It’s not that the state didn’t support it in the past. On the contrary, the state has always supported such projects.

However, the country started very late in this regard.

Until now, the country has done very well in the aerospace field and can even rank among the top three in the world.

However, many technologies in the aerospace field currently have no way for the country to break through in the short term.

That's why Academician Zhang Bin was so surprised when he saw this scene just now.

"Academician Liu, I can understand your intention, and I believe you can do it."


Seeing Academician Zhang Bin hesitate to speak, Liu Cong said: "But you are afraid that the other side will launch this star chain first, right?"

Academician Zhang Bin looked at Liu Cong and nodded.

"Yeah, that's what I'm afraid of."

"Academician Zhang, you might as well read this information first and then draw a conclusion."

Now that Liu Cong said so, Academician Zhang Bin immediately held the computer and started reading attentively.

At the same time, the old man was also observing the computer in front of him, with a smile on his lips.

This small gesture was not seen by anyone present.

Just like that, an hour later, Zhang Bin closed the folder and looked at Liu Cong with shock on his face.

“With this information, we can now start production immediately!”

"The information you provided is so detailed that there is no need for us to conduct research and development at all! As long as the current equipment can meet the production conditions, we can even implement mass production now!"

Academician Zhang Bin's words stunned Lieutenant General Li Hu on the side.

"Academician Liu, is what Academician Zhang said true?"

Liu Cong looked at Lieutenant General Li Hu and nodded.

"Of course it's true. I never make plans that I'm not sure about. Since I dare to let the Chinese Academy of Sciences invest, I must have made enough plans."

"It's just that we will still need some IT talents at that time, because the Starlink satellite cannot lack a complete system, and it must be absolutely safe to prevent it from being hacked by others."

"Of course, these are things to be considered in the future. We must first restore the operation of the production workshop, and then produce equipment first."

"As for the ultra-high-precision machine tools required in the production process, it's all up to me. I'll have someone customize it overnight."

In this way, the two reached a preliminary consensus. Judging from Academician Zhang Bin's facial expression, he can be said to be very excited now.

Although China may not be able to keep up with the current United States in terms of scientific research, in terms of imitation and infrastructure, it is definitely at the forefront of the world.

Now that we have the answer, with their professional abilities, they will definitely copy it.

"Academician Liu, how did you come up with this rocket recovery technology?" Academician Zhang Bin asked.

"You're talking about this! I just based it on some mechanical formulas and various reasonings."

After Liu Cong finished speaking, he was still worried that Academician Zhang Bin would not understand, so he explained specifically: "My technology is similar to that in the United States, but it is different."

"This is my own network collection technology, which consists of two parts."

“One is a pallet system on the bottom and the other is a capture system.”

"When the rocket lands, the capture rope system can move horizontally on its own to catch the rocket. If the capture rope fails, the rocket will fall on the pallet system..."

"The pallet system is composed of smoke baffles, heat shields, and grid plates, which can prevent the rocket tail flame from burning the pallet and prevent the rocket feet from slipping."


Liu Cong said a lot of things in a thunderbolt manner, which shocked Academician Zhang Bin to the extent that he nodded repeatedly.

He also did not expect that he, a dignified academician of the Aerospace Academy, would be subdued in the hands of a layman, and he was still a young man.

"Then what's the difference between your recycling technology and that of the U.S. LASAI space agency? How is yours better than him?"

The old man's words confused both Liu Cong and Zhang Bin.

"Yes, is there any difference between your technology and his?" Academician Zhang Bin asked.

Liu Cong smiled and said: "Grandpa Wu got the point right. My technology is indeed different from his, and the shortcomings are more obvious."

"LASAI's vertical recycling technology has a relatively higher technical threshold and is even more difficult to implement."

"However, the shortcomings are also obvious. His vertical recovery technology is more dangerous. The rocket tripod may slip during the recovery process, which will cause the rocket to explode and cause unnecessary losses."

"My recycling technology has a relatively low threshold and is easier to implement, but it also has great limitations."

"We need rockets..."

Liu Cong spent a few more minutes explaining all the advantages and disadvantages of the two recycling technologies.

Academician Zhang Bin also thoroughly understood the specific process of this rocket recovery technology.

"Academician Liu, I completely understand what you said. I didn't expect that you would come up with a technology that we haven't figured out for so many years."

"You are really a terrible person!"

Zhang Bin couldn't help but sigh when he looked at Liu Cong.

Lieutenant General Li Hu on the side couldn't help but smile when he heard Academician Zhang Bin's high evaluation of Liu Cong.

From beginning to end, the old man on the side was observing the conversation of several people and rarely interrupted.

After getting to know each other, several people said goodbye to Academician Zhang Bin, and then the old man took Liu Cong and Lieutenant General Li Hu to other floors to watch.

There are people on almost every floor here, each performing their own duties and busy with what they are doing, and they don't even care about the arrival of the three people.

In this way, the three of them visited all the floors one by one, and then left the building.

"Academician Liu, you have seen the rest before, so I won't take you to see it."

"I'll take you now to see where you and him stay!"

To be honest, this space base is really big. It took the three of them almost ten minutes to get to the accommodation in the north.

Afterwards, several people walked inside and came to a three-story building.

"This is where you will stay next!"

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