After finishing the matter here, Liu Cong planned to leave.

"Mr. Liu, what about the follow-up?"

"The follow-up matters will be left to you to handle. For the time being, if someone asks us to cooperate, please reject it first. At least we will agree to the exclusive agency rights for others."

"In my early days, this order was enough for us to eat for a long time. We don't need to expand our business for the time being."

"We will consider expanding our business when our production lines are fully open."

Anna nodded and said, "Okay, Mr. Liu, I will do as you said."

After everything was explained, Liu Cong drove out of the research institute, and Anna looked reluctant to leave when she left.

"I don't know when I can see you."


Liu Cong drove straight to a restaurant. From last night to now, Liu Cong had only eaten one piece of bread. He was so hungry that his chest pressed against his back.

After returning, Liu Cong continued to work on the things he was doing. During this period, Zhang Ji called and told Liu Cong that all the equipment had been delivered.

The next day, Liu Cong and Lieutenant General Li Hu arrived at the space launch base in a helicopter.

Today is the official start of construction of the aviation launch base. All the production equipment inside has been equipped in these two days.

Liu Cong walked in the production workshop and felt very happy when he saw the raw materials piled up everywhere.

Liu Cong took Academician Li from Workshop 1 to Workshop 6. Overall, Liu Cong was very satisfied.

Later, Liu Cong came to the aerospace office building and found Academician Zhang Bin.

After seeing Liu Cong coming over, Academician Zhang Bin, who was busy at first, did not dare to neglect at all.

"Academician Liu, Lieutenant General Li, you are here!"

"Well, I'm here. Isn't work starting today? I'll see if there's anything I can do to help."

Liu Cong worked very hard on this project, even to the point where he didn't even think about food.

Because the shadow left by this star chain on him in his previous life was too great.

When it was on Earth in its previous life, the United States used such high technology to reverse the world's war situation. Such aerial weapons are really terrifying.

In the end, they even used Starlink to create weather weapons. A Starlink system plus an aircraft carrier group directly destroyed a medium-sized developed country, and they didn't even have a chance to fight back.

Therefore, Liu Cong must definitely pay attention to Starlink, because this is likely to be a necessary factor for China to gain a foothold in the world.

"Academician Liu, don't worry. According to your request, I have delegated this task a few days in advance."

"All procedures are based on the information you provided."

"To be honest, the information you gave me really shocked me. With this information, you can definitely be elected as an academician of the Aerospace Academy!!"

Speaking of this information, Academician Zhang Bin still has endless aftertaste.

For their scientific researchers, such information is much more precious than their lives.

"Academician Zhang, you have given me the award. As scientific researchers, we all have a common goal, which is to serve the country and the people."

"As for reputation or not, I really don't care."

"Yes! What you said, Academician Liu, makes sense. We serve the country and the people. It would be great if everyone in our field were like you!!" Academician Zhang Bin couldn't help but sigh.

Of course, Liu Cong also understood what Academician Zhang Bin meant.

People who engage in scientific research nowadays are indeed not as pure as before, especially some young people nowadays. Many of them go abroad to do scientific research for money, and in the end they become foreign talents.

"Academician Zhang, since we can't change other people's ideas, then we must change ourselves."

"I came here today to discuss the follow-up matters with you."

"When I came here just now, I went to the workshop to see that all the equipment was ready and waiting for processing."

"Now we need to process the materials we need as quickly as possible. If the ultra-high-precision workshop is short of manpower, I can transfer people to you."

"In short, we can no longer afford to wait. If we wait any longer, the orbit in space will be occupied by the United States."

Regarding what Liu Cong said, Academician Zhang Bin nodded and agreed with Liu Cong's views.

"I understand everything you said. Just leave it to me in terms of hardware."

"Since your rocket structure is relatively simple, it should be produced very quickly. It is initially estimated that we will be able to produce the rocket according to your requirements in no more than a month."

"As for Starlink satellites, more needs to be debugged, and the biggest problem we are facing now is the software part of Starlink."

"So, we have to set up a special group to solve this problem."

Liu Cong smiled at Academician Zhang's proposal.

"Academician Zhang, I have actually considered this matter for a long time. At present, I have completed all the issues regarding the Starlink system framework."

"As for the later development, it's all up to me."

Liu Cong patted his chest gently, looking confident.

"Oh? So fast!!"

"Well, I wouldn't dare to start this project without being fully prepared."

Academician Zhang Bin nodded repeatedly when he heard what Liu Cong said.

Subsequently, Liu Cong and Academician Zhang had another two-hour exchange.

The two of them even missed lunch time because of their scientific discussion, which made Lieutenant General Li Hu next to him starving.

But seeing that Liu Cong had no intention of leaving, he could only stay here with Liu Cong. This may be the saddest time after Lieutenant General Li Hu became an academician.

The time came to one o'clock in the afternoon, and the two finally finished communicating on the last topic.

"Academician Liu, I have really benefited a lot from communicating with you!"

"If we follow your idea, we can definitely launch all the Starlinks into space in the shortest time, and finally build our own Starlink system."

"Yes, that's what I thought."

Seeing that the two people were interested again, Lieutenant General Li Hu saw this and quickly stepped forward to interrupt.

"Two academicians, it's already past one in the afternoon. How about we go have a meal and then you can have a deeper exchange?"

At this time, Lieutenant General Li Hu looked completely timid, not resembling a lieutenant general at all, but he worked hard just to have lunch.

"Yes, it's getting late now. Why don't we have lunch and then communicate."

"Okay, let's go to the workshop in the afternoon and talk while looking for problems."

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