Faced with the strength of the people in the United States, they responded directly.

After hearing what the translator said, the people over there looked as ugly as eating shit.

Whenever they have suffered a loss, it has always been because they bullied others. I have never seen anyone bully them.

However, today, they did not get any benefits in the negotiation, but were criticized, which made them very uncomfortable.

"Mike, it seems we need to discuss this matter in the long term. Do you have any good ideas?"

Mike, who was sitting in his seat, heard what the middle-aged man said, thought for a moment, and then replied: "Since their attitude is so tough, I think there are only two ways at the moment!"

"Which two?" The middle-aged man looked at Mike curiously.

Seeing this, Mike brought his mouth close to the middle-aged man's ear, and then whispered something in his ear.

After the middle-aged man listened, his pupils gradually dilated.

"Mike, the first method you mentioned cannot be implemented at present, but the second method you mentioned has inspired me a lot."

"But where do you find this person? Such a talent must have been directly protected by them. Where can we find it?"

"We have to go back and discuss this matter in the long run. It's inconvenient to talk about it now that there are so many people!" Mike whispered something into the middle-aged man's ear.

Immediately, the middle-aged man nodded.

"Well, let's take a long-term view."

"In short, no matter what, I have to dig this person out for me."

"When the time comes that you are too soft, give him the hard one. Of course, I don't believe that anyone can remain calm despite being driven by huge interests!!"

The middle-aged man was sitting on the table in the Huaxia conference room with an evil smile on his lips.

"Yes! I don't believe that Chinese people are so tough, otherwise there wouldn't be so many Chinese immigrating to our country."

"To put it bluntly, everything is driven by profit. As long as the benefits are large, there will be no corner that we cannot dig!!"


In the apartment, Liu Cong was concentrating on the matters at hand.

"Ah sneeze!"

"Who is talking bad about me behind my back?"

As he spoke, Liu Cong rubbed his nose with his hand, and then sent the document he had prepared to Jiang Wanying's mailbox.

After sending the email, Liu Cong directly called Jiang Wanying.

"My email has been sent to your mailbox. You can look at the contents of the document later and hold a meeting for me. I won't go!" Liu Cong said to Jiang Wanying on the phone.

"Okay, I'll do as you say later!"

After hanging up the phone, Liu Cong looked out the window. The sun had risen very high.

"Looks like it's time for lunch!"

With that said, Liu Cong packed up the things on the table and went out for lunch.

The weather was still a bit cold as December approached, and Liu Cong couldn't help but shiver as the icy cold wind blew on him.

"Hiss! Why is the weather suddenly so cold? It seems I have to go back to get some clothes."

Thinking of this, Liu Cong has not gone home for a long time. During this time, Liu Cong has been in school and has not gone back even for leisure time.

Thinking of not seeing his girlfriend for half a month, Liu Cong planned to meet Chen Qiong after lunch.

After making the call, Chen Qiong was having lunch at her media company.

Since Chen Qiong's company has a movie to be released during this period, it is also relatively busy during this period.

After making inquiries on the phone, Liu Cong drove downstairs to the company after lunch.

This time, the security guard did not turn Liu Cong away like the first time. He let him go as soon as he saw Liu Cong coming.

A few minutes later, Liu Cong came to Chen Qiong's office and found that Chen Qiong was processing the documents in his hand.

"Why do we, Miss Chen, work so hard?"

Chen Qiong, who was looking at the documents attentively, was startled by Liu Cong's sudden words.

"You scared me to death! Why didn't you knock on the door when you came in?"

On the surface, Chen Qiong was very frightened. The next second, he stood up and ran towards Liu Cong, and then hugged Liu Cong.

"Didn't I see that your door was open? Haven't seen you for so long. Do you miss me?"

"Yeah! I really want to, I have lost weight after missing you for so many days!"

Liu Cong looked at Chen Qiong, whose face was getting rounder in his arms, and almost fell for her.

"I believe you, your face will be as round as a plate in no time."

Chen Qiong, who was acting coquettishly in Liu Cong's arms one second, stopped doing it the next second.

"It's not my fault that the food cooked by my aunt is so delicious, huh, I'm ignoring you!"

In this way, Liu Cong stayed in Chen Qiong's office all afternoon to help Chen Qiong process the documents.

In the evening, Liu Cong and Chen Qiong returned to their homes together, and then the family sat together and had a harmonious dinner.

Because it was too late in the evening and I drank some wine, I didn't go back to school.

Just when Liu Cong was about to fall asleep, the door was lightly knocked, "Dear, are you asleep?"

When Chen Qiong knocked on the door, Liu Cong immediately got up from the bed and opened the door for Chen Qiong. Chen Qiong hugged her pillow and immediately got into Liu Cong's arms.

"I'm asked to take the initiative every time. I'm a girl, so can't you take the initiative?"

On the surface, Chen Qiong said this, and the next second he pushed Liu Cong onto the bed.

"Sister, I want to be intimate with you tonight."

Chen Qiong looked at Liu Cong with a flushed face while slowly taking off her clothes.

"The door is not closed, the door is not closed!!"


The next day, when Liu Cong woke up, the sun had already risen very high.

After arriving at the living room, Liu Cong saw that the house was empty and everyone had gone to work.

After simply making some food in the kitchen, Liu Cong also drove back to school.

In the afternoon, Liu Cong was alone in his apartment working on the framework that he had not yet completed.

After his day and night efforts, the entire framework is now 70% complete. It won't be long before Liu Cong can completely complete the framework.

While Liu Cong was typing the code, another big news broke out in the world.

Because China had an extremely tough attitude in previous negotiations, and after those people in the United States returned, they immediately reported the matter intact.

The United States is extremely angry and hereby orders comprehensive patent sanctions and financial sanctions against China.

It also prevents China's neighboring countries and their allies from exporting or importing anything to China.

As soon as the incident broke out, Xiongguo was still under great pressure and was still preparing to export crude oil and natural gas to China.

However, Nai He could not withstand the huge pressure, and Xiong Guo had to compromise.

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