"Tuan Tuan, I must stop this war!"

"Otherwise, humanity will really be completely finished!"

When Liu Cong said this, he actually still felt compassion.

It has been several years since I came to Blue Star, and I have always missed the people and things on that side of the earth.

Although he has slowly forgotten about it in his daily life, sometimes he can't help but think of the place where he was raised.

[Host, only you can stop this war. My purpose is to assist you in completing your mission]

"Then what good method do you have?"

Liu Cong waited expectantly for Tuantuan to give him the answer, but what he got in exchange was that he didn't know three words.

The system's answer left Liu Cong speechless, but he had no choice but to cherish this final remedial time.

According to the contents of the files I stole last time, this war will probably take place in a year.

However, after the fermentation of this incident, Liu Cong did not know whether they would launch this war against China in advance.

"Alas! Now that things have happened, there is technology that can save China!"

Liu Cong closed the computer in front of his desk and took a deep breath.

"If the war over there doesn't start in advance, the time I can buy is still a year and a half. In this case, there will definitely be some way to break this war!"

Liu Cong clenched his fists, his eyes extremely firm.

Now, all Liu Cong can do is to develop Starlink as soon as possible.

In addition, he can no longer keep a low profile like this. He must increase his popularity as soon as possible in order to obtain more high-tech information.

This is also the safest method Liu Cong has thought of so far.

"Although the road ahead may be tiring and dangerous, I have nothing to do now."

Thinking that he was so busy that he hadn't eaten yet, Liu Cong planned to go downstairs and continue his scientific research plan after eating.

While eating, Liu Cong considered the safest way, which was to enter the Chinese Academy of Sciences or a higher-level research institute.

This is currently the easiest way for him to obtain various resources.

Since he thought so, Liu Cong planned to contact the people over there tomorrow and then start implementing his plan.

After going back after dinner, Liu Cong was still busy until three or four in the morning before he could sleep.

As for the framework of this currency trading system, Liu Cong has completed 95% of it.

As long as he works harder in the past two days, this arduous task can be completed, and then he can completely leave the follow-up matters to his own hands.

Seeing that there were still important things to deal with in the morning, Liu Cong closed the computer and fell asleep.

It wasn't until about nine o'clock in the morning that Liu Cong opened his eyes.

Looking at the time on his phone, Liu Cong knew that he was going to delay his business.

It's raining very hard today, just like Liu Cong's mood.

Liu Cong drove his car and ran all the way.

Thirty minutes later, Liu Cong came again to the place he had promised he would never come.

Because there are people strictly guarding this place, and I am not from here, I can't go in.

Because he arrived in such a hurry, Liu Cong did not notify him in advance, so he had to call Academician Sun on the spot.

Academician Sun answered the phone very quickly. When he learned that the call was from Liu Cong, he did not dare to delay at all for fear of delaying the matter.

When Academician Sun learned that Liu Cong was outside the door of their Chinese Academy of Sciences, he immediately called someone to let him go.

Therefore, Liu Cong also successfully entered the courtyard of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

There is no difference between this place and the first time I came here. There are soldiers guarding everywhere, and even the surveillance is 360 degrees with no blind spots.

"Wait a moment, our academician will be out soon!"

The young soldier said politely to Liu Cong.

"Okay, I understand, thank you!"

In this way, Liu Cong leaned in front of his car and waited quietly for the arrival of Academician Sun.

A few minutes later, a fat figure trotted towards Liu Cong, waving to Liu Cong as he ran.

"Academician Liu, I'm really sorry. There was a meeting just now, so I was delayed for a few minutes."

Seeing Academician Sun panting, Liu Cong waved his hands repeatedly.

"Academician Sun, I have just arrived, so you don't have to be so polite."

Seeing Liu Cong say this, the atmosphere relaxed slightly at this time.

"Academician Liu, let's go in and talk about anything."

"I recently got a pound of fine tea. I'll give it to you to try later!"

"Oh! Good!"

In this way, Academician Sun led Liu Cong through the building and across the park to his private office.

Liu Cong looked around. It was quite simple here, and there was no expensive furniture or anything in the room. Liu Cong was a little surprised at this.

"Academician Liu, sit down and I will make you tea now!"

A few minutes later, a cup of hot tea was delivered to Liu Cong.

"We who are engaged in scientific research all year round don't have tea sets to make tea, so you can make do with it."

Liu Cong smiled at Academician Sun and said he didn't mind.

Then, he picked up the tea cup and began to slowly taste the tea leaves.

"If my guess is correct, this tea is from Jiangnan Province!"

"Hey! Academician Liu, you are so knowledgeable and talented, this is Guapian!"

Seeing Liu Cong enjoying the tea, Academician Sun also picked up the tea and tasted it.

Before Liu Cong could speak first, Academician Sun put down his tea cup.

"Academician Liu, what are you doing here today? Just ask us if you have anything to do. We will be happy to help you if we can."

"By the way, the R\u0026D team you asked for last time is already in Cangtai. I was going to call you today and you just came over."

After hearing what Academician Sun said, Liu Cong put down the tea cup in his hand and expressed his gratitude to Academician Sun with a fist in his hand.

"Academician Sun, thank you very much for your help, but this is not why I came here today."

"I have other requests."

Seeing Liu Cong's increasingly serious expression, Academician Sun also began to pay attention.


"You might as well tell me, I won't be shy about where I can help!"

After listening to what Academician Sun said, Liu Cong clasped his fists again to express his gratitude.

"Academician Sun, I want to join the Chinese Academy of Sciences."

"Oh, it turns out that's why you came here today!"

"This matter is very simple. I will handle the procedures for you immediately."


"What did you just say? Again, I didn't understand what you meant!!"

At this time, Academician Sun's pupils widened.

"Academician Sun, I said I want to join your Chinese Academy of Sciences!"

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