At this time, Mike, who was sitting in front of the conference table, stood up slightly in front of what the middle-aged man said.

"Chief, first of all, there is a high probability that this news is not false."

"From the frequent high-tech incidents in China during this period, we can see that China may have been waiting for this moment for a long time, but they have never shown any clues before."

"It seems that we can't sit still and wait for death!!"

After Mike finished speaking, a group of people below nodded.

"Well, I very much agree with what you said. If this continues, our status as the world's hegemon may not be guaranteed by then."

The chief executive was sitting at the conference table, also very anxious.

"How about we launch a nuclear attack on China!"

The words of the people below caused the scene to become noisy instantly.

The vast majority of people agree to launch a nuclear strike against China, and only a few people hold objections.

"Commander, isn't this how we treated disobedient countries before?"

"What's more, we have already formulated a precise attack plan against China to ensure that they will have no ability to resist."

"Yes, Chief!"


There was a heated discussion in the audience, but only the director remained silent.

After thinking for a long time, the director spoke.

"I will give feedback to my superiors about your opinions later."

"However, we are still one year away from our two-year plan. If we really want to attack China in advance, it will destroy our original plan."

"Judging from these incidents, we don't know what trump cards China has. If we act rashly, we will probably have endless troubles!!"

The chief's words made everyone fall into deep thought at this time.

"Then what should we do now? We can't just let them develop so smoothly!"

"If we really let them continue like this, our good days will probably be yet to come!" Mike said worriedly.

"In this way, you can contact the spies over there and ask what the situation is like in China, and then we will formulate a complete plan in detail."

"Yes! Chief, leave this matter to me!"

At this time, a Chinese face in the conference room showed a meaningful smile.


The news about China's breakthrough in controllable nuclear fusion technology quickly spread to every corner of Blue Star.

When everyone learned the news, they were extremely shocked.

China's breakthrough in the field of controllable nuclear fusion quickly became a hot search topic in various countries.

Huaxia, special department.

"Our people over there just sent an email."

"Huh? What email?"

"That's right, the United States seems to be planning to take action against us!!"

"What? Isn't it still a year before you start attacking us?"

The middle-aged man looked at the young man aside, his face full of disbelief.

"The leader, according to Xinri, seems to have felt an unprecedented crisis because of this controllable nuclear fusion incident, so..."

The young man did not say anything else, but the leader already knew it well at this time.

"Leader, Zhang Ming also said that there is a mole within China, and they even asked him to investigate us!"

The young man whispered into the middle-aged man's ear.

However, after hearing these words, the middle-aged man had no expression on his face.

"In fact, I have known about this matter for a long time that there is a spy inside China. Our information has been leaked before. I have asked people to investigate this matter privately, but there has been no result."

“Only you and I know about today’s matter, don’t tell anyone else!!”

The middle-aged man looked around and spoke in a low voice.

"Don't worry, I understand everything!"


At three o'clock in the afternoon that day, that is when China's first controllable nuclear fusion power station was officially put into use.

Due to confidentiality issues, it cannot be shown to everyone in the form of live broadcast.

At this moment, Liu Cong was standing at the scene.

There were many prominent people present today, including military leaders, followed by many academicians.

They were standing in the controllable nuclear fusion power station at this time, looking at the two giant cylindrical pillars in front of them. Everyone had extremely serious faces.

"Dear leaders and academicians, in three minutes, that is, at 3:10 in the afternoon, the first controllable nuclear fusion power station will be officially put into use."

“For everyone’s safety, please stand and watch from a distance!!”

Academician Gao pointed to the iron fence not far away and motioned for everyone to stand there and watch.

After listening to Academician Gao's words, everyone walked towards the iron fence behind them.

Among the dozens of people, no one noticed Liu Cong standing aside, and Liu Cong didn't want to be exposed to the public in a too public way.

At this time, Lieutenant General Li Hu looked particularly excited.

"Academician Liu, if it weren't for you this time, it would be difficult for someone at my level to see such a scene."

"I have to say that our country is really standing up now. Such a huge project was built in just a few months!!!"

Li Hu sighed and looked at Liu Cong standing aside.

"Yes! The speed of our country's infrastructure construction is indeed difficult for other countries to match. To be honest, when I came here, I was really shocked!"

As he spoke, the time came to 3:10.

When people heard the sound of generators coming from inside the two huge cylinders, everyone knew that the controllable nuclear fusion power station was officially in operation.

Soon after, people saw white steam rising upwards from the chimney.

After Academician Gao's original introduction, everyone knows that all water emitted from the chimney is water vapor, which is completely environmentally friendly and without any pollution.

"Oh, this is really good! Such an important weapon that benefits the country and the people, I didn't expect that our Chinese scientists would actually develop it."

"Yes, it is said that the person who developed controllable nuclear fusion was a young man who had not graduated from college."

"Yes, it is said that this person is still a young man!"

At this time, the leaders on the side were having a heated discussion.

On the contrary, the academician group seemed very calm.

"Academician Liu, it seems that many people have heard about you! Don't you plan to go up and explain your true identity?"

Faced with such a situation, Liu Cong shook his head and said, "Lieutenant General Li, there is an old saying in China that makes people crazy will lead to disaster."

"Sometimes, there is no harm in keeping a low profile, in case some criminals take advantage of it."

"I believe the academicians will not tell anyone about my identity."

After listening to Liu Cong's words, Lieutenant General Li Hu quietly gave a thumbs up.

"Let's go. There is nothing good to see here. We have seen everything that needs to be seen. China may not be peaceful in the future!!"

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