"Liu Yuan, did you see it?" Lieutenant General Li Hu said with disbelief on his face.

"Yeah! I saw it too!"

When Liu Cong saw this scene, he was stunned for a long time before he realized it.

"Liu Yuan, less than half a year has passed since you submitted the information. How could it be so fast?"

"It took over ten years for our country to build its first aircraft carrier!"

"This, this, this! This is only a few months, have we seen it wrong!!!"

Liu Cong looked at Lieutenant General Li Hu, and then shook his head, "I don't know, we'd better go down and take a look."

"Looking at the size of this aircraft carrier, it is not like the two ordinary aircraft carriers before. It is most likely new!"

Just like that, the helicopter stopped in the open space near the aircraft carrier. When Liu Cong and the others got off the ground, several soldiers from the armed forces came to greet them.

"You are from that military region, please show your IDs immediately!!!"

Since Lieutenant General Li Hu and Liu Cong were wearing civilian clothes, the soldiers of these armed forces could not identify each other by their appearance.

However, when they saw several armed soldiers sitting inside, they were sure that the people coming must be from the military.

Upon seeing this, Lieutenant General Li Hu also took out his ID card and handed it to the leading soldier in front of him.

After the soldier read it, his pupils opened slightly, and his attitude soon changed from before.

"So you are Lieutenant General Li!! Sorry, I was so rude just now!!"

"I guess the person next to me is Academician Liu."

Li Hu looked at the person in front of him and nodded.

"Yes, we are here today at the invitation of Academician Feng Jiang. Where is he now?"

"I know that. We will take you there now. His old man has been waiting there for a long time."

Just like that, Liu Cong and Lieutenant General Li Hu followed the soldier in front of them to the deck of a ship.

: "Wait a moment, you two. Academician Jiang is having a meeting inside. I'm going to call him out right now!"

Liu Cong and the others had not waited outside for two minutes when Academician Jiang ran out in a hurry.

"Ouch!! Academician Liu, Lieutenant General Li, you are here, come on, come on in and sit down!!!"

"Hey!! Okay!"

Afterwards, Liu Cong and Lieutenant General Li Hu entered the conference room. The conference room was not too big, only forty or fifty square meters. There were only five or six people sitting in it at this time, and they were all familiar to Liu Cong.

These are the same people Liu Cong met last time when he came here. They are all top experts and academicians in various fields.

But after seeing Liu Cong, they all stood up consciously. They respected Liu Cong from the bottom of their hearts, especially after studying the information Liu Cong gave them in depth.

"Everybody sit down, everybody sit down!!"

Everyone's reaction also made Liu Cong a little helpless.

"Academician Liu, we are finally here for you. We were afraid that you would be busy and never dared to disturb you."

"But this time is different. Our nuclear aircraft carrier is almost completed."

"Thanks to the information you provided, we were able to drive out China's first nuclear aircraft carrier in a short period of time."

"Through your information, we found that there was no obstacle in the process of manufacturing the aircraft carrier. It was basically smooth sailing."

"I have to say, you are really amazing!!"

Academician Jiang simply praised Liu Cong endlessly, and the academicians next to him also nodded in agreement one after another after hearing what Academician Jiang said.

"Yes!! Academician Liu is simply my idol now!!"

"No, he is the national idol!"

After nuclear expert Wei Guoping said this, everyone in the conference room laughed, even Academician Li Hu on the side also laughed.

"According to what you said, I am a close star chaser." Academician Li Hu joked.

"Forget it, why not! You are so happy!"

For a moment, the meeting room couldn't be more cheerful.

But soon everyone got into the topic, "Academician Liu, I invited you here today mainly because I want to tell you the good news as soon as possible."

"Right now, no news has leaked out from the outside world, and the United States has no idea that we are currently building a nuclear aircraft carrier."

Liu Cong nodded while listening to Academician Jiang's story, "Well, this matter was indeed announced to the outside world before it was completed."

"If the United States knew we were doing this, they would definitely try their best to hinder us."

"But why did you rush the work so quickly? According to my initial estimate, the nuclear aircraft carrier should be completed in April this year!! How did you complete it so quickly!"

“The construction schedule is almost three months ahead of schedule!!”

Liu Cong patted the table excitedly, and Lieutenant General Li Hu on the side looked at Academician Jiang with wide eyes curiously.

"As expected of Academician Liu, he even calculated the construction period!!"

"Yes, the nuclear aircraft carrier was originally planned to be completed in April, but later, the superiors didn't know what happened, and issued an emergency notice overnight, and then Jiangnan Shipyard joined in."

"Now Fuzhou Shipyard and Ocean Shipyard have joined in, and the second and third ships are currently under construction!!"

After Liu Cong heard what Academician Jiang said, he was greatly shocked, but he also guessed the reason for the first time. It must have been predicted by the above, otherwise he would not have been in such a hurry.

"Academician Jiang, according to what you said, your superiors are planning to build a nuclear aircraft carrier fleet within a year?"

When Academician Jiang saw Liu Cong asking this, he also patted the table.

"Yes, Academician Liu, your guess is not wrong at all. The superiors have this plan now."

"Currently, about a dozen shipyards are signing secret agreements with the country. If the signing is successful, they can also officially join the shipbuilding team."

"It may only take one year, if everything goes well, the country will have an entire nuclear aircraft carrier fleet in less than a year. This credit must be inseparable from you."

"Without your information, we initially estimate that it will take at least three years to build a nuclear aircraft carrier. If your information appears, the construction schedule will be advanced by three years, three years!!"

Academician Jiang was a little excited when he said it, and Liu Cong could obviously see that Academician Jiang's eyes were a little red.

"Academician Jiang, don't get excited, this is a good thing, this is a good thing!!" Liu Cong said quickly.

"Yes, yes, yes!! It's a good thing, I'm happy!"

"I, Jiang Hehai, have been working with ships since I was 21 years old. I have been in the industry for fifty or sixty years now. I have never been so happy as I am this year. I am really happy!"

"You don't know. When I was young, I dreamed about building an aircraft carrier. Later, after the aircraft carrier was successfully built, I thought about building a nuclear aircraft carrier. I didn't expect that the nuclear aircraft carrier would be completed and put into sea for trial operation. I am really happy from the bottom of my heart. , I’m so happy from the bottom of my heart!!”

Academician Jiang wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and then looked out the window without saying a word. He didn't know what he was thinking at this time.

Several academicians on the side were also filled with emotions at this time. The youngest among them was over fifty years old.

They witnessed with their own eyes how the country grew step by step, a feeling that Liu Cong really could not experience personally.

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