After the students left one after another, Liu Cong and his group also left the playground one after another.

"Vice President Liu, why don't you stay for dinner tonight?"

"It's getting late now."

Faced with Principal Deng Chao's invitation, Liu Cong rejected the principal's request.

Liu Congxiang has never liked socializing or trouble others.

As for eating, he could refuse if he could.

"No, principal, I'll walk around the school for a while and then go back."

"I'll treat you when I have time."

Liu Cong said so, and the principal didn't stop him anymore.

I turned around and asked the teachers from Huaqing next to me. They also refused because they were busy with things to do when they returned.

"Well, since no one has time, I won't stay."

"Sorry for the poor reception today!!"

The principal looked at everyone, slightly apologetic.

"Deng Chao, you've just met someone else. We've known each other for so long, why are you so polite today?"

Wang Huaide looked at Principal Deng Chao and joked.

Then, amidst the laughter of everyone, several Huaqing teachers left their sight.

"Principal, you don't need to accompany me. I want to have a nice walk around the school for a while, and then I'll go back by myself."

The principal looked at Liu Cong and nodded, "Okay, then I won't accompany you around campus."

"If anything happens in the future, just call me. I can help you solve any problem that I can solve."

After Liu Cong thanked Principal Deng Chao, he began to visit places he had not visited just now.

First, he came to the training downstairs that he was most familiar with, which once held his best two years of memories.

It can be said that he spent most of the two years of junior college in the laboratory, which is why he achieved his later results.

Even if Liu Cong does not have systematic blessings, relying on his doctoral degree in his previous life, he will be able to pass the postgraduate entrance examination to Huaqing one day.

After entering, no one has ever entered Liu Cong's laboratory because it was requested by the principal.

The equipment he used before was also neatly placed next to his previous experimental table.

It's just that this time he didn't have a key to go in, otherwise, he really wanted to go in and take a look.

Seeing that he couldn't get in, Liu Cong walked around outside the door and went out.

Afterwards, Liu Cong went to visit other places in the school and then drove back to school.

In the evening, Liu Cong and his teammates played training matches for more than five hours. When Liu Cong came to his senses, it was already past twelve o'clock in the evening.

However, Liu Cong didn't feel any sleepiness at all.

Since drinking the brain potion several times, Liu Cong only needs three or four hours of sleep every day to feel full of energy.

Seeing that he was not sleepy, Liu Cong thought of the digital currency that he and Jiang Wanying had discussed in class, and he planned to study it carefully.

Liu Cong first, as a hacker, directly hid his IP address and invaded relevant foreign official websites.

Liu Cong learned from the official website that the World Central Bank of the United States can be said to cover the sky with one hand.

As long as there is any transaction between countries, it will go through the central bank of the United States.

Moreover, they can also control the interest rate ratio of the rice dollar at any time.

As long as the currency depreciation occurs within the United States, it will let the world share the burden for him by printing a large amount of money.

Even so, all countries in the world have nothing to do with the United States.

Originally, Liu Cong wanted to hack in directly, but after looking at the banking system with heavy firewalls, Liu Cong didn't want to take the risk.

So, after understanding the general situation, Liu Cong quit directly.

After understanding the basic process, the next step is to take action.

Liu Cong opened the Cangjie editor he developed, and then wrote many lines of code in the editor.

These are more than three hours.

Seeing that he had to do experiments tomorrow, Liu Cong went straight back to bed after writing the first layer of code.

The next morning,

Liu Cong drove directly to the laboratory and started a new beautiful day.

At noon, Liu Cong didn't go back and had lunch in the laboratory.

After lunch, the experiment continued.

Today, Liu Cong seemed to have encountered a bottleneck during the experiment.

Two experiments, two changes to the ingredient ratio of materials, and the results obtained were worse than yesterday.

Liu Cong was very surprised by this.

"Is it true that this limit cannot be exceeded?"

"Or is there something wrong with the direction of my recent research?"

Liu Cong picked up the graphene battery in his hand and used tools to disassemble the battery.

At this time, part of the graphene wrapped outside had been oxidized, which meant that there was indeed something wrong with the direction of Liu Cong's research this time.

"If it were OK according to yesterday's ingredient ratio, I only added 0.05 grams more aluminum powder today. How could it end up like this?"

Liu Cong also didn't understand why this happened.

For now, we can only wait for the next experiment tomorrow to make improvements.

On the way back, Liu Cong was thinking about the LOL World Championship.

A total of thirty-two teams participated in this World Championship.

Among them, there are four teams from China, two teams from Japan, four teams from Korea, four teams from the United States, and six teams from Europe.

There are also twelve teams from other countries.

The home stadium of this year’s World Championship is set to be the Bird’s Nest in China.

As soon as this announcement came out, the young people in China were all excited on the Internet. They even wanted to form a group to go to the Bird's Nest to watch this grand game.

Since the LOL World Championship was held, this is the first time it has been held in China.

Of course everyone's enthusiasm is high.

Of course, this is also their home court. If the national team fails to advance to the finals, it will be a very embarrassing thing.

Therefore, the four Chinese teams that advance this time will face extraordinary pressure.

However, compared to the other three teams, Liu Cong's team will face much less pressure.

Because they are a new team with no behind-the-scenes support, no fan base, and not even a coach.

But even so, they still overcame all obstacles and reached the World Championship stage.

Even if they miss out on advancing to the quarterfinals or the semifinals, no one will say anything.

In everyone's mind, it is an extraordinary miracle for a polished team to enter the World Championship.

Facing the upcoming game, Liu Cong also felt nervous.

The first time after returning, Liu Cong turned on his computer, ordered a takeaway for himself, and then started training with his four other teammates.

With in-depth training, the tacit understanding between them is getting better and better.

Now, Liu Cong can predict what he will do next second from the position of the support, which was completely absent before.

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