Soon, the time came to the afternoon two days later, which was the LOL global finals.

It can be said that Liu Cong's team has stolen the limelight on the Internet in the past two days.

Many girls saw that this team was so good-looking, and within five seconds of the Bird's Nest tickets going on sale, all of them were sold out.

This is an almost crazy thing.

You know, the Bird's Nest can accommodate 20,000 spectators, but it was sold out so quickly. It is difficult for even a superstar's concert to do this.

Today Liu Cong and the others have to face SKT, currently the strongest team in LOL in the world.

This team can be said to have been the shadow and nightmare of many people.

This time, everyone actually didn’t have much hope for the Huaqing University team. Their ability to enter the finals is enough to prove that they are already very good.

Therefore, the evaluation of the Huaqing University team on the Internet is basically unanimously positive.

At this moment, the two teams stood on the stage of the Bird's Nest and first had a friendly handshake before the game.

Soon, the game officially started.

Just like Liu Cong and others thought, SKT is indeed much better than SANG.

Moreover, even when they faced Liu Cong and the others, they were very polite.

Liu Cong knew that these were all superficial phenomena, but at least they had done superficial work.

In the first game, Liu Cong's side completely lost to the opponent in twenty-six minutes due to poor management.

When everyone on the field saw this scene, they did not criticize them, but kept holding flags to cheer for the Huaqing University team.

In their eyes, Liu Cong and his team have done a good job.

Soon, the second game came.

With the experience of the last failure, Liu Cong and the others directly banned the opposite mid laner Enchantress.

Because of this hero, Liu Cong and the others suffered terribly in the last game.

The world-class mid laner on the opposite side walked them into isolation with a hand of Enchantress. In the end, he even got a quadruple kill in the Baron Pit.

Soon the second game officially started.

This time, Liu Cong and the others learned the lesson from the last time and directly changed their previous playing style.

As a plug-in player, Liu Cong has no problem with game operation.

Even in the past few days, netizens have directly dubbed Liu Cong the number one ADC in China.

In the first ten minutes, the opponent successfully got a dragon.

In fifteen minutes, Liu Cong's Kai'Sa, in conjunction with Thresh, directly sent Obama and the Japanese girl on the opposite side back to the spring.

The first cheers came at this time.

In this way, Liu Cong and his support successfully pushed down the first tower in the bottom lane and wiped out more than half of the health of the second tower in the bottom lane.

At twenty-one minutes, a team battle broke out in Dalongkeng.

Liu Cong relied on his super high operation skills to directly kill the baron, and also killed the three C positions on the opposite side.

Liu Cong and the others only lost one mid laner.

Just like that, they made a comeback with Baron's buff.

Finally, at thirty-one minutes, they pushed down the opposite crystal.

In the next two games, the two teams also won one and lost one.

Just like that, the score came to 2:2.

This last game is also the one that determines their life and death. If Liu Cong and the others win, they will directly become the first Chinese to win the world finals championship in the LOL field.

This is a great honor for them.

At this moment, the popularity in the live broadcast room soared to 90 million. If the official preparations were not sufficient before this, the server would have crashed.

It can be said that after tonight, Liu Cong's popularity in China and the world will be greatly improved.

"Listen up, don't be nervous later, be sure to relax. This is the closest step we can take to the championship."

"I know it's not easy for everyone along the way, but at the last critical moment, we must win this championship."

"This is the Bird's Nest in our country, we cannot afford to be embarrassed like this!!"

Even Liu Cong, who has seen the world, is a little excited now. This is obviously bringing glory to the country!

“We will definitely live up to everyone’s expectations!!”

Several people responded to what Liu Cong said at the same time.

Next, few people said anything. As the time for the last game approached, several people took their seats one after another.

“I’m announcing now! The S21 Season LOL Finals has officially begun!!”

When the live host finished these words, everyone in the audience burst into excitement.

The barrages in the live broadcast room are flooding the screen with tens of thousands of barrages per second.

Soon, amid the cheers of the audience, the two teams began their final game.

First of all, the hero lineup of Liu Cong's team is the top laner Crab, the jungler Spider, the mid laner Enchantress, and the support and ADC are Kai'Sa and Lulu respectively.

On SKT's side, top laner Raven, jungler Lee Sin, mid laner Galio, assist and ADC are Obama and Thresh respectively.

The overall lineups on both sides are relatively strong this season.

In addition, they each came up with their own strong heroes.

The start is still the same. Now the river in the middle road occupies the field of vision, and then a 5V5 team battle takes place.

After a fight, several people were not in very good health, so they went back to replenish their health.

The time came to an exciting five minutes, and here in Xiaolong Pit, several people once again broke out into a team battle.

I don’t know if everyone wants to compete, but in short, the two teams played extremely aggressively.

For Liu Cong and others, this was not so friendly in the early stage.

"Everyone, be careful. Don't let the opponent find any loopholes. In my opinion, they want to use aggressive play to force us to follow their rhythm."

"We don't want this earth dragon anymore. Let's develop it step by step."

Liu Cong quickly sensed a hint of danger from this situation. It was obvious that the opponent's style of play was just as Liu Cong said.

"Pu Suqiang, the Chinese team opposite seems to have noticed something is wrong. What should we do next?"

"Keep pressing and leave them alone. Don't they want to grow? Then don't give them a chance to grow!!"


At this moment, Liu Cong and his assistant were clearing the lane on the bottom lane. Two people suddenly appeared in the grass. Take two people on the bottom lane, that is, four.

When Liu Cong found out that people were coming, he hurriedly came to his tower with his support, but the opponent's stick team did not intend to let Liu Cong go.

Upon seeing this, the top laner immediately teleported over to provide support, and the jungler and mid laner were also rushing to the bottom lane to provide support.

Before they could come over, Thresh's Q dodge hooked Lulu, and then several people from the opposite side immediately came to the tower to forcefully replace the two of them.

However, something unexpected happened at this time, and they underestimated Liu Cong's skills.

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