Now, Liu Cong only needed some time to discuss it with Gu Xiong, and then he could start working on the press conference.

Before that, Liu Cong would definitely call Gu Xiong to tell him about this.

Afterwards, Liu Cong dialed Gu Xiong's phone number directly in the car.

"Mr. Liu, why are you calling?"

"That's right, I need to hold a press conference at the company."

"So, you still need to handle this matter for me!"

Gu Xiong was silent on the other end of the phone for a while, and then said, "Mr. Liu, is that what you mean?"

"Yes, that's right, it's what you think."

"I will hold a press conference on graphene batteries in a few days."

"At that time, this press conference will still need to be held within the company!"

Faced with Liu Cong's request, Gu Xiong immediately agreed.

"No problem, Mr. Liu, just leave this matter to me."

"But who will be at the press conference?!"

Gu Xiong couldn't make up his mind about this matter. After all, he really didn't understand anything related to graphene batteries.

"Let's talk about this later. If it doesn't work, I'll do it!"

"Hey! Okay! Mr. Liu, I will do it as soon as possible!"

With that said, the two hung up the phone with each other.

Afterwards, Liu Cong drove back to school.

In the afternoon, the principal called suddenly.

After not seeing him for a whole summer, Liu Cong did miss the principal a little.

Therefore, Liu Cong walked directly to the principal's office without asking what the principal asked him to do.

"Dong dong dong~~"

"Principal, it's me!"

"come in!"

After getting the principal's consent, Liu Cong opened the door and entered the office.

"Principal, long time no see. How are you doing these days?"

"Hahaha, classmate Liu Cong, everything is fine with me, thank you for your concern!"

When the principal saw Liu Cong, he immediately stood up from his seat and came to Liu Cong's side.

"Classmate Liu Cong, please allow me to call you that, because I'm really used to it."

"It's okay, principal. I also like hearing you call me that. Others are too polite to me."

"Only when I am here with you can I feel that there is no distance between me and you!"

After hearing Liu Cong's words, the principal laughed heartily.

"Classmate Liu Cong, you still know how to speak!!"

After hearing what the principal said, Liu Cong scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.

"Classmate Liu Cong, it's like this."

"After our school's decision, we decided to let you directly study for a Ph.D. in our school this semester. I know you may not care much about this title."

“But to me, it’s a heartfelt gesture.”

The principal looked at Liu Cong sincerely, hoping that Liu Cong could give him an answer.

In fact, direct blogging is a good thing for Liu Cong.

He used to study vocational skills day and night in order to advance to a junior college, so that he could pass the undergraduate examination and then come to Huaqing to study for graduate school.

Now, his dream of studying for graduate school has directly become studying for a Ph.D., which can be regarded as making up for the regret of his academic qualifications in this life.

After all, his status as an academician cannot be announced to the public yet, but his title of doctorate is different. After all, this can be mentioned on the table.

So, if you get a degree for free, don’t get it for free.

"Principal, are you telling the truth? Can I study directly for a Ph.D.?"

“That’s really great!!”

"Of course it's true, otherwise why would I ask you to come!"


The principal looked at Liu Cong with some embarrassment.

"Principal, what is it?"

The principal looked at Liu Cong, thought for a while, and decided not to say anything.

Finally, the principal spoke, "Classmate Liu Cong, this is it."

"Others have PhD supervisors when they are studying for Ph.D., but~"

"I didn't, right?"

The principal looked at Liu Cong and nodded.

"Principal, what did I think was going on!"

"If not, then there won't be. Even if there is, I won't stay in the laboratory doing experiments every day!"

The principal thought about what Liu Cong said and felt that it made sense.

"that's true!"

"At your level, no one at Huaqing University can command you!"

"Principal, that's not what I meant."

"I know what you mean, you don't need to explain."

"In short, Hua Qing will give you a title no matter what, even if it's a doctorate!"

When the principal finished these words, Liu Cong was shocked.

Since when can a doctor be able to downplay things so easily, and he is also a doctor from Huaqing University.

If Liu Cong hadn't known about the principal's personality, he would have thought that the doctor could be sent anytime and anywhere.

"Principal, Liu Cong would like to thank you first!"

Liu Cong skillfully clasped his fists towards the principal. When the principal saw it, he smiled and waved his hand.

Afterwards, the two chatted for a long time in the office.

During this period, Liu Cong also told the principal about the progress of the controllable nuclear fusion power station.

After hearing this, the principal was very surprised. He did not expect that the progress would be so fast.

Just when Liu Cong was about to get up and leave, the principal's words made Liu Cong turn his head unexpectedly.

"Classmate Liu Cong, prepare well for the LOL World Championship in a few days. I'm optimistic about you!"

"It's still the same. When the time comes, I will ask the students to go to the cafeteria to watch the game together and cheer for our team!!"

"Principal, what are you doing!?"

Seeing the incredible look on Liu Cong's face, the principal laughed.

"What? Can't I, an old antique like me, pay attention to the game?"

“This game is not for young people to watch, but I think it’s quite interesting!”

"If a game can be included in a sports competition, it means there must be merit!"

Liu Cong also smiled at the principal's affirmation.

Once upon a time, he thought the same as the principal, thinking that games were just a waste of time.

However, when I devoted myself wholeheartedly, I found that I could actually learn a lot from it.

For example, how to unite and help each other with teammates and persevere even if the wind is against you.

Because you don’t know whether you will make a comeback at the next moment.

In fact, games are the same as life. No matter how difficult it is, as long as you don't surrender to life, you will always get ahead.

"Principal, thank you for your recognition. My teammates and I will work hard to compete!"

After some exchanges, Liu Cong left the principal's office.

In the afternoon, Liu Cong watched the LOL game between the United States and Korea in his apartment. Liu Cong learned a lot from this game.

For example, this Korean team is more aggressive, but their overall style of play is very cautious.

On the American side, the defense is stronger.

However, in the end, Goryeo captured their breakthrough.

In the end, Korea defeated the American team with a score of 3:2.

Seeing this, Liu Cong stopped reading and started a new day's training match with his teammates.

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