Afterwards, the three of them walked out of the building together and went to the canteen about one kilometer away from the aerospace office building to eat.

Fortunately, the canteen provides meals all day long for the convenience of scientific researchers, otherwise they would not be able to eat now.

After lunch, Liu Cong saw that Lieutenant General Li Hu was a little bored, so he asked him to go back to the dormitory building to rest. Liu Cong was relatively safe there, so Lieutenant General Li Hu went back to rest.

In this way, the two walked to the No. 1 production workshop, which mainly produces rocket shells and rocket insulation materials.

Since today is the first day of work, they are currently studying the production process.

The raw material of the rocket shell used by Liu Cong is lithium aluminum alloy. This material is widely used by scientists in the production of spacecraft shells because of its low price and high temperature resistance.

When some scientific researchers saw Academician Zhang Bin coming, they stopped what they were doing and took the initiative to say hello to him.

After visiting workshop No. 1, the two visited workshops No. 2, 3 and 4 respectively.

When they arrived at Workshop No. 5, they heard two young people standing at the door arguing loudly before they entered.

"Are you concerned? Isn't it just a difference of a few tenths of a millimeter? The accuracy of the parts of this aerospace engine is already very good, why are you just holding on to this point!!"

"You ask me why? As astronauts, we are responsible for the parts we produce. Don't look at the difference of just a few tenths."

"Who will be responsible if something happens to the rocket during launch because of this part?"

"Didn't you listen to what Academician Zhang said? This rocket engine must be recycled, and we can't be careless in terms of quality!!"

Another young man said categorically to the young man in front of him.

"Yes, we in aerospace must not be careless. I totally agree with what you said!!"

The two young men were arguing. When they heard the sound, they both turned their heads and looked at Academician Zhang.

The moment they saw Academician Zhang, the two of them lost their previous air of dignity.

"Academician Zhang, why are you here?"

"What? Can't I come and see what's going on?"

After Academician Zhang finished saying this, the man who had been arguing with another boy waved his hands repeatedly.

"No, no, I just felt that you were very surprised when you came. This is the first time I have seen you at such a close distance, and I feel a little excited."

The young man's words made Academician Zhang laugh out loud, "Then wouldn't you be even more excited to see the person next to you?"

Academician Zhang Bin pointed to Liu Cong beside him and said.

After seeing Liu Cong, both of them were confused at first, but they felt like they had seen him before somewhere.

"Who is this?" Another young man asked with some confusion.

"He is the youngest academician I talked about at the last meeting, and he is also the initiator and chief engineer of this project."

After hearing what Academician Zhang Bin said, the two of them covered their mouths in disbelief.

Liu Cong originally wanted to keep a low profile, but now that his identity has been exposed, he must say something.

"Well, what Academician Zhang just said is right. As an astronaut, you should have this brother's scientific research attitude."

"This brother is right. Even if the precision parts on the aerospace engine are different by a few tenths of a millimeter, the finished product will be completely different. It is probably because of this difference that the difference will be indelible. Mistake.”

"Therefore, we who engage in scientific research must not take chances or be careless."

Liu Cong's expression was very serious at this time, and he looked at the two of them seriously.

The young man with an indifferent attitude just now seemed to realize his mistake and immediately admitted it.

"Thank you to the two academicians for their teachings. I will definitely pay attention to it next time and will never allow this to happen a second time."

The two of them were quite satisfied with his attitude.

"You all heard what Academician Liu just said. You won't be allowed to make such a mistake next time. You must check every process for me. Did you hear that!!!"

"I heard it." They both said at the same time.

Afterwards, Liu Cong and Academician Zhang entered the workshop directly, and the two young people behind them immediately followed after seeing this.

After the two walked around the workshop, they were generally quite satisfied.

Soon, word spread that Academicians Liu Cong and Zhang came to Workshop No. 5. Upon seeing this, everyone put down their work and planned to meet the two academicians in person.

When the two of them went out, the door was already blocked.

Seeing such a scene, the two of them forced their way out.

"Academician Zhang, these scientific researchers are so enthusiastic!"

Liu Cong wiped the sweat from his forehead without any danger. It was already December, and Liu Cong could sweat. This shows how big the scene was at that time.

"They get excited when they see you, but you don't know that many of them are now following your example."

"Ever since I told them about you in the last meeting with them, their admiration for you is not the slightest bit."

I had such scenes before, but nothing as big as today.

Liu Cong can now finally understand why some people bring bodyguards when they go out.


United States, LASAI Aerospace Corporation.

At this time, a middle-aged man was standing at the foot of the rocket launcher, surrounded by many engineers.

"Williams Lian, our rocket will be launched in five minutes."

"This time, we have launched the rocket for the seventy-eighth time!"

After listening to what the engineer on the side said, Williams Lian frowned.

"Are we confident that we can complete the takeoff and landing this time? We really can't wait any longer for this experiment."

When the engineers on the side heard what their boss said, they lowered their heads with some guilt.

"We don't know whether we can succeed this time, but it should be soon!"

After hearing this, Williams Lian did not speak, but nodded quietly.

Five minutes are up,

The rocket successfully lifted off under the watchful eyes of everyone. Everything went smoothly at first, and the rocket also successfully flew into space.

Then, under the specific trajectory designed by engineers, the rocket successfully returned to the atmosphere. Under the friction of the atmosphere, even though the temperature of the rocket shell was ridiculously high, it did not melt.

Just when everyone was about to celebrate, an explosion occurred instantly when the rocket returned to the recovery rack.

Such a scene really frightened everyone.

Fortunately, they are far away from the launch pad, otherwise they would really not be able to see the sun tomorrow.

"What's going on? Is this the result of your research and development in the past few years?"

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