"Academician Liu, I have written down all the problems you mentioned one by one, and I will gather a team to debug them right away."

"We plan to carry out the first rocket launch mission in three days. After all, the Chinese New Year is coming soon, and we are currently competing with the American LAISAI company to be the first to send Starlink into space."

"Although they still don't know our plan for the time being, we can't be careless now."

The rocket engineer on the side told Liu Cong eloquently. After hearing this, Liu Cong also expressed his agreement.

According to rumors, Liu Cong revealed that the rocket they launched last time from the United States exploded on the way back because the tripod was unstable.

In order to learn from their lessons, Liu Cong would never allow himself to make such a mistake in this regard, because they could not afford to wait.

"Well, try to eliminate all possible problems for me in these two days. I hope we can win with one shot and not need another shot!"

Liu Cong's words are enough to prove that he is very confident in this launch. After all, these are ready-made things.

"Yes! Academician Liu, promise to complete the task!"

Afterwards, Liu Cong gave some instructions to the maintenance workers on the side, and then he untied his own safety rope and went down.

At this time, Lieutenant General Li Hu had been waiting for Liu Cong below for a long time. He was extremely anxious as he watched Liu Cong go up.

"Liu Yuan, why didn't you say anything when you came up? If you have something wrong with me, how will I explain it to you?"

Seeing Lieutenant General Li Hu's frightened look, Liu Cong smiled slightly.

"What's wrong with me? This isn't outside. Even if I go outside, China is so safe now. Is there still someone with a sack to help me get away?"

Having been with Lieutenant General Li Hu for a long time, Liu Cong also likes to joke with him occasionally.

Apart from the big age difference between the two, they still have a lot in common.

"Liu Yuan, please stop joking. I'm serious. You must take me with you next time you go up. I still have a wife and children. If something happens to you..."

Lieutenant General Li Hu stood in front of Liu Cong and had a lot of chats with him. Liu Cong's ears were almost getting calloused because Liu Cong had heard these words no more than ten times. Liu Cong had nothing to do about it. I had to carry it with him everywhere outside.

"Okay, I got it, I won't do it next time."

"Let's go back."

"Where are you referring to?" Lieutenant General Li Hu asked.

"Of course we are going back to Beiping City. We haven't been back for several days. Let's go back and have a look."

In this way, the two of them took the helicopter back to Peiping City.


One afternoon three days later, the square of the space launch base was already crowded with people.

The afternoon sun in winter is always warm, and everyone's face is full of smiles when it shines on it.

Today is the first day of rocket test launch, and people are particularly excited at this time.

The behemoth tens of meters in front of us is the result of the joint efforts of everyone at the space launch base.

In order to see this day, thousands of employees and scientific researchers across the space base are working day and night.

They have been looking forward to this day for a long time. If the rocket is launched successfully and returns to the launch pad successfully, then they can receive the bonus and go back happily to spend a perfect New Year.

"Academician Liu, our first rocket launch time will be set at 3:40 in the afternoon, which is half an hour away."

"Professionals are currently conducting the final round of maintenance above, and all on-site evaluation and recording personnel are ready."

Academician Zhang Bin on the side was carefully reporting the situation at the scene to Liu Cong. Liu Cong looked at the rocket that was about to be launched, and his heart gradually felt a little rippled.

This may be the experiment that Liu Cong put the most effort into. For this experiment, Liu Cong could be said to have done it himself, without much time for rest.

In previous experiments, Liu Cong had almost done it himself and then handed it over to the team. This time, Liu Cong participated in the design, manufacturing, and software programming. Liu Cong was involved in everything.

"Well, we have finally waited for this day!" Liu Cong sighed.

"Yeah, this is probably the fastest time I've seen a rocket built in my career. It's really the best I've ever seen in my life!"

Looking at the behemoth in front of him, Academician Zhang Bin was filled with pride. Although he didn't know whether the rocket would be launched next, they had at least taken the first step.

Time flew by like this, and in a blink of an eye it was two minutes before the rocket was launched.

At this time all professionals are ready.

Everyone at the general control center began to feel tense, waiting for orders from outside.

"Everyone in the general control center, please pay attention. Everyone in the general control center, please pay attention! There is only one minute left before the rocket is launched. Please be prepared and be ready to press the launch button at any time!!!"

"Everyone in the general control center, please pay attention..."

The radio kept repeating this sentence, and within the last minute, everyone was ready to go.

"There are still thirty seconds until the rocket launches!"

"There are still ten seconds until the rocket launches!"

"The last three seconds!"





The next second, a huge plume of smoke rose into the sky, followed by the rocket slowly leaving the launcher.

At this time, everyone was staring at the rocket in front of them.

Ten meters.

Twenty meters.

One hundred meters.

Five hundred meters.

After a while, the rocket gradually disappeared from people's sight. Now everyone can only see the launch status of the rocket through the central control screen.

Judging from various data on site, the rocket launch was relatively stable, and various indicators were in a relatively normal state.

About five minutes later, the rocket had completely entered outer space, and then began to imitate the process of satellite launch.

This process seems to be very smooth so far. At this moment, people's hearts are gradually hanging on, because the next process is the most difficult and the most important.

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