"Academician Liu, let me introduce to you. This is Academician Peng, who has been stationed in the Northwest all year round. He has been contributing to national energy development in the Northwest since he was in his twenties. It has been forty or fifty years now.

"Behind Academician Peng is his team, which is also a group of highly educated and ambitious people. This time they came here with the approval of their superiors to inspect our place."

"The country has the intention to build a controllable nuclear fusion power station in the northwest region to achieve the purpose of transmitting electricity from the west to the east."

After listening to Academician Sun's introduction, Liu Cong suddenly stood in awe of the ancient old man in front of him.

You know, the environment in the northwest is not like the inland. The harsh environment and the poor economy make it extremely difficult for the people living there.

However, from the last century to now, thanks to the efforts of the state, the conditions there have improved a lot.

However, academician Peng’s act of great love is worthy of everyone’s admiration.

Even Liu Cong himself would not be able to decide to stay in the Northwest for the rest of his life, because it is really too hard.

"Xiao Sun, what are you talking about? It's not worth mentioning, it's not worth mentioning!"

"Everyone has contributed to the country. Compared with Academician Liu, the things I have done are not worth mentioning and are not worthy of mention!!"

Academician Peng looked at the huge main control workshop, and no one knew what he was thinking at this time.

"Academician Peng, and Academician Peng's team, welcome you. Next, I will take you to visit the controllable nuclear fusion power station!" said Academician Gao on the side.

"Then I'll trouble you, Academician Gao!!"

Later, this group of people did not linger outside the main control workshop, but went in to visit together.

During this period, Liu Cong followed Academician Peng, and Academician Peng also asked him a lot about controllable nuclear fusion.

From the chat, Liu Cong learned that wind power and photovoltaics in the Northwest were developed by a team led by Academician Peng. Without the efforts of Academician Peng and their team, the current situation in the Northwest would not be what it is.

"Academician Peng, since you are here to inspect the nuclear fusion power plant this time, when do you plan to start construction in the Northwest?"

Academician Peng thought for a moment and said, "It depends on how much I can learn here."

"From the current point of view, our team will be here for a long time, and we may need your technical support by then."

After listening to Academician Peng's words, Liu Cong nodded.

"Academician Peng, don't worry, if you need any technical support, just ask us and we will help you!"

"Thank you so much, Academician Liu. My wish is to be able to see the same prosperity as the cities in the northwest and the east before I die."

When Academician Peng said this, his eyes were full of light.

The team behind him also looked forward to such a day.

While talking, several people came outside the reactor with controllable nuclear fusion.

From the outside, the two reactors look like giant chimneys, with only a huge door around them. They are all sealed and there is only a huge opening on the top for venting steam.

Because controllable nuclear fusion does not produce any waste gas during the reaction.

"Let's go in and take a look!"

Academician Gao turned to the group of people behind him and said.

Afterwards, everyone couldn't wait to follow Academician Gao in.

After entering, Liu Cong's first impression was that this place was nothing more than an enlarged version of the original laboratory, based on that model.

However, the reaction device at this time was ten times the original size, and a generator alone would take up an estimated one to two thousand square meters.

Including Liu Cong, everyone was completely shocked when they saw such a scene in front of them, because this was really shocking.

Even Liu Cong felt incredible.

It is not surprising that such a large power generation device, and there are two on the left and right, can supply power to the entire city of Beiping.

However, they did not see the generator running when they came here today, because today is the final stage of maintenance. Starting tomorrow, the power station will officially enter the commissioning stage.

By then, the city will be completely free of coal power generation.

"Oh! This is simply wonderful. If we can have such a power station in the northwest, then all the surrounding cities can completely rely on one power station to meet their power supply requirements!!"

"Oh! It's really great!"

Academician Peng was so excited that his hands were shaking and his face was red.

The team behind him did not feel the same way as Academician Peng.

"Academician Peng, you will have a power station like this in your place soon, and it will be even bigger than this power station!!"

Academician Li on the side looked at Academician Peng and said with pride.

"Yes! Sooner or later we will have it too. Thank you to the country and Academician Liu!!"

Academician Peng wanted to bow to himself, but Liu Cong hurriedly stepped forward to stop him.

"Academician Peng, I can't bear it, I can't bear it!!"

"Everyone contributes to the country!"

At this moment, the scene was extremely lively, and the air was full of joy.

After the visit, everyone held a meeting together to discuss the future development of controllable nuclear fusion.


The next day,

With the official opening of the controllable nuclear fusion power station on the outskirts of Peking, such news became known to the public.

When Huaxia.com released this notice, everyone's first reaction was full of confusion.

When everyone learned that one power station could supply electricity to all of Beiping City, including neighboring provinces, everyone was filled with shock.

It wasn't until a blogger explained what controlled nuclear fusion was that everyone suddenly woke up.

In just one hour, this matter immediately topped the list of hot searches.

No one expected that such a worldwide problem would be solved directly.

As soon as this news came out, it was a nationwide sensation. This was no less than the mood of the people across the country when our country's first atomic bomb was built.


United States, Department of Defense.

A group of formally dressed people were staring at an English news article on the big screen.

"Mike, what do you think about this?"

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