"As of now, you are the only company in the world that can produce this miraculous Eastern medicine that can cure cancer."

"After the unanimous decision of our company, we want to import this medicine from you. Do you think it is feasible?"

When Yamamoto Taketaro said this, Liu Cong finally understood what he meant. To put it bluntly, they just wanted to import drugs from China and then sell them to Japan.

Cancer is a highly prevalent disease in the world. Once it attacks, there is almost no possibility of cure. Even if it is cured, it is a medical cure. In fact, there is no way to deal with this disease in the world, except to remove the lesions through surgery. tissue and chemotherapy to treat.

But now there is a drug that can save your life, and it only requires you to take the drug to completely cure it without any chemotherapy or surgery. Everyone is excited, otherwise Academician Wilson would not have come to China in person last time.

: "Oh, so that's what you came here for this time!"

"That's easy to say!"

Hearing what Liu Cong said, Yamamoto Taketaro was extremely excited. The group of people sitting next to Yamamoto also became happy when they saw Taketaro Yamamoto being so happy and thinking that the business was done.

Afterwards, Taketaro Yamamoto immediately passed Liu Cong's original words to the people next to him who were living a good life.

After they heard this, they were very happy, and even looked at Liu Cong with a different expression.

They didn't expect that this conversation would go so smoothly.

However, what Liu Cong said next made several people instantly blush.

"However, our medicine may be very expensive at present, because our domestic output value is not much, so..."

Hearing this, Taketaro Yamamoto didn't take it seriously.

"Mr. Liu, please set a price. How can we get the exclusive agency rights?"

When Liu Cong heard this, he thought that they were quite ambitious and wanted to fight for exclusive agency rights.

But businessmen are after all profit-seeking, and Liu Cong can understand this.

Mr. Liu smiled and said nothing, then turned to look at Sister Anna beside him.

When Anna saw Liu Cong's mean expression, she knew that the next thing might not be that simple.

"It's like this. At present, our domestic factories cannot produce so many oriental magic medicines. If you sincerely cooperate with our company, then I will have to give up part of our production line to supply it to you."

"But I told you in advance that the price will definitely not be low!"

Liu Cong did not tell Yamamoto Wu Dalang the price of the medicine in advance, hoping to give him a buffer time.

Even though Liu Cong said this, Taketaro Yamamoto still patted his chest.

"Mr. Liu, just set a price, we can afford it!"

The Japanese people on the side didn't know what Liu Cong and Yamamoto Taketaro were communicating at this time, but seeing the confident expression on Yamamoto Taketaro's face, they kept nodding.

"Since you are so sincere, I will give you a friendly price, 50,000 Chinese coins per box!"

"Fifty thousand Chinese coins!!"

Liu Cong's offer scared Yamamoto Taketaro into speaking his native dialect.

Knowing that he had lost his composure, Taketaro Yamamoto calmed down a little and then said: "Liu Cong, are you sure it's not fifty thousand Japanese coins?"

"I am sure!"

"I told you just now that our medicine is in short supply and we have no choice, so please be considerate."

"Don't worry, if the production volume increases in the future, we will definitely lower the price for you!!" Liu Cong said decisively.

This time, Taketaro Yamamoto did not swear as solemnly as before, but sat in his seat and began to think.

Then, he turned around and communicated with the people behind him.

"What! This thing actually costs one million Japanese coins, you are not mistaken!!"

"How can he be so good at setting prices!"


At this time, the Japanese people were communicating anxiously in Japanese dialect, while Liu Cong was watching them quietly from the side, and deliberately pretended not to understand.

When he heard someone calling him a profiteer, Liu Cong wanted to laugh, but he held back because he was afraid that he would be betrayed in front of them.

After several exchanges, they seemed to have decided on a method, which was to negotiate with Liu Cong.

However, it is not as simple as they think.

They had just scolded Liu Cong several times. If he didn't do something sinister, wouldn't he become a soft persimmon for them to manipulate?

"Mr. Liu, do you think the price of your medicine can be cheaper? After all, we are going to cooperate for a long time in the future."

Liu Cong responded with a smile at first, and then pretended to be very decent.

"I really can't help it. If it weren't for the friendship between the two countries and the safety of the people in your country, I wouldn't want to sell it, because I won't buy it at all in our country!!"

After hearing Liu Cong's words, Yamamoto Wudalang fell silent, and Anna on the side was also completely stunned.

Only a few people on the side were looking at Taketaro Yamamoto with their green bean-sized eyes, hoping that he could translate what Liu Cong just said.

After hearing this, the faces of the Japanese people were very ugly.

However, they had no choice but to endure it in order to win this order.

Next, Taketaro Yamamoto tried to persuade Liu Cong to lower the price of the medicine for them, but Liu Cong was very resolute and insisted that if he did not accept the price, there would be no need to discuss cooperation with him.

Anna on the side was very anxious when she saw Liu Cong's reaction. After all, the price of medicine in China was only over one hundred, but Liu Cong actually gave Japan fifty thousand.

This is four to five hundred times more expensive than before!

In the end, Xiaori's side compromised.

"Mr. Liu, after discussion among several of us, we unanimously decided to cooperate with your company!!"

As soon as these words came out, Liu Cong smiled, and Anna beside him also laughed.

"Then it will be a pleasure to work together."

"Don't worry, when we increase production later, we promise to reduce the price for you."

"Okay, then it's such a happy decision!"

After some discussions, everyone reached a consensus and then signed the contract directly in Liu Cong's office.

After Liu Cong sent the people away in person, Anna looked at Liu Cong with admiring eyes.

"Are you saying that Chinese people don't make money from Chinese people?"

"Liu Cong, you are really too tall. How do you know they will buy it!"

Liu Cong looked at Anna beside him, and then shook his head.

"I don't know, I'm just unhappy when they scold me, it's that simple!"

Hearing what Liu Cong said, Anna looked at Liu Cong with incredible eyes.

"Mr. Liu, you actually know Japanese!"

Seeing Anna's shocked look, Liu Cong smiled and said, "I want to say that I'm proficient in languages ​​​​of various countries. Sister Anna, do you believe it?"

"Believe it! Why don't you believe it! In my eyes, you are my male god!!"

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