Liu Cong still agreed very much with what Mr. Shu said.

It is because technology is stuck that China has no solution in many places.

As long as you have the technology, you won’t be able to copy it if I don’t publish it.

Liu Cong still looks forward to the early construction of a controllable nuclear fusion power station.

"Academician Shu, I obey the country's arrangements in everything."

“What the country thinks is what I think.”

Liu Cong looked at Mr. Shu with sincerity in his eyes.

"Academician Liu, some important decisions still need to be made by you."

"You are the developer of this. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them! I can report them to the higher ups."

Hearing what Mr. Shu said, Liu Cong smiled slightly.

Things have developed to this point, and Liu Cong doesn't need to put more thought into this aspect.

Because he still has many important things to accomplish by himself.

"Lao Shu, I don't have any problem."

While the two were chatting, Academician Yang carried a box towards them.

"Lao Shu, Academician Liu." Academician Yang nodded to the two of them.

Seeing this, the two of them smiled and nodded in return.

"Have you collected all the information?" Shu Lao asked.

Seeing Mr. Shu ask this question, Academician Yang clapped the box in his hand, as happy as a child.

"Lao Shu, it's right here!"

"Half of the information is still with Academician Sun. In about ten minutes, our work of collecting information will be completed."

Mr. Shu took the small black box from Academician Yang's hand and looked at it carefully.

This is something similar to a USB disk container, which contains important information about controllable nuclear fusion power plants.

At this moment, Academician Sun had imported all the information and came over with the box in hand.

"Lao Shu, I'm fine here too!"

Upon seeing this, Mr. Shu handed the black box back to Academician Yang who was standing aside.

"Now that everything is done, we won't stay here any longer. We still have a lot to do when we get back."

Shu Lao looked at the controllable nuclear fusion power station in front of him and felt mixed emotions in his heart.

"We need to get this out as soon as possible." Shu Lao pointed to the equipment in front of him with his crutch.

"Let's go, don't delay the work of the scientific researchers here." Mr. Shu said to the two academicians next to him.

"Okay Mr. Shu, let's get ready now!"

When the two academicians left, Mr. Shu looked at Liu Cong beside him.

"Academician Liu, do you want to go back now?"

Liu Cong nodded, "I'm going back too, let's go out together!"

Subsequently, under the escort of the army, the four vehicles successfully left the experimental area.

Perhaps to protect the data, even after they left the experimental area, there were still two armed vehicles following behind the vehicle.

After walking only a few kilometers, Liu Cong separated from Lao Shu and his car at a fork in the road.

After returning to school, it was almost six o'clock in the afternoon.

At this time, Liu Cong could no longer go to the outlet laboratory, so he made an appointment with Chen Qiong to have skewers at a barbecue stall near the school.

After coming back and washing up at night, Liu Cong lay on the bed. Just as he was about to fall asleep, the system's voice suddenly sounded in Liu Cong's mind.

[Host, you still have one chance to draw a lottery, do you want to use it?]

"A chance to draw a lottery? I didn't buy a lottery!"

[Due to the increase in the popularity of the host, this lottery opportunity was offered]

[Last time Tuantuan was sleeping and forgot to remind him]

Liu Cong felt dizzy after hearing this. This artificial intelligence was completely artificially retarded. It was better not to wake up in the first place.

"Okay, let me go in and see for myself!"

With that said, Liu Cong entered the system with his mind and found that there was indeed a lottery opportunity in his backpack.

He looked at his reputation points again and found that the five million reputation points that he had used up had been replenished.

From the original 27 million, it has returned to more than 32 million.

Afterwards, Liu Cong returned to the system's lottery wheel, preparing to use this lottery opportunity tonight.

He gently turned the turntable with his mind, and the turntable started spinning.

Five seconds later, the pointer pointed within the range of consumables.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting the brain power potion]

The next second, a small orange potion appeared in Liu Cong's hand.

This lottery result is acceptable to Liu Cong. After all, it would cost five million reputation points to buy it by himself.

"Well, that's acceptable!"

Liu Cong was lying on the bed, looking at the small bottle of orange potion, and without any hesitation, he drank it in one gulp.

Just like the last time, Liu Cong felt his brain was cooler than ever the second after drinking the brain potion, and he didn't even feel sleepy at all.

Liu Cong can improve his intelligence every time he drinks a bottle of brain potion.

In other words, as long as Liu Cong keeps drinking potions, his intelligence will continue to improve.

Seeing that he was not sleepy at all, Liu Cong simply climbed out of bed, turned on the computer, and started a LOL training match alone.

In order to ensure that he can gain fame in the World Championship this time, Liu Cong can only work harder and strive to train the ADC position to the extreme.

In this way, Liu Cong held the computer and played games until three or four o'clock in the morning, and then fell asleep.

When he woke up early the next morning, Liu Cong didn't even feel a trace of sleepiness.

On the first day of school, Liu Cong couldn't just miss class like this.

So, I carried my schoolbag and headed to the classroom.

Still in the same place, still with Jiang Wanying, the two of them did not listen to the lecture at the end, but began to communicate about some programming issues.

These problems are all minor problems for Liu Cong.

He directly told Jiang Wanying everything he understood.

Jiang Wanying was confused about this, but she could barely accept some of the knowledge.

"Why would you want to learn something like this?"

Liu Cong was very confused because the programming technology he learned was about virtual currency technology.

The company he runs is a browser kernel company, which makes Liu Cong very puzzled.

Jiang Wanying hesitated for a while, and then said: "I have a very bold idea, which can prevent the United States from imposing economic sanctions on China!!"

Jiang Wanying's words shocked Liu Cong.

How could she, an undergraduate student at Huaqing University, think of something like this?

"You mean, you want to build your own currency trading system?"

Jiang Wanying was also surprised to see Liu Cong say this.

“You also know currency trading systems!!”

Liu Cong nodded lightly. The currency trading system, strictly speaking, is no longer unknown knowledge.

However, for so long, no country has been able to develop such a digital transaction system.

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