Academicians Liu Cong and Li Hu looked at each other and said nothing, because they couldn't say any words of comfort in this atmosphere now.

After about ten seconds, Academician Jiang turned around and looked at Liu Cong.

"Academician Liu, I will take you to the nuclear aircraft carrier now to have a look!!!"

"Okay, I also want to go up and have a look!!" Liu Cong said with a smile.

To be honest, although he had seen all the construction information of this aircraft carrier before, he was still very excited when he really wanted to go up and see it.

Liu Cong has been interested in the military since he was a child, but later he became under great academic pressure and this hobby was gradually hidden by himself.

But he would ask his father to buy him some military books from time to time.

In this way, several people got off the deck of the ship under the leadership of Academician Jiang.

Since this place is still some distance away from the aircraft carrier, someone drove over to pick them up immediately after they got off the ship.

Five minutes later, Liu Cong came under the hull of the nuclear aircraft carrier.

Looking at this behemoth, Liu Cong was also shocked and speechless.

Unlike the ordinary aircraft carrier Liu Cong visited last time, this one is obviously much larger than the last one. According to Liu Cong's preliminary estimate, it is more than one-third larger.

The security nearby is also very tight. Patrolling troops can be seen everywhere. About two or three kilometers away from the nuclear aircraft carrier, there is also a conventional aircraft carrier parked there. It seems to be specially used to escort the nuclear aircraft carrier.

"Academician Liu, how about we go up and take a look?"

Seeing Liu Cong staring at the bottom of the nuclear aircraft carrier in a daze, Academician Jiang reminded him.


Liu Cong moved, but Lieutenant General Li Hu stood still.

"Academician Li, let's go, don't be in a daze here, you will be in a daze later!!!"

After hearing Liu Cong's voice, Lieutenant General Li Hu came back to his senses.

"Oh, I'm sorry everyone, it's Li who has never seen the world!!"

Academician Li Hu really liked this scene when he saw it. Although he was from the army, he still had no resistance to such a powerful weapon.

In this way, Liu Cong, Lieutenant General Li Hu and other people, led by Academician Jiang, officially set foot on the nuclear aircraft carrier.

"Academician Liu, our aircraft carrier was built according to the data you gave us."

"Currently, the ship's waterline is approximately 356 meters long, 65 meters wide, 11.3 meters unloaded, 15.6 meters maximum waterline, 389 meters long, 89 meters wide within the deck, and the deck is generally wide. It is 78 meters, and the flue is about 12 meters long..."

Liu Cong listened carefully to the data reported by Academician Jiang. In comparison, it was indeed no different from the data he provided at the beginning.

Lieutenant General Li Hu on the side was completely confused. He didn't even know what these data meant.

It is no exaggeration to say that this nuclear aircraft carrier is not much worse than the largest nuclear aircraft carrier in the United States, the Verus, and is even stronger than the American one in many aspects.

While several people were talking, Liu Cong also successfully boarded the aircraft carrier.

When he first came up, the huge sea wind blew Liu Cong almost unable to open his eyes.

When Liu Cong carefully opened his eyes and looked at the scenery on the boat, he was simply shocked.

This new aircraft carrier is very different from the one Liu Cong saw for the first time. The equipment on it is the most advanced at the moment.

"Academician Liu, can you see if this light ship is designed according to your original layout??"

Academician Jiang said to Liu Cong very proudly.

"Yes, Academician Jiang, these things are indeed made according to what I said at the beginning. Even the radar is the latest generation of radar!"

"Yes, this is the new generation of radar, the one you introduced in the initial information!!"

"We haven't tried it yet, and we don't know whether it's effective or not, but judging from the current results, it's definitely very effective!!"

"Academician Liu, come here quickly!"

With that said, Academician Jiang took Liu Cong's arm and pulled Liu Cong towards the middle of the deck. Perhaps Academician Jiang was too excited, which made Liu Cong feel that his strength was a bit strong.

"Academician Liu, look at this deck. It can actually accommodate 85 to 100 carrier-based aircraft, and the entire aircraft carrier is equipped with the most advanced electromagnetic ejection device."

"This device is really awesome! Originally we thought we would develop the electromagnetic ejection device for five years, but who knew it would be used now, and we skipped the steam ejection device directly!!"

"Moreover, compared with the Qiming Ship, the Bright Ship is simply not on the same level now."

"The displacement of the Qiming ship is only 60,000 tons, while the displacement of the Guangming ship has reached 110,000 tons!!" Academician Jiang said.

Before Liu Cong could react, Lieutenant General Li Hu couldn't help but screamed.

"110,000 tons!!"

"I'll kill my own mother! One hundred and ten thousand tons, did I hear that right?"

"Then isn't this the same as the American Verus ship? Then according to what you said, our aircraft carrier is not inferior to their strongest aircraft carrier at all!?"

Academician Jiang burst out laughing after hearing what Lieutenant General Li Hu said.

"Lieutenant General Li, you don't have to be so surprised. In fact, our aircraft carrier is even stronger than the American Verus ship in some aspects."

"For example, our aircraft carrier is equipped with four elevators and six electromagnetic catapult devices, and these devices can all be launched at the same time. This is not something they can do."

"So, in this aspect alone, our aircraft carrier is stronger than them!"

Lieutenant General Li Hu was shocked when he heard this introduction.

"If this aircraft carrier were to be photographed now, I would love to take a few photos and go back to show off to my comrades, so that they can see what a real aircraft carrier is!"

Lieutenant General Li Hu was extremely proud at this moment. He looked at the vast deck and grinned to the back of his head.

"Hahahaha, taking pictures is still not allowed for the time being, but I can show you everywhere. I can show you whatever you want to see!"

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