Liu Cong was a little surprised when he looked at something similar to a three-story foreign-style building.

"Can I live in this building?"

The old man nodded, then stepped forward and took a key from the flower bed.

"This house will be for you to live in from now on. There are many rooms in it. You can also let other people live in it."

"All the furniture inside has been prepared for you. You can just pack your bags and move in."

With that said, Liu Cong and Lieutenant General Li Hu followed the old man to the house.

From the outside, it may look a little dated, but when you come in, you will find that it is very new inside, as if no one has ever lived there.

In this way, after many twists and turns, the three of them arrived at the old man's office again.

"Then what are your plans today? Should you stay here or go back? According to this progress, it may take two days to start construction. After all, there is still equipment that has not been shipped."

Lieutenant General Li Hu looked at Liu Cong standing aside, waiting for Liu Cong's reply.

"Grandpa Wu, we'll go back today."

In this way, the two said goodbye to the old man and returned to Beiping City.

In the dead of night, people were typing on the keyboard in an apartment at Huaqing University.

"It seems that the safety index of this thing must be high. If there is such a day, I will still count on this to provide our country with accurate intelligence!"

Although Liu Cong was muttering, his hands did not stop.

What Liu Cong is typing in front of his computer is the system framework of Starlink. Currently, Liu Cong is editing the firewall link of the system, which stumps Liu Cong.

Although Liu Cong has the level of a top hacker in the world, it is still very difficult to build the framework of this firewall by himself.

This time is no different than the last trading system. The security performance required by Starlink will definitely be higher than that of the currency trading system.

In this way, Liu Cong was busy until dawn, but the task was still not completed.

After a busy night, Liu Cong was physically and mentally exhausted, so he washed up and went to bed to rest without even eating breakfast.

In this way, Liu Cong slept until 12 noon, when he heard the phone ringing by his bedside.

"Hey, who's there?"

"Mr. Liu, are you sleeping?"

A sweet voice suddenly sounded in Liu Cong's ears.

In one second, Liu Cong woke up from his sleep.

"Sister Anna! What's the matter with your call today?"

"Mr. Liu, are you free now? Several people from Japan have come to our research institute. They claim to be from Japan Pharmaceuticals, and they insist on coming to see you in person!"

Anna's words made Liu Cong more awake.

"They want to come to see me, and they also want to buy the right to use our patent?"

"It seems not, they seem to be here to cooperate with us!"


"Yes, it's cooperation." Anna said decisively on the phone.

"Okay, I understand, wait for me for half an hour."

Just like that, Liu Cong got up and washed himself quickly, then picked up the bread on the bedside table that he had not finished eating yesterday, and started to eat it while walking.

Half an hour later, Liu Cong arrived at the compound of the Outlets Research Institute. After parking the car, Liu Cong went straight to the office building of the research institute.

At this time, Anna downstairs was already waiting outside the door. After seeing Liu Cong, a smile instantly appeared on her cold face.

"Mr. Liu, you are here!"

"Well, here we come."

Liu Cong looked at Anna with a smile.

After not seeing each other for some time, Liu Cong felt that Anna had a bit more charm than before. It might be Liu Cong's illusion, because today Anna wore black silk stockings from Balenciaga.

"Mr. Liu, those people have been waiting inside for a long time. Do you think we should go in now?"

"Well, let's go in."

Because Liu Cong came so unexpectedly today, he didn't dress up in disguise, so he just came here wearing his usual clothes.

"Mr. Liu, I have a suit that I haven't worn yet, and it happens to be the same size as yours. Why don't you dress more formally to meet them?"

"Suit? My size? How do you know what size I wear?"

Seeing Liu Cong asking this, Anna was stunned for a moment.

"Well, I..."

"Okay, that's it. It doesn't need to be formal to meet them."

When Liu Cong saw Anna like this, he didn't embarrass her.

"Mr. Liu, are you really going to wear this outfit?"

"Well, sure, let's go!"

Just like that, with Liu Cong in front and Anna behind, the two of them entered in a swaggering manner.

After entering the conference room, Liu Cong saw five or six yellow-skinned people talking to each other in Japanese.

Since Liu Cong was proficient in the languages ​​of various countries, he quickly heard what they were saying.

The general meaning was that Liu Cong was putting on airs and made them wait for so long, and then the people on the side also echoed.

After seeing Anna come in, several people fell silent instantly.

"Miss Anna, is your boss here?"

A middle-aged man asked Anna in fluent Chinese.

"The person next to me is our boss, Liu Cong!"

When everyone heard Anna's introduction, all eyes immediately focused on Liu Cong.

They looked Liu Cong up and down, their faces full of disbelief.

"Are you Mr. Liu?" asked the middle-aged man in front of him.

"Yes, it's me."

"Hello, my name is Taketaro Yamamoto."

"The person next to me is Yamamoto Kojiro."


The middle-aged man introduced everyone present to Liu Cong in familiar Chinese dialect.

Liu Cong didn't care what their names were at all, he only cared about the purpose of these people coming here at this time.

"Hello, it's nice to meet you. I just heard from our vice president that you are the senior executives of Dongying Pharmaceutical. When I saw you today, you are all talented and human-like."

"Looks like a human being?"

The middle-aged man was a little confused when he heard what Liu Cong said.

"Yamamoto-kun, Mr. Liu, we, want to praise you for being very talented and awesome."

"Oh~ So that's it. Mr. Liu, you really deserved the award."

Seeing that Wu Dalang was lifeless in front of him, Liu Cong showed a professional fake smile.

"Everyone, sit down, don't stand." Liu Cong communicated with them in Mandarin, but they couldn't understand it, so they could only rely on Taketaro Yamamoto, who spoke Chinese next to him, to convey the message.

After a few people sat down, Liu Cong looked at Taketaro Yamamoto at the side.

"Yamamoto-kun, what is the purpose of your visit?"

Hearing what Liu Cong said, Yamamoto Taketaro didn't mince words.

"Mr. Liu, it's like this. We came to China this time to discuss cooperation with you."

"Oh? How do you want to talk about cooperation?" Liu Cong asked.

"Mr. Liu, I know you are unwilling to transfer the patent rights in your hands, so we will buy your medicine."

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