Liu Cong took a brief walk around the school and then checked the time on his phone.

It was already past two-thirty at this time, and it was almost approaching the opening ceremony.

So, Liu Cong hurriedly ran towards the school playground.

When Liu Cong ran to the playground, he saw one after another freshmen wearing military training uniforms sitting cross-legged in the middle of the playground.

Outside the playground gate, Principal Deng Chao was looking around with the school leaders, as if looking for someone.

When they saw Liu Cong in a suit walking towards them, they hurriedly greeted him.

"Vice President Liu, you are finally here!"

"Principal, are you waiting for me?"

Seeing Liu Cong asking this, everyone nodded unanimously.

"Sorry to keep you waiting!"

"No, no, no! We didn't have to wait long, we just came out."

"Quick, quick! Please come in."

Principal Deng Chao quickly greeted Liu Cong to come in. Liu Cong was not polite, so he strode in.

It can be said that everyone in the school knows about Liu Cong's deeds.

Just the fact that he developed a drug that can cure cancer is enough to gain everyone's respect.

What's more, he has made great contributions to the school.

"The playground is bigger and newer than before!" Liu Cong couldn't help but sigh.

I still remember that when he was in school, every time he was in a bad mood or stressed, he would come to the playground and run laps.

It can be said that the playground in front of him carries too many memories for him.

"Yes, when the school has money, it renovates the playground!"

Principal Deng Chao also sighed as he looked at the new playground.

Afterwards, Principal Deng Chao took Liu Cong to the leadership table.

At this time, attending the welcoming ceremony for new students at Peking University of Technology were Gao Ming, Dean of the School of Electrical Engineering, Huaqing University, Wang Huaide, Vice Dean, and many new faces that Liu Cong did not recognize.

It can be said that such a lineup is very large.

"Dean Gao, Dean Wang, you are here too!"

Liu Cong took the initiative to greet the two deans.

The two academicians were very polite when they saw Liu Cong, and they both stood up and shook hands with Liu Cong.

"Liu Yuan, you are here too!"

After some pleasantries, the leaders all took their seats.

Fortunately today is cloudy and not too hot, otherwise they would all be exposed to the sun.

Soon, this meeting officially started.

The first session was a speech by a student representative. Liu Cong looked at the freshman girl with a childish expression and thought of himself when he had just started school.

After a few minutes, the young lady finished her speech.

At this time, bursts of warm applause came from the arena.

Soon, the second part was reached, which was the principal's speech.

Principal Deng Chao walked to the podium with steady steps and calmly read the manuscript in his hand.

The main content is still to welcome new students, and then tell everyone to cherish their time in college.

These words were said by Principal Deng Chao when Liu Cong first entered school.

The third link is a talent show and classical dance presented by old students.

I saw these young ladies, all dressed in gorgeous Chinese costumes, walking to the stage to perform dances for the freshmen.

These old students were originally junior college students, but because the school was upgraded, their academic qualifications directly became undergraduates.

However, if they cannot complete all undergraduate subjects, they will not be able to graduate from school.

Strictly speaking, these students are lucky.

They didn’t even need to upgrade themselves, the school directly upgraded them.

As long as you work a little harder, you can get a 211 degree certificate, and even if you perform well, you can directly study for graduate school in your own school.

It is estimated that the students themselves are very confused and did nothing. As soon as the semester started, the school immediately became a 221 college.

As the music sounded, these students danced gracefully on the stage.

With their graceful dance and graceful posture, these young ladies were well received by the freshmen.

The third link ended, and then came the fourth link.

In fact, there was no fourth link at the beginning. It was the principal's whim.

Liu Cong, who was sitting at the leadership table, was still in a daze. Even he himself didn't know what would happen next.

At this time, the principal slowly walked to the microphone and said to the thousands of freshmen on the field: "In the fourth session, we will invite Liu Cong, an outstanding alumnus of Beiping University of Technology and the deputy dean of Beiping University of Technology, to speak on the stage! !”

When Liu Cong heard the principal call his name, he was so frightened that he almost spit out the water he just drank.

Seeing the principal waving towards him, Liu Cong decided to get in even if he didn't.

Liu Cong slowly stood up from his seat, and then slowly walked onto the stage from the leadership seat.

"Let me introduce you next."

"Liu Cong, turns out to be a student of our Beiping Vocational and Technical College."

“Later, I was admitted to Huaqing University under special circumstances because I participated in a national skills competition!!”

"Because of Liu Cong's great contribution to the school, the school leadership decided to appoint Liu Cong as the school's deputy dean!!"

Of course, it was impossible for the principal to tell Liu Cong about the development of the photolithography machine.

After all, this involves confidentiality and Liu Cong's privacy issues.

After the principal introduced Liu Cong's identity, the students began to whisper among themselves.

Judging from their facial expressions, many of their students knew Liu Cong.

"I know Liu Cong! He is the one who sealed IDG 3:0 in the LOL China District last time!!"

"I know him! I've listened to his songs, and he sings really well. My bestie is a fan of his!!"

"I know! He is the father of cancer, the one who developed the drug that can cure cancer!!"


Different voices came from the scene.

However, one thing is certain, many students present know him.

Seeing how enthusiastic everyone was, Liu Cong bent over and approached the microphone.

"Everyone, please be quiet!"

"Since the principal asked me to say a few words, then I will say a few words."

After hearing Liu Cong speak, the scene gradually became silent.

Seeing everyone's cooperation, Liu Cong nodded with satisfaction.

"I won't talk too much. After all, it's such a hot day and everyone wants to go back and turn on the air conditioner. So I'll keep it short."

"Four years ago, like you, I stepped into the campus with a green pheasant on my face."

"College is a new beginning for you..."


"The edge of a sword comes from sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold."

"I hope all college students will not waste their time in the short four years of college."

"This concludes my speech, thank you all!"

At this time, thunderous applause came from below him.

Liu Cong bowed slightly to the students, and then walked to the leadership table.

At this point, the welcome ceremony for new students ends, and the whole process took less than an hour.

Later, under the leadership of the school teacher, the students left the playground one after another.

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