Time moved forward a few days,

Soon it’s the eve of the LOL World Championship.

At this moment, Liu Cong and the others were standing outside the door of the Peking Central Gymnasium wearing their prepared team uniforms.

It is said that the game will be played in the Bird's Nest, but it will be played in the Bird's Nest during the semi-finals.

The stadium in front of them is also the stadium that usually holds the most activities besides the Bird's Nest.

"Captain, let's go in now!"

Assistant Mu Chen said from the side.

Liu Cong nodded, "Okay! It is estimated that the lottery will come soon, and we don't know which teams we will face next."

This world-class LOL competition will last about ten days in total, and four teams will participate in the competition every day.

Those who are eliminated will not be eligible for subsequent competitions.

This on-site draw is, firstly, to determine your opponent, and secondly, to see on which day your team will participate in this competition.

Soon, Liu Cong and the others entered the gymnasium as the Huaqing University team.

Outside the venue, there is a dedicated young lady responsible for handling the teams for this competition.

Most of the staff here are LOL fans, and some are game anchors.

"Guys, please come this way!"

The young lady politely pointed the direction to several people.

Liu Cong walked inside in the direction pointed by the young lady. After walking about fifty meters, they saw people wearing various clothes standing in an orderly manner under the stage.

At this time, there was a middle-aged man standing on the stage. He also held a black box in his hand, which was specially used for drawing lots.

In order to make the competition fair and just, the organizer chose the simplest method.

In case these teams draw strong opponents, they say the organizers are targeting themselves.

Seeing this, Liu Cong also followed the passage and came to the back of the large team.

In front of them is the Japanese team. At this time, they are wearing red and white uniforms with a pattern similar to the profile of a duck egg printed on their chests.

Liu Cong stared and saw that it was the national flag of their country.

And the five of them are generally much shorter than the Huaqing University team.

At this time, they also noticed Huaqing University behind them. Looking at their opponents who were generally a head taller than themselves, they took one look and turned their heads away.

Soon after, another team came behind Liu Cong.

They are generally blond, blue-eyed and white-skinned. It can be observed from their team uniforms that this team is the American team.

Due to the language barrier and the fact that Liu Cong didn't want to have too much interaction with them, he just took one look and turned around.

Soon, thirty-two teams all arrived at the same time.

When the staff verified the identity of the participating team members one by one, they sent the captains of each team up to draw lots.

Liu Cong was the eighth to draw. When he saw that the Japanese DUY team was written on his lottery slip, a smile appeared on his lips.

When Liu Cong walked off the lottery platform, the other four teammates immediately came forward to ask about the situation.

When they learned that their opponent was a player who had a good life as a child, they did not feel scared at all, but were full of fighting spirit.

Because this is something engraved in your bones.

"We were the eighth to play, and we still had one week left."

"During this period, we will use our evening time to train hard and try to carry on with our little life!!"


Everyone said in unison.

Originally, Liu Cong and the others planned to leave.

A man in his thirties stopped them.

"You are the Huaqing team, right?"

Seeing this, several people nodded unanimously.

"Hey! That's wrong! When I was reviewing your information just now, I found that you have neither a substitute nor a coach."

"Didn't you enter other information?"

The staff in front of them looked at them with confusion.

The next reply Liu Cong gave almost shocked the man in front of him.

"We have no substitutes and no coach. The five of us are the coaches." Liu Cong said firmly.

"No coach!"

"Could it be that your team has made it this far all by yourself!"

"Oh my God, this is incredible!"

The man sighed, and then added: "I know."

"I will report the truth to the superiors. I wish you all the best in the next competition!"

With that said, the man in front of him left because he still had many things to do.

After the man left, the five people stood there. You looked at me, I looked at you, and then smiled at each other.

"Let's go, we can still make it to the last class in the afternoon!" Liu Cong said to everyone.

Afterwards, several people left the gym and took a taxi back to school.

In the last class, Liu Cong sat with Jiang Wanying holding his computer, studying the digital currency trading system.

When Jiang Wanying saw Liu Cong writing out all the codes, she was amazed. If it weren't for the teacher above, Jiang Wanying would have screamed out.

"Why are you so fast! I was really just talking casually that day."

"Oh my god! I'm so envious of you for having such a brain!"

Liu Cong felt a little awkward listening to Jiang Wanying's words, but he couldn't express it.

“It’s not difficult to build this framework, right?”

"The difficulty lies in system security and server issues. As long as these two situations are solved, it won't be difficult."

The construction of a system is a piece of cake for Liu Cong, who has god-level computer skills.

But in the eyes of others, this is simply a problem that is difficult to achieve.

Otherwise no one would try.

Faced with what Liu Cong said, Jiang Wanying only replied to Liu Cong with three words: Versailles.

In the following two classes, Liu Cong and Jiang Wanying were discussing the construction of the digital currency system framework in the back row.

After discussing with Jiang Wanying, Liu Cong gained a lot of useful knowledge.

In this regard, Liu Cong does not know as much as Jiang Wanying. After all, she is a senior programming fan.

After class, Liu Cong bought a meal directly from the canteen, and then began to prepare for the training match with his teammates in the evening.


It was the weekend again, and Liu Cong rushed to the outlet's laboratory early in the morning.

Ever since the experiment failed that day, Liu Cong has been thinking about materials.

According to the tips given in the system information, there should be some room for research.

Although the graphene batteries Liu Cong is currently researching are enough to sweep any battery in the world, he is not yet satisfied.

For this reason, Liu Cong took out his experimental notes whenever he had time in the past two days.

He found that among the last few experiments, only the fifth to last was the best and most perfect.

From then on, it got worse and worse, even worse than the experiment I did a month ago.

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