When the rocket entered the official orbit and stayed in orbit for a few minutes, everyone on the ground began to plan the rocket's return route.

Although they have demonstrated these routes countless times on the ground, they are still uneasy.

that's all. At 3:43 and 56 seconds in the afternoon, the rocket detached from its original orbit and began to officially return to the ground.

During this process, everything went very smoothly. At this time, there was still half of the fuel in the rocket, which was enough for the return flight.

At this time, everyone at the space launch base looked up at the sky, hoping to see the rocket return as soon as possible.

Academicians Liu Cong and Zhang Bin were standing in the main control room at this time, witnessing all this with their own eyes.

"Academician Liu, do you think we can succeed the first time?" Academician Zhang Bin asked.

Liu Cong was not very clear about such issues, and he did not know whether the first launch experiment would be successful.

The United States has tried it almost eighty times without success. It is quite normal for Liu Cong to fail three or five times here.

"Academician Zhang, actually I don't know if it can be successful. Anyway, I personally checked the parameters of these devices before this. There are no major problems. It depends on the final landing. At least there are no problems now."

Two minutes later, the rocket arrived within the Blue Star's atmosphere. Under the huge high-temperature friction, sparks would appear on the outer shell of the rocket from time to time, but this did not affect the operation of the rocket at all.

Thirty seconds later, everyone discovered the trace of the rocket. Seeing this scene, everyone's hearts were suspended, because the next step was still unknown.

Some people even held their hands and prayed after seeing the rocket return. They also hoped that the rocket would be recovered successfully, so that their efforts over the past few months would not be in vain.

Gradually, the rocket is getting closer and closer to the ground, and people can hear the faint roar of the rocket engine.

"Look, everyone, the rocket is starting to plan its own recovery route!"

At this time, a rocket engineer wearing a white hat shouted excitedly in the crowd.

Because he is involved in this system, he must be extremely excited when he sees his success being used on the Rockets.

In the general control center, Liu Cong couldn't help but clenched his fists while looking at the picture displayed on the big screen. At this moment, the hall could be said to be completely silent, and everyone could only hear each other's breathing.

"Academician Liu, the rocket has begun to find its own orbit."

At this time, Academician Zhang Bin whispered to the side, and it could be heard from his tone how excited he was at this time.

"Well, I see, this last step is the key. If the rocket doesn't stop well, it rolls over, or it explodes, then all the hard work we have put in for several months will be in vain!" Liu Cong couldn't help but sigh. .

Of course, he still has great faith in everyone and his own strength. After all, he has researched so many high-tech products, and it is rare to see someone overturn in front of him.

Because he, Liu Cong, has never fought an unprepared battle. If he could, he would try to do everything in place, otherwise it would be meaningless.


When the rocket approached the launch pad, the spray force was so great that the dust on the ground was blown up by the rocket.

"Look, everyone, the rocket's stabilizers are open!"

In the hall, no one knew who shouted, and everyone was startled by the sound.

But everyone can't care about that much at this time. The rocket landing in front of them is the big deal, and everything else is irrelevant to them.

This pallet system is easier to use than the vertical recovery system. It will actively align the rocket when it lands so that the rocket can accurately land on the shelf of the rocket launcher.



The huge roar can be heard clearly by people standing one or two kilometers away from the launcher. Some people even cover their ears, but their eyes have never left the launcher, although where is it now? It was already shrouded in thick smoke and nothing could be seen.

However, Liu Cong and the others who were in the central control center could see clearly because the rocket was originally equipped with many high-temperature-resistant cameras.

"Academician Liu, we are almost successful, we are just one step away from success, just one step away!"

The results haven't come out yet, and Academician Zhang Bin is already extremely excited.

"Academician Liu, did you see it? The rocket stopped on it, he stopped on it!"

Just as Academician Zhang Bin finished speaking, the rocket engine stopped working and the rocket was successfully recovered.

At this moment, cheers came from the central control room. People in the square were almost excited when they saw such a scene. It could be seen that they were happier than anyone else now.

"Honey, did you see it? We succeeded! We really succeeded!"

"Yeah! I see, hubby, we really succeeded. I really didn't expect that we would succeed at the first time. We have witnessed history!"

In the square, a man and a woman, one fat and one thin, were hugging each other excitedly. As scientific researchers, they couldn't be happier in this situation.

At this moment, the square completely turned into a large disco scene, and everyone jumped up excitedly.

The success of the experiment means that they will officially start their vacation from today. As for the coming year, it is not the time for them to care about it at the moment.


In the hall, Zhang Bin excitedly held Liu Cong's hands, "Academician Liu, you are really my god. I never thought that such a complicated thing could be achieved in one go!"

Not only Zhang Bin didn't expect it, but even Liu Cong didn't expect it. Although he was very confident in what he had developed, aerospace is not a child's play, and he may face a series of dangers at any time. This is inevitable.

Of course, a success gave Liu Cong an instant boost of confidence. For the first time, all the following things became easier to handle.

Next, he and his team will start thinking about how to launch satellites into the sky. With the current rocket launch technology, Liu Cong can launch all 60 satellites into the sky at one time.

This kind of technology is already considered top-notch. Looking at the entire Blue Star, only China and the United States can achieve it.

"I am very confident in our launch plan. With this success, we will definitely have a good start in the new year!"

"Now, taking advantage of the fact that there are still about ten days before the Chinese New Year, we are rushing to produce satellites and strive to get everyone home early for the Chinese New Year."

"Academician Zhang, please tell everyone later that all air tickets and bus tickets for everyone to go home for the New Year this year will be covered by them. In addition, I will not miss a penny of the year-end bonus. I will try to let everyone go back and celebrate." Have a good year!”

Of course, what Liu Cong promised could only be paid for by himself. After all, the funds provided by the above still need to be used for research and development, but for him now, this amount of money is nothing more than earning in one day.

"Okay! I will definitely pass on this good news to everyone. Everyone will be very happy when they know it!"

Next, Academician Liu Cong and Zhang Bin found a relatively quiet environment to discuss the next experimental process together.

"Academician Liu, what about the system issues of Starlink satellites?"

"Don't worry, they are already doing it over there. Within a month, the completed first-generation system will be used on Starlink satellites!"

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