In order to upgrade to a bachelor's degree: Master the photolithography machine technology at t

Chapter 331: Beat up a player who had a good life in his childhood

As soon as Mu Chen finished saying these words, the next second, he made a hook.

He immediately hooked Kasha on the other side.

This scene made them so happy that they aimed directly at Kai'Sa and threw every skill at it.

The next second, Kaisha died suddenly.

At this time, the field ushered in the first cheers. As expected of the home court, the momentum was different.

Seeing that Xiaoli didn't get any benefits, the other three people immediately ran away.

It can be said that Liu Cong and the others have made a lot of money this time.

By the way, they also got this five-minute dragon.

It can be said that this wave is simply a bloody profit.

After returning to the bottom lane, Liu Cong finished replenishing the wave of soldiers and went home to replenish equipment.

After that, the five members of the Little Days were crushed to death by Liu Cong's side.

The audience at the scene was relieved to see this scene, and the audience in the live broadcast room was even more relieved to see it.

At this time, in the Huaqing University cafeteria, the principal was staring at the TV screen with excitement on his face.

Although he couldn't understand it, he could tell from the aura emanating from the scene that Liu Cong had the upper hand.

"Yes, can I still be bullied by you in our territory?"

"Classmate Liu Cong, beat me to death!!"

For the older generation, as long as it is linked to their childhood, they will not like it.

This is patriotism from the bottom of our hearts! !

At the scene, Liu Cong was concentrating on controlling the wheel in his hand. He didn't even allow himself to make mistakes in his position.

The time soon came to fifteen minutes. When Liu Cong and the others got the second earth dragon, the Xiaotians could no longer hold back and prepared to counterattack Liu Cong and the others.

The difference from the first fifteen minutes is that this time there is no cowardice at all.

It was like a dog that was cornered and jumped over the wall in a hurry.

Faced with this little life, Liu Cong and the others were certainly not afraid.

In a state of total economic repression, courage seems so small.

Maybe they also sensed something was wrong and couldn't fight at all.

However, it was too late. The Huaqing team didn't give them a chance to escape at all. Even if all five people flashed, they would still kill Xiaori.

In fact, they did.

Xiaori was directly destroyed by the fierce firepower of Liu Cong and others.

Liu Cong and the others also successfully obtained the Baron. With the blessing of the Baron buff, they were pushed directly to the high ground.

At twenty-one minutes, Xiaori's side could no longer defend, and Liu Cong and the others successfully captured the crystal.

Just like what they said at the beginning, they didn't give the other side any chance at all.

In this way, they successfully won the first game.

The young people slumped on the e-sports chairs in despair, but they quickly adjusted and regained their confidence.

At this time, the cafeteria of Huaqing University cheered happily when they saw Liu Cong and the others winning the first game.

When the principal saw this scene, he smiled happily.

Soon, with the encouragement of their coach, Xiaoli was like a chicken.

Seeing this scene, Liu Cong had to admit that this nation has extremely firm perseverance.

However, these are not important in Liu Cong's eyes, because he does not feel any threat at all.

In a sense, Liu Cong only regarded Xiaoli as a short-term opponent.

Their real opponents are gaming powers like Korea.

After resting for twenty minutes, the ten people sat on the gaming chairs again.

This time, Xiaozhi was even more useless.

Liu Cong and the others relied on their overwhelming advantage to start the massacre directly at their spring.

Of course, this is explicitly prohibited.

Therefore, this scene did not last long, it was just a wave.

Finally, at twenty-three minutes, the game ended.

At this time, the scene was completely moved.

Even the game host who was not optimistic about Liu Cong's team at first couldn't help but be moved when faced with the Huaqing University team's excellent play style and sophisticated tactics.

"Sure enough, top students are top students. Even under extremely difficult conditions without a coach, they can still bring a wonderful game to the audience."

"I look forward to their next performance being as exciting as the first two games."

Finally, came the third game.

The atmosphere of the scene gradually became tense.

Although, Liu Cong and the others have won two games so far.

However, no one knows whether Xiaoli will fight back.

After actual combat, it was fully proved that their worries were unnecessary.

Although the third game didn't end as quickly as the previous two, the little guys couldn't beat Liu Cong and the others even if they used their best heroes.

In this way, under everyone's shouts, Liu Cong and the others successfully won the game.

Directly advanced from the top 32 to the top 16.

At this time, the popularity in the live broadcast room rarely reached 50 million.

Maybe it has something to do with the fact that college students are out of school.

In the live broadcast room, everyone is calling 666.

Xiao Pujie: I’ll go! This pheasant team is so strong! As expected from Huaqing University.

Learning is like sailing against the current: This team is too strong. Come on, I’m optimistic about you!


The scene changed and we came to the cafeteria of Huaqing University.

When everyone saw the little day crystal being pushed away, everyone stood up and cheered.

Because, for them, this is the best opportunity to relax.

The usual study pressure is relatively high, but this time their school's team directly defeated Xiaoli in the world competition. Can they not be happy?

"Okay, let us congratulate the five e-sports players from the Huaqing University team for successfully advancing to the top 16 of the World LoL League!!"

"Thank you for the wonderful game you brought us, and I look forward to your better performance next time!!"

Just like that, Liu Cong and the others walked off the stage surrounded by cheers.

Just before leaving, the Xiaoli players gave Liu Cong and the others a hard look.

As Liu Cong and others said, this nation is bad at heart, and the kindness they show on the surface is only for others to see.

Now, their fangs are directly exposed.

Faced with this situation, Liu Cong secretly made a wish in his heart, that one day, he would make these people admit to the world the various crimes they committed in China.

After the game, Liu Cong and the others did not return to school.

Instead, he called Jiang Wanying and started making skewers at a nearby barbecue stall.

The other four teammates were recruited privately by Jiang Wanying, so they were all familiar with Jiang Wanying and avoided any embarrassment when they met.

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