Liu Cong looked at Jiang Wanying, then shook his head.

"I still really don't know about this. When did this happen, and where did you see this?"

Jiang Wanying saw that Liu Cong knew nothing about this matter, so she picked up her phone and clicked on a page.

After Liu Cong took Jiang Wanying's cell phone, he began to read it with concentration.

"More than a dozen academicians, plus a dozen congressmen? What do they want to do here?"

This battle was really suppressed by Liu Cong. In the past, at most it would be some unimportant people coming or making small fuss. After the incident was over, there would be nothing more to do.

Of course, Liu Cong can also understand this, after all, this already involves something deeper.

With the development of science and technology, countries around the world are beginning to pay more and more attention to energy.

The reason why the United States has become the world's hegemon in recent years is actually closely related to energy.

Controllable nuclear fusion has always been a goal pursued by developed and developing countries.

Therefore, in the past few decades, various countries have invested huge amounts of money at all costs to study controllable nuclear fusion.

In the process of research and development, if there is a breakthrough, it will definitely cause a huge sensation.

"Liu Cong, what should we do next?" Jiang Wanying looked at Liu Cong worriedly.

"This matter is not something we can control. It still depends on the plans from above. I believe they will have countermeasures."


Jiang Wanying looked at Liu Cong and casually picked up the skewers in her hands. She didn't know what she was thinking at this time.

"By the way, I have something else to tell you."

"Well, tell me!"

"That's it. Do you still remember the currency trading system we discussed some time ago?" Liu Cong asked.

"If you didn't tell me about this, I would have really forgotten about it. What's wrong? Have you made any new progress?"

Seeing Jiang Wanying's expectant look, Liu Cong shook his head.

Jiang Wanying was a little disappointed after seeing Liu Cong's reaction.

"I thought you were going to give me a surprise!"

Liu Cong smiled and said: "That's right, I have a general idea now, and it won't be long before I can figure out the framework."

"I will send you an email tomorrow, and then you can send it to the company's employees and senior executives."

“Having them ready to work with me on developing trading systems.”

"By the way, also help me draft a confidentiality agreement, and then ask everyone in the company to participate in this research and development to sign this document for me."

Jiang Wanying was confused by what Liu Cong said, "Are you ready to start research and development now? This is too abrupt, I didn't even react."

"Why is this so abrupt? You have also seen the current situation. The sooner we build the trading system, the better it will be for us here."


Liu Cong chatted a lot with Jiang Wanying. After Jiang Wanying listened, she felt that what Liu Cong said was very reasonable.

"I know, I will send the notice to the whole company tomorrow so that they can prepare in advance!"

In this way, the two of them kept discussing things at the barbecue stall until twelve o'clock.

Afterwards, Liu Cong and Jiang Wanying walked back to school.

The next day,

When Liu Cong was still asleep due to intense work in the early morning, the atmosphere in the conference room ten kilometers away from Liu Cong had become extremely unfriendly.

"I heard you say that you are not willing to disclose the controllable nuclear fusion technology?"

A middle-aged American with blond hair and blue eyes looked at the person sitting across the table from him with an unhappy expression.

"This is related to the world's energy problem. Do you, China, want to be alone?"

"You know, eating alone often doesn't end well."

The person next to the blond and blue-eyed man added again when he saw that the Chinese people didn't react.

Facing the aggressive momentum from the opposite side, everyone in China also smiled disdainfully.

"According to what you say, if we don't hand over our technology, you will use violence, right?"

"Also, we developed this technology, why should we teach it?"

"If I remember correctly, don't you Americans always pay the most attention to intellectual property rights?"

"What? You didn't get any benefits and you just abolished it?"

As the words fell, the translator on the American side was translating what the Chinese side had just said.

After hearing this, their faces looked extremely ugly.

These words completely touched their weakness.

What this country is best at, from the last world to the present, is putting the cart before the horse.

As long as it is beneficial to them, a valid reason can be given no matter what.

As long as it is not beneficial to them, they will immediately put pressure on the opponent, and there are even various reasons to use force to attack you.

The originally prosperous country was turned into ruins overnight due to the invasion of the Great Beauty, and the people at the bottom were even more miserable.

But no one dares to say no to all this, and they are also afraid that their country will be treated in the same way because of their own prominence.

Therefore, many countries around the world have now become the licking dogs of the United States. In a sense, they have no choice.

As for Huaxia and Xiong Country, Dameili has always regarded these two countries as a thorn in its side and a thorn in its flesh.

But at the same time, he has no way to deal with these two countries.

Therefore, for so many years, they have only relied on their own country's patented technology and the World Bank system to impose technological and economic sanctions on the two countries.

However, what they did not expect was that the more they behaved like this, the more rapidly China would develop.

Because from ancient times to the present, China has always been a tenacious and self-reliant nation.

We have a deep-rooted culture and each of us has our own beliefs.

Therefore, from these aspects alone, if the United States wants to overthrow China, it can only use force to solve the problem.

At this time, faced with China's tough attitude, people in the United States were also extremely angry.

"We are here to negotiate terms with you, not to discuss with you!!"

"If your attitude is still like this, then what will greet you next will not only be some superficial sanctions!!"

At this time, the attitude of the group of blond hair and blue eyes across from them was no longer the same as when they came just now.

"Hmph!! Don't threaten us with this. Even if this hadn't happened, you would have been secretly ready to attack us, right?"

"Don't threaten us with this kind of thing, it's useless!!"

"If you don't pay, you don't pay! There's no need to discuss this matter!"

"If you have nothing to do, please go back the way you came."

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