After an official decision, the final time was initially set in one week.

The location is China's Bird's Nest, which was also the place where China held the Olympic Games.

The closer to the end of the game, the more nervous Liu Cong and the others became.

Because this final is not just a competition, it has become a matter of national honor.

In this way, the reputation of Liu Cong and his team has gradually increased, and some people even named them China LOL.

What's more, they even started to make bets.

If Huaqing University can win the championship this time, some people say that they will win the championship, and some people even say that they will run naked.

Some people are even more outrageous, saying that if the Huaqing University team can win the world championship this time, he will directly confess his love to Aunt Wang next door.

Although netizens' ideas are quite radical, they all have good intentions and hope that their own country's team can shine and take revenge in this world championship.

Of course, Liu Cong also hopes that he can win the championship this time so that he can unlock more technological skills.

Soon, the time came to the second Friday in October, which was the day when Liu Cong and the others played in the semi-finals.

The Bird's Nest was extremely lively this afternoon. The auditorium above was already full of people. It can be said that tickets for the game were hard to come by.

Scalpers who resell tickets are making a lot of money today.

That afternoon, Liu Cong and the others played against the Korean SANG team.

His shadow can be seen in this team's semi-finals of the World Championship almost every year.

If SKT is Korea's ace team, then SANG can be considered the second in command.

Both teams have won the LOL World Championship, and the top three spots in the World Championship almost every year are taken by these two teams.

This shows how terrifying the e-sports industry in Korea is.

The day before, the two top four teams had already played in the Bird's Nest.

There is no doubt that the winner this time is the Korean SKT team.

At this moment, Liu Cong and the others were sitting in the preparation seats, ready to play at any time.

Sitting next to them was the Korean SANG team.

When facing Liu Cong and his team, Korea's SANG team did not take Liu Cong and his team seriously at all.

Their jungler even sneered in Liu Cong's direction many times, as if we have already defeated you.

Faced with all the subsequent provocations, Liu Cong and the other five ignored them. Instead, they sat together to discuss the next style of play and what kind of lineup to use.

SANG is very relaxed here. They have a coach by their side, but the five of them seem not to have any pre-match communication with those around them.

Soon after, the opening ceremony of the finals officially began.

The theme song of the new season of LoL was played throughout the Bird's Nest.

Today's singer is a first-line singer from China, Huang Jingjing. It can be said that her reputation is very high.

Behind Huang Jingjing, there are many cosplayers of LOL characters.

Seeing the brilliant colors on the Bird's Nest stage, the emotions of the audience below were also extremely high.

This is the first time in so many years that LOL has held such a grand conference in the Bird's Nest.

Soon, with the beautiful voice singing, today's competition is about to begin.

Soon, the time came to 5:20 in the afternoon.

There are still ten minutes left before Liu Cong's game time.

Under the guidance of the on-site staff, Liu Cong and the others came to the stage in the middle of the Bird's Nest.

Facing the attention of thousands of people, Liu Cong felt ripples in his heart at this time.

In a sense, Liu Cong is now standing in the most eye-catching place in China.

This was the stage that so many Olympic athletes longed for, and now, he has arrived here.

When the audience saw Liu Cong and the others standing behind the stage in neat team uniforms, cheers erupted instantly.

Some people even raised their banners to cheer for the Huaqing University team.

When Liu Cong saw how enthusiastic everyone was, he felt a lot of excitement in his heart.

He looked at his four serious-looking teammates and vowed to win the game no matter what.

Soon, both sides reached the stage of selecting people.

After going through the challenge stage, the Huaqing University team knew that they didn't take them seriously at all.

The audience in the auditorium couldn't stand this scene anymore.

"What the hell are these stick guys doing? They don't look down on people like that!"

"They are so arrogant in our home stadium. Aren't they afraid of being beaten when they go out?"

"Although our game is not as good as yours, we admit it, but it is your fault that you underestimate the enemy!"


On the field, there were constant boos, but because Liu Cong and the others were soundproofed during the game, they couldn't hear what was going on outside.

At this moment, the head coach of Goryeo on the opposite side was wearing headphones and communicating easily with the Goryeo team.

After a few minutes, both parties had completely chosen someone.

The SANG team has top laner Gnar, mid laner Fox, jungler Lee Sin, assistant Lulu, and ADC Obama.

Huaqing University played against top laner Crocodile, mid laner Galio, jungler gunner, assist Thresh, and ADC Vayne.

Soon, the two sides completely entered the competition stage.

In the regular start, they still occupied the field of vision first, but this time there was no fight. For safety reasons, Liu Cong directed his teammates and did not let them be so aggressive.

It was obvious that they had to be more serious and serious in this competition. The five of them did not leave the computer screen during the whole process.

The time came to five minutes, and Xiaolong refreshed.

Soon, the jungler Lee Sin of the opposite Korean team was ready to attack this little dragon. Since Liu Cong's side occupied the field of vision, when he saw the Lee Sin appear on the small map in the middle road river, the mid laner immediately hit it. Rushed over.

At this time, after seeing the blind monk, the jungler on Liu Cong's side also tried his best to rush here.

It's a pity that this team battle did not start.

After Liu Cong's decision, several people still planned to give up the water dragon and then return to online development.

When the time came to ten minutes, Gao Li saw that no head had appeared so far, and they became anxious.

The opposite jungler Lee Sin took the lead and led the top laner Gnar to prepare to attack the crocodile together.

When the crocodile discovered it, he opened the door immediately.

Upon seeing this, the male gunner quickly joined the team battle with his mid laner.

In the end, both top laners died on the top lane.

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