be able to sleep or eat well either!"

Of course Liu Cong could understand what Shu Lao meant by these words.

He is now a key protected target of the country. If something happens to him, this group of people will not be in trouble.

"Academician Shu, you are serious!"

"Our greatest happiness is that a national treasure hero like you is living well!"

Maybe the older generation didn't like the feeling of being sought after, so Mr. Shu smiled lightly and quickly changed the subject.

"Hey! This device is really good!!"

"It's just that now it's all wrapped in a shell, and you can't see the reaction inside!"

Shu Lao looked at such a huge device in front of him with a smile on his face.

Then, Mr. Shu seemed to have thought of something and immediately turned his head to look at the academicians behind him.

"Don't forget your mission today. Hurry up and collect important data for me later. Don't delay the mission assigned to us by the country!!"

As Mr. Shu spoke, he tapped the ground twice with his crutch.

When the academicians behind him saw this, they all agreed in unison.

"Yes!! We promise to complete the tasks assigned to us by our superiors!!"

Shu Lao looked at this group of academicians, most of whom were over fifty years old, and nodded with satisfaction.

"You will listen to Academician Zhou and Academician Li's arrangements later, and strive to ensure that nothing goes wrong when collecting data!"


Liu Cong stood aside and was a little confused after hearing these words.

"Academician Shu, what are you..."

"Don't you know? Academician Zhou didn't tell you?"

Liu Cong shook his head and said he didn't know.

At this time, Academician Zhou on the side explained: "That's what I was telling you about the power station just now."

Liu Cong was still confused.

At this time, Shu Lao explained to Liu Cong: "It's like this."

"Building such a large-scale controllable nuclear fusion power station is not a simple matter."

"Strictly speaking, this is the greatest challenge the country will ever face."

"In order for this power station to be successfully built this time, all the elites in China have joined the battle."

"It is to ensure that a controllable nuclear fusion power plant will be built in a few months."

At this point, Liu Cong finally understood the ins and outs of this matter.

As Mr. Shu said, such a large project would be completely impossible to build without the support of a strong scientific foundation.

This includes too many core technologies. Even the most basic infrastructure of the power station was designed and supervised by China's top construction masters.

It can be seen that the scale is so huge.

"Academician Shu, I really haven't considered what you said."

"You are right, we cannot be careless or careless about this matter."

While Liu Cong and Shu Lao were talking, a dozen academicians began to collect information.

The researchers in the laboratory were extremely excited to see these industry leaders.

Because what they are working towards is to become people like these academicians one day.


The collection of information continued nervously, while Shu Lao and Liu Cong quietly watched the scene in front of them.

"Academician Liu, you said that I really didn't expect that one day I would see a scene like this."

"I have imagined this scenario countless times, but it has never come true."

"He has also become a knot in my heart."

Speaking of this, Shu Lao sighed softly.

"I thought I would never see such a scene in my life, but you made me realize such a wish!!"

"The future of the country will be in your hands."

"Old, old!!"

Speaking of this, Shu Lao's tears welled up in his eyes.

Seeing this, he took out a handkerchief embroidered with mandarin ducks from his pocket, and then slowly wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes.

"This handkerchief was embroidered for me by my late wife when he was still alive, and I still keep it until now."

"When all this is done, I'm going to see my wife. She's really lonely there!!!"

When Shu Lao talked about his wife, his face couldn't stop smiling.

"Bah, bah, bah! You still have many years to live!"

"The country needs you, you can't leave like this, and your wife won't want to leave like this."

Hearing what Liu Cong said, Mr. Shu laughed loudly.

"Yes, I have a few more years to live, and I wouldn't worry if I left now."

"I still have several students under me who haven't been taught yet."

Seeing a hint of sadness in Shu Lao's smile, Liu Cong immediately changed the topic.

"Lao Shu, when will we start construction!!"

"Hurry, once they build the power station, we will transport the equipment there for assembly and debugging."

"The whole process will still take several months."



Shu Lao told Liu Cong the whole process, and Liu Cong listened with great interest.

"So that's it. Then you mean to announce this power station to the world by then?"

Hearing Liu Cong ask this, Mr. Shu hesitated for a moment.

"Maybe. When the time is right, I believe the country will announce the controllable nuclear fusion power plant."

"As long as we master the core technology, it doesn't matter if we publish it. Just like the West blocked our lithography machines at the beginning, we have no choice."

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