"Look, even if you set the price so high, you're still losing money."

"But if the price is not set high, we will suffer even worse losses."

Of course, from a capitalist's perspective, there is absolutely nothing wrong with what Gu Xiong said.

However, the key for Liu Cong now is not to look at the problem from this perspective.

What he was thinking of was the raw material supplier for his future graphene battery factory. This was the main purpose of his acquisition of Stick.

Although the current market demand for graphene is very small, it is different if it is a graphene battery.

Once he develops it himself, he can even open his own factories around the world.

Not to mention China, which electronic device does not require batteries?

From the invention of batteries two to three hundred years ago until now, progress seems to be huge, but in fact progress has been very slow.

It's nothing more than some material changes that make the battery look more convenient.

Now, many domestic mobile phone and new energy vehicle manufacturers seem to be continuously increasing the battery life of mobile phones and cars.

From the source, they are just setting the battery capacity to be larger.

This also leads to a lot of negative issues.

For example, consider heat dissipation and performance.

Having said that, graphene batteries are definitely one of the greatest inventions of Blue Star in the 21st century.

Because it not only breaks the original battery life problem, but also solves the problem of the battery not being able to withstand high temperatures or cold.

Take the current graphene battery in Liu Cong's hands. For the same 4,500 mAh battery, its battery life is nearly three times that of an ordinary battery.

Moreover, the charging speed is also shorter than any fast charging time on the market today.

Liu Cong looked at Gu Xiong, whose face was full of worry, and smiled slightly.

"Do you remember the graphene battery I told you about?"

"The reason why I dare to lower the price like this is because I never thought of making money on graphene materials!"

“I haven’t thought about it since I bought this company!”

Liu Cong patted the mahogany table and looked a little excited.

"Once our plan is successfully implemented, our company's market value will not be only seven or eight billion now."

Seeing what Liu Cong said was so magical, Gu Xiong became even more curious about what the graphene battery Liu Cong said looked like.

"Mr. Liu, what does the graphene battery you are talking about look like?"

Seeing Gu Xiong being so curious, Liu Cong didn't show any concern and directly took out a black battery from his backpack. The appearance of the battery was almost the same as an ordinary battery.

Gu Xiong took the battery Liu Cong handed him and looked at it with confusion.

"Mr. Liu, this is no different from an ordinary battery. The only difference may be that this battery is thinner."

"Judging from the appearance, of course there is nothing fishy. I will conduct a test and control for you later and you will know."

While the two were talking, the tea was made one after another.

"Brother Liu Cong, drink tea!"

Gu Hui placed the poured tea directly in front of Liu Cong.

Then, he found a place to sit down.

"What about mine?"

"You don't know how to pour it yourself. Isn't the teapot sitting there?"

Gu Hui's attitude made him, the older brother, a little embarrassed in front of Liu Cong.

Seeing this, he could only do it himself.

After the two of them finished drinking tea, Liu Cong volunteered to go to the laboratory to show Gu Xiong the power of the battery he developed.

Judging from Gu Xiong's facial expression, he didn't believe what Liu Cong said.

"Mr. Gu, our company has a laboratory. Let's borrow it."

"There must be one in the laboratory. I'll take you there now."

With that said, the three of them arrived at the company's laboratory.

Professionals are indeed professional, and many of the equipment here are much better than those in Liu Cong's laboratory.

"Mr. Gu, do you have any small motors or LCD screens here? I need them for my experiments."

Before Liu Cong set off, he thought it was too bulky to bring two motors, so he didn't bring them.

"Yes, the lab next door happens to have the motor you mentioned. I'll bring you two over."

After a while, Gu Xiong held two motors in one hand and placed them in front of Liu Cong's desk.

Seeing this, Liu Cong placed all the experimental materials to be used this time on the experimental table.

To be more intuitive, Liu Cong discharged all the power in both batteries yesterday afternoon.

"The larger one on the right is a lithium iron phosphate battery, and the one on the left is a graphene battery." Liu Cong said to Gu Xiong.

In fact, it is easy to distinguish. The larger one is lithium iron phosphate, and the smaller one is graphene.

"Next, I started to do charging experiments. I discharged both batteries in the laboratory yesterday."

As he spoke, Liu Cong also showed Gu Xiong the external display screen on the battery, which showed zero power.

Later, Liu Cong took out two chargers from his bag and connected the chargers to the batteries respectively.

Liu Cong took out his cell phone and opened the stopwatch to start counting.

"Mr. Gu, take this charger and plug it in when I tell you to!"

Liu Cong holds the charger in one hand and is ready to start counting at any time.




"Put it in!"

The next second, the two of them powered up the battery at the same time, and Liu Cong's stopwatch also started counting.

Five seconds later, the graphene battery had been charged to 18%, while the ordinary battery was only charged to 1%.

Seeing the soaring power on the graphene battery, Gu Xiong's face, which was originally relatively calm, gradually began to become distorted.


"How could it be so fast!"

Gu Xiong's face was full of disbelief.

At this time, the graphene battery's power has reached 68%, while the ordinary battery is only 4%.

Moreover, the ordinary battery Liu Cong chose can be regarded as charging relatively quickly.

However, it is still a long way from graphene batteries.

The time on the stopwatch on the mobile phone is constantly passing by, and the power of the graphene battery is gradually approaching full power.

Finally, in 38 seconds, the graphene battery charge rushed from 0 to 100.

At this time, Gu Xiong was completely stunned.

Even if he is not engaged in the battery-related industry, he still knows how terrifying it is to charge a battery in tens of seconds.

The ordinary lithium iron phosphate battery on the side has only been charged for less than 20 seconds, and more than a minute has passed.

Because, during these dozens of seconds, the three of them were completely in a state of stillness.

"Are you so surprised?"

"Yes, are you so surprised?"

Gu Hui on the side followed Liu Cong's words and said to her stunned brother.

"So surprised! Do you know what that means?"

"Hey, forget it, even if I tell you, you don't understand!"

Of course, Gu Xiong said these words to his sister.

Then, Gu Xiong looked at the two batteries on the experimental table, and then looked up at Liu Cong, who was looking at him.

"Why... why is it so fast!"

"This is unscientific! Is this true?"

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