"So fast! Who did you ask to do it? Which domestic research institute has such ability?" Academician Zhang Bin asked.

Liu Cong looked at the doubts on Academician Zhang Bin's face, smiled and said: "It's not a research institute, it's a company."


"Yes! The company, a company I opened, you should have heard of the name, it's called Jingwei for short!"

Academician Zhang Bin looked at Liu Cong and his eyes widened in disbelief.

"You mean you run the leading software company in China! Oh my god! It's really you who runs it!"

Liu Cong nodded, "Yes, that's me."

Now that things have happened, Liu Cong doesn't want to hide anything. As his fame grows, his identity will gradually be revealed to the public. It is better to face it calmly now.

"I really didn't expect it! Academician Liu, you are such a genius. If it weren't for your company some time ago, there would be no browser available in our country, including the system."

"No wonder the last time I chatted with Mr. Shu, he said that he would put the future of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in your hands."

"I didn't believe it at first, because with Mr. Shu's temper, not everyone can respect him. He doesn't care about ordinary academicians."

"Now it seems that what Mr. Shu said back then is not unfounded. If I were Mr. Shu, I would train you to be your successor!"

Regarding Zhang Bin's affirmation, Liu Cong could only use a smile to cover up his embarrassing situation.

In fact, Liu Cong is really not very interested in this position. Although many people are trying to grab it, he doesn't take it seriously because he doesn't want to be labeled with so many labels at all.

In many cases, Liu Cong hopes that he can be free and not be restrained.

Therefore, there is a high probability that I will not take over this class as Shu Lao wishes.

"Academician Zhang, you praise me too much. How can I compare with Academician Shu? He is regarded as the top scientist in the world, and he even won the Nobel Prize in Physics. In such a comparison, I am really not qualified."

In this regard, Academician Zhang Bin strongly disagrees with Liu Cong's views.

"People always have to make progress. You are an academician at the age of twenty, how can you still do it at the age of thirty?"

In this way, Liu Cong and Academician Zhang Bin communicated for more than two hours. It was obvious that they missed dinner time again.

By the time the two of them finished communicating, it was already dark outside.

Lieutenant General Li Hu was sitting outside the door waiting for Liu Cong to come out. At this time, he was sitting on the bench, and his dick was dripping into his crotch.

"Lieutenant General Li, get up!"

"Yeah!" Lieutenant General Li Hu felt someone pat him and he was startled, and then he quickly got into a state of preparation for war.

"Lieutenant General Li, it's me!"

"Liu Yuan, you finally came out. Sorry, I fell asleep just now."

Liu Cong looked at Lieutenant General Li Hu who was not awake, and then pointed at Lieutenant General Li Hu's crotch with his finger.

Lieutenant General Li Hu was also shocked when he saw that his crotch was wet.

"It's sticky! I didn't pee my crotch! Did someone come over?"

Lieutenant General Li Hu was very puzzled.

"Hahaha, halazi flowed to you when you were sleeping just now!"

Lieutenant General Li Hu was a little embarrassed when Liu Cong said this.

"Academician Liu, please don't tell anyone about this matter, otherwise I won't be able to hold my head high in front of my comrades."

So, after the two struggled for a while, Lieutenant General Li Hu reached a consensus with Liu Cong at the cost of a meal.

In this way, the two of them returned to Peiping before dark, and then brutally killed Lieutenant General Li Hu at the entrance of the snack street of Liu Cong's school.

After eating, Liu Cong returned to his apartment, turned on his computer and developed the most critical system part of Starlink, because this technology is really beyond the reach of ordinary people.


The next day, when Liu Cong was sleeping, he was suddenly awakened by the ringing of his cell phone.

The caller was Lieutenant General Li Hu, and Liu Cong answered the phone in a daze.

"Hey, Liu Yuan, you're still sleeping. What time is it? It's almost ten o'clock!"

"We have something big to do today."

As soon as he heard something big happened, Liu Cong immediately lost his sleepiness.

"What's the big deal?"

"It's like this. Academician Jiang just contacted me and asked me to take you to the beach today. He said that they have a big breakthrough there and you must be there!"

After hearing this, Liu Cong got up from the bed and asked, "Did Academician Jiang tell you because of something?"

Lieutenant General Li Hu was stunned for a few seconds on the other end of the phone, and then answered Liu Cong's question ambiguously.

"I didn't ask specifically about this. Maybe there is a technological breakthrough in the nuclear aircraft carrier, and you need to go to the scene to take command in person."

"Okay, I got it. I'm going to wash up now. See you at the same place later!"


Thirty minutes later, Liu Cong and Lieutenant General Li Hu met in an open field.

"Academician Liu, you haven't had lunch yet, why don't you go eat some first? We can go later."

"No, I ate a few pieces of bread when I went out. I'm not very hungry now. Let's get going!"

In this way, Liu Cong, accompanied by Lieutenant General Li Hu and several armed soldiers, boarded the helicopter.

Since the helicopter is for military use, even if it reaches the territorial waters of the navy, they will turn a blind eye.

In this way, after an hour and a half, Liu Cong came to that familiar place again.

When he looked down, he was frightened by the scene in front of him.

"Lieutenant General Li, am I right? What is that?"

Lieutenant General Li Hu rubbed his eyes and looked in the direction Liu Cong pointed.

"Damn it! I'm not dazzled!"

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