This time, Academician Sun really heard what Liu Cong said.

"Are you really planning to join our Chinese Academy of Sciences?!"

"Are you sure you've thought about it?"

Facing Academician Sun's excited question, Liu Cong nodded calmly.

"Well, I have already thought about it. Joining the Chinese Academy of Sciences has been something I have carefully considered, but I have a request, and you must satisfy me."

At this time, Academician Sun could not hear what Liu Cong was saying just now. He nodded to whatever Liu Cong said.

"Academician Liu, as long as you join, we will unconditionally agree to any conditions you have. As long as it is within our ability, these are no big deal!"

"I'm really happy. Academician Liu, please wait a moment and I'll call Mr. Shu to inform him!"

From Academician Sun's expression, Liu Cong knew how happy he was now.

Soon, the call was dialed.

When Shu Lao learned that Liu Cong was going to join their Chinese Academy of Sciences, he was equally excited.

When Academician Sun said on the phone that Liu Cong was in his office at this time, Mr. Shu hung up the phone and rushed over.

After hanging up the phone, Academician Sun sat opposite Liu Cong again.

"Academician Liu, I am so happy that you can join us. I don't even know what to say now."

Liu Cong looked at Academician Sun's uncalm expression and smiled slightly at Academician Sun.

"Academician Sun, I have my own requirements."

"Academician Liu, no matter what your request is, I will satisfy you."

"If you are in need of a partner, I also have a granddaughter. I will betroth you to her directly without any gift. I will pay the bride price instead."

"But my granddaughter is just a little older. As the saying goes, if a junior girl holds gold bricks, you can just hold two."

As soon as he mentioned his granddaughter, Academician Sun started talking non-stop.

Just when Academician Sun was talking happily, there were rapid footsteps and the sound of crutches outside the door.

"Quick, get in quickly!"

At this moment, Shu Lao's urgent voice came from outside the door.

When Academician Sun heard Shu Lao's voice, he immediately stood up and stepped forward to greet him.

Upon seeing this, Liu Cong immediately stood up and prepared to greet Mr. Shu together with Academician Sun.

Before the two of them reached the door, Shu Lao had already strode in with a cane, followed by two young men in their thirties, presumably Shu Lao's apprentices.

"Academician Liu, why didn't you say hello to me in advance when you came over? You missed me from a distance and missed me from a distance!!"

At this time, the two young men next to Mr. Shu looked at Liu Cong in disbelief.

Because at this time, apart from Academician Sun, the only person in the room was Liu Cong, they could immediately conclude that the young man in front of them was definitely not an ordinary person.

There are not many people in China who can make Mr. Shu come here in such a hurry.

"Academician Shu, please sit down and rest for a while."

Seeing that Academician Shu was panting at this time, Liu Cong also hurriedly stepped forward to help him.

"Oh, good!"

After Academician Shu sat down, Academician Sun poured another cup of tea for Mr. Shu, and then poured another cup for each of the apprentices next to Mr. Shu.

"Well, you guys go out first. I have some important things to discuss with Academician Liu."

Academician Shu's two apprentices were also obedient and immediately went out with cups in hand.

“Academician Liu, it’s great that you can join our Chinese Academy of Sciences, so that our Chinese Academy of Sciences will have successors!”

Academician Shu's expression could not conceal his excitement.

"Academician Shu, you are serious. I am just an ordinary person."

Speaking of ordinary people, Academician Sun and Mr. Shu actually praised Liu Cong for ten minutes, which Liu Cong did not expect.

"Well, we don't need to mention the past things anymore. I have selfish motives for joining you this time, and I hope you can fulfill them."

With that said, Liu Cong got up from the sofa in the office and looked at the two elders.

"Academician Liu, tell me, if you have something to do, as long as we at the Chinese Academy of Sciences can do it, we will do our best to meet your request."

Liu Cong was overjoyed when he heard Mr. Shu say this.

Then he said his request, "That's it. The reason why I want to join your Chinese Academy of Sciences is that your Chinese Academy of Sciences has resources that no other laboratory outside."

"I just want to borrow an independent laboratory from you and provide me with some scientific researchers."

"Because I may stay at your Chinese Academy of Sciences for up to a year!"

Academician Sun and Academician Shu were overjoyed when they heard this.

"Oh! This is a good thing! Let alone one laboratory, we can satisfy you even with ten laboratories."

"And I can satisfy you with any amount of money you want."

Shu Lao assured Liu Cong.

This is undoubtedly good news for Liu Cong.

"Then Liu Cong will thank the two academicians here first."

Liu Cong bowed slightly to the two academicians to express his gratitude.

"Academician Liu, what kind of laboratory do you need now? You tell me in advance and I will arrange it for you immediately."

Liu Cong looked at Shu Lao who was so active and touched his nose in embarrassment.

"Academician Shu, I need a space launch base now."

"Space Launch Base!"

When Academician Sun and Mr. Shu heard what Liu Cong said, they both looked at Liu Cong with very doubtful eyes.

"Academician Liu, what do you want a space base for? Do you want to study aerospace-related projects?" Academician Sun asked.

Liu Cong nodded, "Yes, to be honest with you two, I want to study Starlink!"

As soon as these words came out, the two academicians were shocked.

"Why do you want to study this? I remember that only the United States is currently working on this. As for the progress, we don't know about it."

Liu Cong looked at the two academicians, and then sat back on the sofa.

"Do you know why the United States is studying this?"

"Because they are planning a conspiracy, we must develop the Starlink before they can research it,"

What Liu Cong and the two academicians said, they also knew what Liu Cong wanted to express.

In this position, it is simply impossible not to understand something deeper.

"Then what are your plans now? What do you need us to do?" Shu Lao asked.

"That's right, I now need a ready-made space launch base and an entire aerospace team."

Liu Cong looked at Shu Lao with serious eyes, because this matter was really important to him.

Shu Lao looked at Liu Cong and didn't reply for a while, as if he was thinking about something.

"Do you think this will work?"

"A hundred kilometers away from us, there is a relatively small space launch base, about two kilometers in size."

"Because this base is too small, it has been idle since then, but it has everything in it. What do you think?"

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