The six of them ate until about ten o'clock in the evening before returning to school.

Because they defeated the Little Day team today, everyone was very happy, so everyone drank a little wine occasionally in the evening.

After returning, Liu Cong lay down on the big bed in the apartment with his slightly tired body.

Realizing that he hadn't showered yet, he quickly took off his coat and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

After taking a shower, Liu Cong was almost sober.

So, he did not choose to sleep, but turned on the computer directly.

Start working on the programming of digital currency systems.

Just when he was looking for information on the Internet, a piece of news that shocked Liu Cong instantly attracted Liu Cong's attention.

Since this is an official announcement, it is quite convincing.

It says that there are some indirect conflicts between the Bear Country and the United States due to territorial issues.

However, as the world's police, they will never allow the Bear Country to make any international provocation against them.

Since you plan to fight with me, I will directly deal with your country's economy.

Since Bear Country is a big country rich in natural gas and oil, these resources are also the main economic source of their country.

Because the military strength of the Bear Country is too strong, even the United States does not dare to act rashly.

Therefore, they directly summoned these European countries to sign an overlord clause.

They were directly banned from importing natural gas and oil from Bear Country.

Since the rice dollar has always been the world currency, it is easier for them to control the bear country's economy.

When the Bear Country couldn't hold on anymore, the United States used low-priced rice dollars to directly import large quantities of oil from the Bear Country and then resold it.

Seeing this situation, Xiong Guo could only be a mute and eat Coptis chinensis, unable to express his suffering.

It can only be left to the mercy of the United States.

When Liu Cong read the entire news, he hammered the table angrily.

“These people are really evil to the extreme!!”

Liu Cong looked back and thought carefully, and felt that this was not an option.

It seems that the United States is not attacking China like this now, but in fact, they have secretly implemented a sophisticated attack plan against China.

If Liu Cong hadn't stolen such important information from Guo Fangbu that time, he wouldn't have dared to imagine that the United States was so despicable, almost on par with Japan.

Afterwards, Liu Cong put down the related work in his hands and carefully checked the relevant content of the US sanctions against the Bear Country.

Watching the end, Liu Cong couldn't help but stand on end.

"It seems that Jiang Wanying's initial decision to study this digital transaction currency system was a very correct choice."

"I may not be able to rest for a long time in the future."

"However, it doesn't matter. Serving the country and serving the people, what does it mean to be a little bit tired and a little bit tired?"

Having said this, Liu Cong no longer felt sleepy.

I just picked up the computer and started typing code in front of the screen.

Judging from the current situation, Liu Cong's first framework has been initially completed.

Of these one million lines of code, nearly 100,000 were typed word by word by Liu Cong.

This time, this currency trading system will only be harder than before, not too easy.

Therefore, this time Liu Cong has to be the same as last time. In addition to doing it himself, he also needs the cooperation of the team to complete such an arduous task.

Of course, many important parts require Liu Cong to develop step by step.

Because, before this, China had no relevant experience at all.

Moreover, the code here was edited by Liu Cong with the Cangjie editor.

In some aspects, it is definitely different from the English editor.

Therefore, Liu Cong had to do it himself. He could not let go completely until he had completed the specific framework.

Moreover, the difference between this time and last time is that this time it is far more important than the last browser kernel development.

If done well, we can directly get rid of the economic sanctions hegemony of the United States.

Even, one day in the future, China can replace the United States.

For a country that has always loved peace, it will definitely do better than the United States in the world.

In this way, Liu Cong kept typing code until seven o'clock in the morning.

Even after working intensively for more than ten hours, Liu Cong was only slightly tired.

This is the benefit of drinking the stamina booster last time.

The matter was of great importance, and Liu Cong didn't want to drag it out like this.

During class, Liu Cong directly told Jiang Wanying his thoughts.

After Jiang Wanying heard Liu Cong's wild words, she sat on the chair in a daze.

"Are you really planning to implement this plan?!"

"Hey! No! You are too fierce!!"

"Are we living in the same world? Why do I feel like I can't keep up with you?"

"You are also from Huaqing, why are you so outstanding!!"

In short, Jiang Wanying said a lot, all expressing surprise and praising Liu Cong, which made Liu Cong who was sitting beside him helpless.

"In short, this matter is of great importance and affects China's future, so we must be more careful this time than last time."

"You keep those people in the Department of Technology ready to serve our country."

“I will hand over the digital currency trading system developed this time to the country unconditionally!!”

If what Liu Cong said before surprised Jiang Wanying, what Liu Cong said this time made Jiang Wanying moved.

Each of us is an egoist as long as we are based in this society. This is also closely related to the environment in which we grow up.

However, there are really very few people who can do what Liu Cong is like.

Other corporate donations are for tax evasion, but Liu Cong's donation is really for the sake of the people.

This kind of great love is really something that many people simply don’t have.

Of course, this is also caused by Liu Cong being too rich now. He is not short of money at all and can't run out of money.

Rather than keeping it in your own hands, it is better to contribute all this money to society and return it to the people.

"Have you really thought about it? This is a digital currency trading system!! This is completely a money printing machine!!"

Seeing Jiang Wanying's slightly open mouth, Liu Cong couldn't help but smile.

"Isn't this done yet? Do you think it's really that easy?"

"Maybe if the digital transaction currency system is not developed, I will go bankrupt first!"

"I don't know how long I can last with such a waste of money!"

When Liu Cong said this, Jiang Wanying also fell into deep thought.

After a long while, she finally said: "Liu Cong, why don't we just stop doing it!"

"What? Are you scared?"

"No, I'm just afraid that you will really go bankrupt."

Hearing Jiang Wanying say this, Liu Cong almost laughed out loud.

"You don't have to worry, the experiment will continue!"

"Inform your subordinates as soon as possible and prepare quickly. We are going to make a big move next!"

"Okay, listen to you!!"

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