When the time came to fifteen minutes, assistant Thresh took the lead in hooking Obama on the opposite side.

Liu Cong found the right moment and pushed Obama against the wall immediately.

In this way, Obama was killed directly by the combination of the two, and the opponent's support was not spared either.

This wave of beautiful attacks immediately made the entire audience cheer, and the barrage in the live broadcast room was also constant.

It was because of this wave that the confidence of several teammates was completely destroyed.

Although there is not much economic difference between the two sides at present, and even the opposite side's economy is much better, with this wave, Liu Cong and the others directly obtained a fire dragon.

In the following time, Liu Cong and others seized this opportunity and directly increased their advantage.

At this time, the other party also knew that something was wrong, and wanted to try his best to save it.

However, Liu Cong and the five of them cooperated perfectly, leaving no chance for the opponent to make a comeback.

In 18 minutes, the second tower on the bottom lane was broken by Liu Cong and others.

At twenty-two minutes, the second tower in the middle also took advantage of the situation.

At twenty-five minutes, during the team battle in Dalongkeng, Liu Cong directly made a quadruple kill.

This scene immediately made the audience excited.

In this way, Liu Cong and the others successfully captured the dragon.

In thirty minutes, Liu Cong and the others successfully reached the high ground.

In thirty-three minutes, the SANG team was defeated and lost directly to Liu Cong and the others.

At this point, the first round ends successfully.

Facing the victory, Liu Cong and the others showed no joy at all on their faces. They knew that their opponent was just underestimating their opponent in this game, and their real strength was more than that.

Despite this, the opposite mid laner JJ still smiled disdainfully at Liu Cong.

And such a smile was directly captured by the camera.

For a time, the live broadcast room exploded.

Some people criticized the Korean team, while others defended it.

Netizen 444: You guys who are malnourished just eating kimchi, are you getting high from eating our rice and are you smiling like this?

Ice is not allowed to cry: Get away as far as you can from finishing the race, and don’t stay in our country.


During the intermission, the host on the side was discussing the next situation with another host.

Obviously, the tone of the two men was full of encouragement for the Huaqing University team, but it was just encouragement.

Of course, Liu Cong and the others also knew that it would be impossible to win just by relying on the previous game.

Soon, the second game came.

In this game, Liu Cong still played Vayne, and his assistant was still Thresh.

Compared with the previous game, the SANG team on the opposite side obviously had a much more normal lineup.

Five minutes later, it was still the same as the previous game, with both teams fighting for the dragon.

It's just that this time both sides sacrificed the mid laner, and Xiaolong didn't get it either.

Fifteen minutes later, another team battle broke out in Xiaolongkeng.

This time, Liu Cong relied on his own strength to get another triple kill.

This scene made the coaches on the opposite side look dumbfounded.

Only now do they know that this team without a coach is probably not someone who is easy to bully.

Although the opponent was trying hard to remedy the situation, at the 28th minute, Liu Cong's team was pushed all the way to the high ground and then clicked away the crystal.

At this moment, the faces of the five stick players on the opposite side were uglier than dead fish. If they lost another game, their team would be out of the top two.

Faced with such a situation, their coach was extremely panicked and immediately made plans for the next step, hoping to remedy the situation.

Faced with all the humiliations in the past, Liu Cong and the others would certainly not give these stick guys any chance.

"In this way, you will remember later that you must develop more and don't be obsessed with fighting."

"After my analysis, this team likes to play poke. As long as we don't fight them, they can't do anything to us!" Liu Cong said, looking at the other four.

"Does the captain have any good ideas?" asked the auxiliary player on the side.

"That's right, we can do this first, then that..."

Liu Cong patiently explained the tactics to several people. After hearing Liu Cong's ideas, several people nodded in agreement.

Soon, the third game officially started, and both sides took their positions at the same time.

Liu Cong and the others could clearly feel that the opponent's attitude towards the game this time was completely different from the previous two times.

This time, their top laner took out his best Sword Lady, the mid laner also took out Alchemy, the jungler took out the version of Spider, and the support and marksman took out Thresh and Kai'Sa respectively.

Liu Cong's side is still a relatively conventional lineup.

They are top laner Olaf, jungler Lee Sin, mid laner card, auxiliary Japanese girl, and shooter Spear of Revenge.

At the beginning of the game, in order to quickly gain an advantage in the early stage, the SANG team directly summoned five teammates to prepare for a first-level team.

Fortunately, Liu Cong and the others discovered it in time and prevented this tragedy from happening.

When the time came to three minutes, several people were still facing each other online as usual.

The jungler on the opposite side is currently brushing the jungle here in the blue zone, ready to drive the dragon for five minutes at any time.

This is a fire dragon, no one wants to give up.

In five minutes, apart from the top laner, both sides started a team battle directly in Xiaolong Pit.

He didn't know if there was something wrong with the opponent's mentality. Liu Cong could clearly feel that they were a lot impulsive in this round and were full of loopholes.

After a team battle, Liu Cong and the others actually exchanged one for four.

In this way, they also successfully got the first dragon.

In the following time, Liu Cong and the others were so unstoppable that they were unable to fight back even if they directly fought against them.

Such a scene stunned the audience present and in the live broadcast room.

Twenty minutes later, the gap widened, and the opponent's Korean team was already 5,000 behind.

Although there was still hope for a comeback, Liu Cong would not give this opportunity and directly summoned his teammates to get the baron.

The SANG team took a desperate risk and engaged in a wave of team battles. In the end, Liu Cong and the others took out one team and destroyed them.

In this way, Liu Cong and the others pushed the dragon buff all the way to the high ground.

Finally at the 28th minute, Crystal was completely pushed away by the Huaqing University team.

At this point, the Huaqing University team advanced to the finals, and the audience was excited.

From the World Championship to the present, Liu Cong and the others are the first Chinese team to reach the finals.

For such a grassroots team to advance, it was a complete slap in the face to all major teams.

The success of Liu Cong and the others has completely proved that China is not inferior to those pickle eaters in terms of games.

At this time, everyone in the SANG team on the side had frustration written on their faces. They simply could not accept such a fact.

But the fact is that this is what happened.

After Liu Cong and the others finish their game today, tomorrow will be the United States’ match against Korea’s SKT.

The two losing teams then play a game to compete for third place.

The finals will be held two days later.

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