"Back to the leader, as of now, it will take at least three months to complete the experiment."

At this time, standing in front of Bob, the middle-aged man over fifty frowned, but quickly took it back.

"Can't it go faster?"

"The superiors are urging me now!"

Speaking of this, Bob looked a little embarrassed.

"This is really not fast. There are many options that we have not tested."

"Three months is already the fastest time we can get."

Hearing what Bob said, the middle-aged man fell into deep thought.

"OK! I'll go back and report it to my superiors!"

"However, this experiment really cannot be delayed. I believe you can complete this experiment within three months."

Bob was also skeptical about what the middle-aged man said, but he did not refute. After all, he was a scientific researcher, and he had to obey the orders of his superiors.

"Let's go, you have to urge the team to be more efficient."

"If it doesn't work, I'll ask people from other departments to come to your laboratory to help you."

"No need for leadership, I believe we will develop graphene batteries as quickly as possible."

After hearing this, the middle-aged man in front of him gave Bob a smile.

"I hope so, don't let me down!"


When Liu Cong went back in the evening, he first took a hot shower, and then teamed up with his teammates to start a training match.

Seeing that the time for their competition was getting closer and closer, the five of them gradually became nervous.

The next day,

Liu Cong came to the laboratory and planned to improve his graphene battery.

After so many experiments, Liu Cong felt that this battery should be officially released.

When he was about to get off work in the evening, Liu Cong looked at the battery he had improved today and couldn't help but smile.

“Judging from the current situation, I think it’s time to apply for a patent.”

As he spoke, Liu Cong carefully put the battery into his backpack, preparing to take the successfully researched battery back.

I will make a patent description in the evening, and then I can go to the patent office to apply for a patent.

Liu Cong is extremely happy today.

In the past few months, he has been immersed in experiments on graphene batteries.

Now, he can take a good rest for some time.

For the research and development of this battery, it can be said that Liu Cong couldn't eat well or sleep well.

If Anna hadn't brought him food every day at noon, he might have been hungry at noon every day.

Because once this experiment starts, no one can be present.

In the entire laboratory, Liu Cong is the only one doing experiments here.

After going downstairs, Liu Cong happened to meet Anna who was also getting ready to get off work.

"Mr. Liu, has the mission been completed today?"

"Yes! It's done. Maybe I won't go to the laboratory on the third floor to do experiments in the future."

"Why?" Anna looked at Liu Cong with some confusion.

"Because, my experiment has been completed."

"Oh, I see!"

Anna looked at Liu Cong with a somewhat disappointed expression. Judging from her expression, it seemed that she was very reluctant to let Liu Cong go.

After the experiment is completed, it means that Liu Cong may not come to the outlet laboratory often in the future.

Then Anna won't be able to see Liu Cong.

"Yes, I have really troubled you these past few months."

"What I said that day still stands. After I'm done with this period of time, I'll invite you to my house for dinner."

Looking at Liu Cong, two tiger teeth were exposed at the corners of his mouth.


In this way, after a small talk, the two said goodbye and went their separate ways.

After returning home, Liu Cong turned on the computer immediately and began to write his own patent.

After working for about three hours, Liu Cong finally completed the patent description.

As long as you improve it a little bit, you can take this information to the Patent Office for registration.

Liu Cong still doesn't know what kind of sensation it will cause by then.

However, one thing he can know is that this is definitely one of the greatest inventions of the 21st century.

In the next few years, graphene batteries will definitely be irreplaceable.

In terms of current Chinese technology, it is definitely among the top three in the world.

However, compared with the United States, it is still inferior. This is the motivation for Liu Cong to work hard.

At ten o'clock in the evening, several people started the training match on time.

The training match lasted until three o'clock in the morning, and several people quit the game.

The next day, Liu Cong got up early and started refining the patent that he had not finished writing last night.

"Well, that's it now!"

With that said, Liu Cong copied this information into his encrypted USB flash drive.

Then, he took the USB flash drive and walked out the door.

Dozens of minutes later, Liu Cong arrived at the door of the National Patent Office and entered without hesitation.

There were not many people in the hall today. After Liu Cong took the number, he quickly got in line.

The person handling business for Liu Cong was a beautiful young lady. When the young lady saw Liu Cong, she showed two white teeth.

"Hello, please show your patent description and related patent information."

Upon seeing this, Liu Cong directly handed the USB flash drive in his hand to the young lady without any ink marks, and told her the password.

"The patent you applied for is graphene battery?"

The young lady who was originally smiling suddenly froze when she read these five words.

The young lady stared at the information for a long time and found that she could not understand anything.

Then, the young lady stood up from her seat and went to find the relevant technical personnel to help her look at the information.

After the relevant personnel came, they were also confused.

"What is this pure metal of yours?"

This term is extremely unfamiliar to many people.

“Then can my patent pass review?”

The boy in front of him looked at Liu Cong and thought about it for a while, then nodded.

"I'll handle it for you right now!"

Normally, as long as you can provide sufficient materials to introduce your patent, you can basically apply successfully, not to mention Liu Cong is so well prepared.

With the help of the staff, Liu Cong's patent was quickly entered into the patent database.

After some operations, Liu Cong left the patent office.

Today's progress is faster than Liu Cong imagined.

After completing a set of procedures, it was only 10:30 in the morning.

Now that the patents are registered, Liu Cong should consider the next process.

Now, what makes him very confused is when he will hold this press conference.

Before the press conference, I must do a warm-up, just like before, advertise everywhere.

However, Liu Cong thought back and thought that he could use his graphene company to hold this press conference.

After all, Sticky is a leading company in the graphene industry.

As long as this graphene battery is released through his hands, it will still have a certain degree of authority.

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