This small space launch base that Mr. Shu mentioned is undoubtedly good news for Liu Cong.

"That's great!"

"Such a large space base is enough for me. I don't need a big place."


Liu Cong looked at Academician Shu with some embarrassment.

"Whatever you want to say, just say it!"

"It's like this. I may need a lot of manpower, so I don't know if Academician Shu can satisfy it."

"So this is your concern. Is a thousand enough?"

"If it's not enough, I will transfer people to other places for you. We at the Chinese Academy of Sciences will definitely support you in your scientific research."

Academician Shu waved his cane and didn't care at all about the conditions Liu Cong had just put forward.

"By the way, the state allocates more than 200 billion to our Chinese Academy of Sciences every year, and we can't use it up every year. I'll give you half of it directly!"

Hearing what Academician Shu said, Liu Cong became uneasy.

This is half of the funding of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. If I take it, they may not have enough funding.

"Academician Shu, no, if you give me so much, what will other departments do?"

When he heard Liu Cong mention other departments, Academician Shu snorted coldly.

"Them! They are just sitting in the toilet. They have spent so much money from the country for so many years, and they have not developed anything useful. Don't worry, the remaining funds are enough for them."

"When the time comes, I will equip you with a private jet so that you can easily travel to and from school and the experimental base. You can do your scientific research with peace of mind."

"Our Chinese Academy of Sciences will take care of the rest for you!"

Regarding what Shu Lao said, Liu Cong felt that it was unreal.

After all, this is not a small matter. Why did Shu Lao agree so readily?

"Does it feel a little unreal to you? Am I too happy to promise you?"

Hearing this, Liu Cong nodded naturally.


After hearing Liu Cong's response, Academician Sun and Mr. Shu both laughed heartily.

"I know that you usually keep a low profile and you have many cards that you don't show to the outside world, but why don't I know?"

"We all know how many companies you have outside and what you have developed. Even though you can't find them in the search software, I think you used some method to hide them?"

"Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't tell us, and we won't ask."

"We all know that you are a talented scientific researcher, and we can't help you with anything. All we can do is provide you with the best material needs later."

"Whatever you want to do, as long as it's not illegal, we can satisfy you."

Shu Lao said this to Liu Cong not to let him have any worries at all. He hoped that if he had any ideas, he would just do it boldly.

"So you already knew this."

At this moment, Liu Cong seemed to have been penetrated.

"I understand. Thank you, Academician Shu and Academician Sun. Next, I will go back to prepare and strive to join you in the best condition."

Seeing that it was almost meal time, Liu Cong could not resist the enthusiasm of the two academicians, so he had a sumptuous lunch in the canteen of the Chinese Academy of Sciences at noon.

After lunch, Liu Cong discussed the next plan with the two academicians, and then drove back to his school.

After returning home, Liu Cong was not idle. He immediately began to prepare the design of the final framework of the currency trading system.

In this way, Liu Cong was busy until ten o'clock in the evening, and finally completed the last packaging link.

After finishing, Liu Cong looked at the computer in front of the screen with satisfaction, then inserted the USB flash drive he prepared, and then copied this valuable information to the USB flash drive.

“Time flies so fast, why do you feel like there’s not enough time?”

"Forget it, let's fill our stomachs first."

Ten minutes later, Liu Cong came to the familiar barbecue restaurant again.

"Boss, it's still the same!"

"Oh, okay! Your girlfriend didn't come with you this time!"

Because Liu Cong often comes to eat, the boss knows him.

"You're talking about that mushroom-headed girl! She's just a friend of mine, not my girlfriend."

At this moment, Liu Cong felt something on her shoulder.

Looking back, Jiang Wanying was standing behind her.

"Hey! Are you following me?"

"How unsafe it is for a girl to come out so late!"

The boss seemed to recognize the situation and walked away immediately when he saw the two chatting.

"You have the nerve to say that. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be busy so late."

When Liu Cong heard this, he realized that Jiang Wanying had just returned from get off work.

"Well, thank you for your hard work!"

"Come, sit down and eat some!"

Just like that, the two of them sat together and ate barbecue.

As the weather is getting colder, the barbecue restaurant has reached the off-season, and there are not many people in the large barbecue restaurant at this time.

"I've got that frame out, and I'll drive the USB flash drive to the company personally tomorrow."

"So fast! Didn't you say a few days ago that there are still many projects that have not been completed?" Jiang Wanying asked in surprise.

While Liu Cong was eating skewers, he looked at Jiang Wanying who was full of questions.

"I stayed up all night to rush it out. Fortunately, it's done, because I won't have time to go to the company for a long time, so I still have to rely on you to take care of the company."

Jiang Wanying looked at Liu Cong devouring food in front of her and rolled her eyes.

"When have you ever been free? I've been taking care of your company since its establishment."

Hearing what Jiang Wanying said, Liu Cong thought it made sense.

"That's right. Anyway, I still have to trouble you with this matter. I'll give you a salary increase afterwards."


After going back in the evening, Liu Cong turned on his computer and saw the email that Academician Sun sent him.

When he clicked on it, he saw some information about the space launch base. After Liu Cong downloaded these files, he began to read them attentively.

After an in-depth understanding, Liu Cong discovered that this space launch base was from the 1990s.

The equipment inside was also from this century.

After some research, Liu Cong discovered that some aerospace equipment only needs slight improvements before it can be used. This is the only thing that makes Liu Cong more gratified.

After careful consideration, Liu Cong still planned to take Lieutenant General Li Hu to visit the space launch base in person tomorrow.


The next day,

Liu Cong took Academician Sun and Lieutenant General Li Hu and boarded the army helicopter.

An hour later, several people arrived above the space launch base.

When Liu Cong looked down at the base from above, he found that the base was quite tidy. It looked like someone had cleaned it.

"Academician Liu, Academician Sun, we are going down now!"

After Lieutenant General Li Hu finished these words, the helicopter landed slowly.

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