"Okay! I will drive to the airport to pick you up tomorrow some time."

"No, I can just take a taxi myself. You have a lot to do, so I'll call you when I arrive. Just ask your sister to meet me at the door."

Later, Liu Cong thought about it and felt that it was inappropriate to say this, and then changed his words.

"Forget it, I can go in alone."

After hanging up the phone, Liu Cong planned to do another experiment in the afternoon.

Then compare the two graphene batteries and bring the better graphene battery as a sample.

In this way, Liu Cong stayed in the laboratory until ten o'clock in the evening.

When Liu Cong went down to the first floor, he found that the light in Anna's office was still on.

In the past, Anna got off work early. Even if she had something to do, she would choose to work from home. This evening was a little unusual.

Liu Cong originally thought that the light in Anna's office was forgotten, but when he opened the door, he found that Anna was sitting at the computer and busy with the work at hand.

"Well, Sister Anna, you are still in the office! I thought the lights were not turned off, so..."

Seeing Liu Cong come in, Anna immediately put down the work at hand.

"Mr. Liu, you're down, have you had dinner?"

Liu Cong shook his head, "Not yet!"

Upon seeing this, Ana immediately took out a lunch box from the drawer next to the table.

"Mr. Liu, this is the beef brisket rice I made tonight. You can take it back and heat it up before eating."

With that said, Anna came to Liu Cong's side and handed the beef brisket rice to Liu Cong.

Seeing Anna's expectant expression, Liu Cong finally took the lunch box Anna handed him.

"Sister Anna, I have worked so hard for you. I have spent so long in vain."

"If you don't have time, I'll invite you to my house for dinner, and I'll let you have a taste of my craftsmanship!"

Seeing what Liu Cong said, Anna immediately agreed readily.

"Okay, the food cooked by Mr. Liu should be delicious!"

"Well, it's okay."

At this time, the scene was extremely embarrassing.

And Anna, who has always been known as the killer of men in the workplace, doesn't know what to say when facing Liu Cong.

Sometimes, people are really weird. They don't feel anything wrong no matter what they say to people they don't care about.

However, in front of the people he cares about, he becomes unable to speak.

Of course, Anna belongs to the latter.

Liu Cong is tall, handsome, hard-working, and very talented.

As long as she is a woman, she will develop a liking for Liu Cong after spending time with her.

"Ah! Well, Mr. Liu, I'm going back."

"How about you go sit at my house at night? My cat can do backflips."


This was the first time Liu Cong heard that a cat could do a backflip.

"Ah~ If you don't have time, forget it!"

"Mr. Liu, goodbye!"

Ana packed her bag and walked out of the office without looking back.

"A backflip cat?"


Liu Cong smiled and shook his head, then looked at the lunch box in his hand, and felt a different emotion towards Anna in his heart.


"How can you be so impure in your thoughts? Are you right about Chen Qiong?"

Liu Cong slapped himself with some remorse, "Hey, it hurts!"

Seeing that the research institute was empty, Liu Cong turned off the lights in his office and left.

After going back in the evening, Liu Cong watched the replay of today's LOL game.

Today, there is no Chinese team playing. Two American teams are playing, plus a Korean and Japanese team.

Korea and the United States advanced, while the other two teams were eliminated.

Looking at the overall situation, Liu Cong did not find any bright spots. Maybe they did not reach the finals and everyone did not exert their full strength.

The next day, Liu Cong rushed to Peking Airport early in the morning.

At nine o'clock, the plane officially took off.

At close to twelve o'clock at noon, the plane landed at Qiaohong Airport in Shanglu.

Afterwards, Liu Cong casually finished lunch at the airport and took a taxi to Cangtai City.

At half past one in the afternoon, Liu Cong arrived at the door of Sticky Graphene Technology Co., Ltd.

After getting off the car, Liu Cong dialed Gu Xiong's phone and told him that he had arrived.

Soon after, the security guard saw Liu Cong standing at the door and invited him in directly.

Just when Liu Cong entered the company, a familiar figure walked towards him.

That was Gu Xiong's sister and secretary, Gu Hui.

I saw him wearing a white short skirt today, Balenciaga on his legs, and high heels, walking towards Liu Cong.

This time Liu Cong saw Gu Hui and felt more beautiful than last time, as if she had been specially dressed.

"Idol, you're here!"

When Gu Hui saw Liu Cong running over, Liu Cong was afraid that she would sprain his feet.

"I can see you. You said you are the chairman of this company. Why did it take you so long to come here?"

Gu Hui's tone was slightly complaining, but Liu Cong could only smile slightly and explain it away by saying he was too busy.

Soon after, Gu Hui brought Liu Cong to Gu Xiong's office.

Gu Xiong was not there at this time, and Gu Hui on the side explained: "My brother has a meeting, and he will be here soon."

As soon as Gu Hui finished speaking, Gu Xiong walked in from outside the office door.

"Liu Cong, I'm really sorry. There have been a lot of meetings recently. Please forgive me for the poor reception!!"

Looking at Gu Xiong who was sweating profusely, Liu Cong stood up and said, "Mr. Gu, you are too outspoken."

"Do it quickly, do it quickly!!"

Liu Cong took the initiative to invite Gu Xiong to sit down. Gu Xiong did not stand, so he found a seat not far from Liu Cong and sat down.

"Gu Hui, hurry up and make tea!!"

Although Gu Hui was a little reluctant, she still followed her brother's orders.

After the two sat down, it was time to discuss business.

It can be seen that Gu Xiong can't wait to understand what Liu Cong said yesterday.

"Mr. Liu, which one did you talk about yesterday?"

"Oh, you're talking about graphene batteries. Don't worry now. I'll show you later."

"The purpose of my coming here today is to discuss with you how to minimize the cost of graphene materials for me."

Facing what Liu Cong said, Gu Xiong could only execute it. After all, the company now belonged to Liu Cong, and the decision-making power was entirely in Liu Cong's hands.

"Mr. Liu, according to your words, we will lose money!"

"I know that this will definitely lead to losses. Let me ask you, before this, how much graphene raw materials could the company sell in a year?"

Gu Xiong looked at Liu Cong, thought for a while, and then said: "Last year's turnover was about 80 million."

"But apart from technology research and development and employee wages, I still owe the bank 30 million!"

Speaking of this, Gu Xiong sighed helplessly.

If the company really couldn't get rid of the problem, it wouldn't sell it.

The price offered by Mr. Liu was also extremely high, and it was difficult for Gu Xiong not to accept it.

After several twists and turns, the company was successfully transferred to Liu Cong's name.

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