Time has moved forward a few days.

Soon, it was the afternoon of Liu Cong's game.

Just like that day, several people came to the door of the stadium wearing uniform team uniforms. After passing the inspection, several people were taken to the preparation seats.

I saw that the person sitting next to them was a player who had a good life.

Even though they all appear to be honest and kind, secretly each one is worse than the last.

Of course, Liu Cong has never had any good impressions of Xiaoli, so no matter where he encounters Xiaoli, he will be wary.

At this time, the DNA of the other four contestants seemed to be moving as well.

"This time I have to beat them until they call me daddy!"

When Mu Chen on the side saw this group of young people, his eyes were full of unfriendliness.

Of course, we can’t blame everyone.

Since ancient times, the Chinese people have never had a good life.

Their nation is despicable and shameless, and in a certain sense, they are not even considered carbon-based creatures.

The crimes they committed against China must not be forgotten by anyone in China.

Therefore, they must not lose this game.

If you can, do your part. If you can beat them to death, then beat them to death.

"That's right, I have to beat them until they call me daddy, and I can't give them any face!"

"You have to push them to the ground and hammer them!"

Jungler Anxiong on the side is also full of fighting spirit.

As the time on the electronic clock on the big screen continues to move forward, the time for them to play is getting closer and closer.

At this time, the five Xiaoli players on the side were looking towards Liu Cong, and they were still muttering something in their mouths.

And their coach was also beside them at this time, looking at them with his hands folded on his chest.

Liu Cong looked at them and wanted to give them the middle finger.

However, as a public figure, Liu Cong obviously couldn't do this. He just expected to push them to the ground and explode the hammer during the game.

At this moment, the stadium was full of people, all of whom came to watch the Huaqing team's game.

In the cafeteria of Huaqing University, the principal also summoned a group of game enthusiasts to watch the live broadcast in the cafeteria.

There were also girls who didn't know how to play games. When they heard that China was playing against Japan, they all came to join in the fun.

The camera turned and the perspective was given to the five members of the Huaqing University team.

At this time, a burst of cheers came from the Huaqing University cafeteria.

The game hosts at the scene gave Liu Cong and others a very high evaluation.

"Dear viewers in front of the screen, what you are seeing now are the five members of the Huaqing University team. Each of the five members has a high-spirited face..."

"I hope they can use all their strength today to defeat this group of players who have had a good life."

Of course, the Japanese team couldn't hear these words, otherwise they would be pissed to death.

Then, the camera turned to the Japanese team, but the host made a few remarks and turned the camera away.

The time came to 3:25 in the afternoon, five minutes before the start of the game.

At this time, Liu Cong and the players from the opposite Japanese team were already sitting on the e-sports chairs.

"Captain, what lineup do you think the opponent will use to target us next?"

"I guess with their urinary temperament, they must have studied our initial playing style."

Obviously, An Xiong on the side knew the urine nature of these people better.

Similar things happened in the past, so Anxiong understood it so well.

In their childhood, this nation appeared to be very indifferent on the surface, but in fact, they had already thought about their future.

Therefore, they must not take the next game lightly.

"I don't know about this yet. It depends on the lineup they selected. We are making adjustments."

"Soldiers will block you, water will cover you, and earth will cover you. Don't be afraid of them."

"They just come and see if I can beat them!!!"

Liu Cong stared at the computer screen with firm eyes, as if a century competition was about to happen to a player who had a good life.

"Okay, captain, we will all obey your command when the time comes."

Five minutes later, ten people began to enter the selection stage.

First of all, it’s the turn of the side where the little life is going well to choose someone.

First of all, Xiaotian’s side took top laner Jax first.

Later, when it was Liu Cong's turn, the top laner here directly chose Raven.

The mid laner directly took a hand of Galio.

When it was Xiaori's turn, they directly chose the blind monk jungler and added the mid laner Zed.

Later, Liu Cong's team took the jungle excavator and added the auxiliary Thresh.

On the Xiaotian side, there is the auxiliary Japanese girl and the shooter Kai'Sa. These two combinations are known as the strongest lineup in the current version.

Even so, the five people from Huaqing did not panic at all.

Liu Cong even took out the Wheel Mom, which he usually doesn't play much with.

When this hero was selected, the other four teammates were surprised.

Because when they were training, they basically never saw Liu Cong play this hero.

Therefore, they didn't know what Liu Cong was thinking.

They also don’t have a coach, so it’s more casual a lot of the time.

"Captain, can you play this hero? I've never seen you play it before!!"

At this time, the auxiliary teammates on the side looked at Liu Cong with some surprise.

Indeed, Liu Cong has never played a few wheel moms.

However, with his top-level game understanding, he felt that he could still play such a hero well.

After all, he was chosen according to the lineup so that it would be easier to start a group when the time comes.

"Don't worry, I won't fight an uncertain battle."

Hearing what Liu Cong said, several people breathed a sigh of relief.

When the game started, several people walked from the spring to the middle river with their original equipment.

As before, after they completed their vision on the middle river channel, they were ready to fight.

Unexpectedly, the Xiaoli players were unwilling to fight with them head-on, so this plan was completely ruined.

Afterwards, the ten people began to develop steadily in the canyon.

Within five minutes, Liu Cong had been looking for an opportunity to give Xiaori a show of strength.

Unexpectedly, they just refused to have sex with Liu Cong and the others, and took their obscenity to the extreme.

After five minutes, Liu Cong really had no choice.

They gathered the junglers to start trouble directly in Xiaolongkeng. Since Xiaolongkeng was spawned in the bottom lane, Liu Cong and the others arrived in time.

First, Liu Cong's team used scanning to eliminate the eyes of Xiaoli's team.

At this time, they started to panic and rushed over immediately.

Since this is a fire dragon, they will definitely not allow Liu Cong to get this dragon.

In fact, they had no intention of fighting this little dragon in the first place, they just came here to lure Xiaorili and the others.

Unexpectedly, they really came.

"Mu Chen, give me a more accurate hook later."

"Fuck these bitches!!"

At this critical moment, the jungler who never used swear words rarely used swear words.

"Don't worry, every hook is accurate!!"

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