I saw Liu Cong dodge and avoid several big moves from the opponent.

The next second, the order was quickly transferred over.

"No, run quickly!!"

The person on the other side realized something was wrong at this time and quickly backed away.

However, how could Liu Cong give them a chance? He was operating the computer with concentration, not missing every opportunity to do damage.

Because Liu Cong's Kai'Sa did too much damage, Thresh was the first to die in his hands.

At this time, the jungler and mid laner also rushed over to support.

Taking advantage of this, Liu Cong hurriedly pursued the victory and killed the opposing jungler Lee Sin and Obama.

When the remaining two people saw this situation, they immediately pressed Flash.

At this scene, cheers came from the scene.

At this moment in Huaqing University, the cafeteria is already crowded with students.

When the principal and other leaders of the school saw Liu Cong and his team winning the team battle, they couldn't help but shout out.

"Well done, classmate Liu Cong!!"

"Yes, yes! Just fight like this, don't give the opponent a chance!!"

The principal's face was full of joy at this moment, and he felt indescribable excitement in his heart.

He witnessed Liu Cong step by step from the auditions to the world finals.

It is no exaggeration to say that the principal did not miss Liu Cong's live broadcast.

Even if he's not watching in the cafeteria, he still has to take time to watch when he gets back to work.


On the field, Liu Cong and the others took advantage of the opponent's mistake to develop like crazy.

And just because of the failure of this team battle, the opponent felt a little powerless.

Especially in this world competition, they faced this mistake and felt unspeakable pressure in their hearts.

The time came to fifteen minutes, and the gap between the two teams was getting wider and wider.

The Huaqing team led by Liu Cong's economy is already almost 3,000 higher than the opponent's.

In this way, Liu Cong and the others followed the jungler's cooperation and successfully captured the first fire dragon.

After that, the opponent was completely unable to stop Liu Cong and the others.

Seeing that Liu Cong's side was gaining more and more advantages, even the hosts in the audience were discussing excitedly.

Not to mention the audience under the stage, they were not as lively as before, everyone seemed to be holding their breath.

At this time, the Huaqing team on the field was unstoppable, leaving no chance to the opponent.

In twenty-five minutes, Liu Cong and the others pushed directly to the high ground opposite.

At this time, Galio on the opposite side tried to use his ultimate move to divide the battlefield.

However, all this was in vain. As soon as Galio landed, he immediately performed a health bar disappearing technique.

In this way, the remaining four people could no longer stop Liu Cong and the others from moving forward.

At this moment, thunderous cheers could be heard from the scene.

Because they knew that the opponent had no chance of winning, and of course Liu Cong and the others would not give the opponent this chance.

Liu Cong in front of the screen was concentrating on operating the keyboard and mouse in his hands.

"Brothers, this is the last wave, don't let me down, everyone, kill their Obama first!!"

Liu Cong was operating the computer while still directing his teammates.

Just like that, finally at thirty-one minutes, the crystal on the opposite side was broken by Liu Cong and the others.

The next second the crystal broke, the camera was directed to Liu Cong and the five of them.

The five people stood up from their seats at this moment and hugged each other tightly. At this moment, they were excited from the bottom of their hearts.

Not only did this achieve his goal, it also brought glory to the country.

"It worked! They really did it!"

The host took the microphone and shouted excitedly to the audience.

"After so many years, this is the first time that China has stood on such a stage as a champion in the LOL World Championship, and it is also our home court!!"

As he spoke, the host was spitting all over the place because he was so excited.

At this time, almost all the male dormitories of major universities in China were boiling. Such a scene was almost no less than a small earthquake.

"Auntie, the Huaqing team is awesome!! It's awesome!!"

"we are the champion!"

The dormitory aunt of a certain university was completely confused when she saw the students acting like this.

"What the hell are you talking about? Auntie can't understand."

Before the dormitory aunt could react, all these people rushed out of the dormitory.

"Hey, hey, hey! Where are you going? It's already past ten o'clock in the evening. Where are you going?"

When the aunt watched two students rushing out of the teaching building, she was also panicked.

At this moment, the guard was still smoking, and the TV in the security booth was showing a video of the aunt dancing in the square. The guard almost stopped dancing along with the video.

Just as the doorman watched with great interest, there were bursts of noise outside. In line with his professionalism, the uncle hurriedly picked up the flashlight in his hand and went out to check the situation.

As soon as he went out, he was shocked by this scene.

I saw hundreds of students rushing down from the dormitory building, some holding flags and some holding glow sticks.

What's more, he ran out in his underwear and shouted: "I want to run naked!!"

The uncle was stunned when he saw this scene.

He has been a security guard for more than 20 years and has never seen a scene like today.

At this moment, he was so frightened that he threw away the cigarette in his hand.

"Oh my god, these students are not possessed by evil spirits!"

"Hey!! Stop shouting, my eardrums will be shattered by you!!"

The guard just watched these students running to the playground.

Not long after the students left, a middle-aged man saw something going on in the boys' dormitory and ran over.

"Uncle Wang, what's going on in the boys' dormitory!!"

"I don't know, I feel like the students are all possessed!"

"They kept mumbling something awesome, and I don't know where it came from. Anyway, they ran towards the playground!"

"Okay, uncle, I understand."


Inside the Bird's Nest, Liu Cong and the other five walked to the podium and quietly enjoyed the cheers from below.

As for the stick team next to them, everyone looked as ugly as if they had eaten dog shit.

Before the game, they threatened to beat China 3:0, but now they are stepped on by Liu Cong and the others. This feeling is not to mention how uncomfortable it is.

"Let us congratulate the Huaqing University team for winning this LOL World Championship. Next, Miss World Yang Lu will personally present the awards to the five Huaqing University members!!"

At this moment, thunderous applause resounded throughout the Bird's Nest.

In the official live broadcast room, there are countless people.

Looking around, the word "awesome" is everywhere in the live broadcast room.

Just like that, Liu Cong and the others got off the podium amidst bursts of cheers.

Next, waiting for them are millions of bonuses and offers from countless clubs.

Liu Cong had already thought about it. If his teammates wanted to go to the club, he would never stop him.

Liu Cong also planned to not take any of these millions of bonuses and give them all to his teammates. After all, he had selfish motives at the beginning, and they had done him a big favor.

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