In this way, after a few people visited the surface of the aircraft carrier, they came to the inside of the aircraft carrier.

It is larger than Liu Cong imagined, and the overall decoration style is also the most advanced.

"Liu Yuan, this Guangming ship is really much more luxurious than the Qiming ship. You can see that the armrests are inlaid with gold."

Seeing Li Hu's excited face, Academician Jiang and Liu Cong both laughed.

"Lieutenant General Li, this is not inlaid with gold, this is gold-plated."

Academician Jiang's words made Academician Li Hu realize the reality instantly, "That's right, there is nothing really made of gold, so how much does it cost?"

With that said, a few people came to the inside of the cabin, which was the dormitory of the people on the ship. From the inside, it was no different from the hotel where Liu Cong and the others usually stayed. It was just a bit of noise problem, which was unavoidable.

After reading this, Academician Jiang took Liu Cong and Lieutenant General Li Hu to the inside of the nuclear aircraft carrier. Strictly speaking, this is the negative three levels of the land.

And here is the most secret place, that is the nuclear reactor.

Liu Cong is of course no stranger to nuclear reactors, because he had used a reactor before when he was extracting tritium at Huaqing University.

But that reactor was relatively much smaller than the one in front of him, only about one-third of his size.

The entire cabin below is about 300 square meters. In addition to the two nuclear reactors, there are also many large and small pipes and instruments.

In addition, the scientific researchers in the cabin are busy debugging various equipment inside, and some are even installing new instruments.

In other words, the current nuclear aircraft carrier is only a preliminary success, but Liu Cong estimates that it will take another month and a half before it is officially launched into the sea.

"Academician Liu, this is the most important part of this aircraft carrier. In response to your request, a detachable reactor was built here. If needed in the future, it can be transformed into a controllable nuclear fusion aircraft carrier at any time!"

"Now that our country has made a huge breakthrough in this regard, I estimate that the second and third aircraft carriers may directly skip the nuclear reactor and go directly to controlled nuclear fusion."

In response, Liu Cong shook his head.

"Academician Jiang, no. Judging from the current situation, ordinary nuclear aircraft carriers are much better than controllable nuclear fusion aircraft carriers."

"At least we don't need this now, because the focus of controllable nuclear fusion is now on solving energy problems."

Hearing this, Academician Jiang also felt that what Liu Cong said made sense.

"Yes! According to what you said, ordinary nuclear reactors are indeed more convenient. At least they can solve the endurance problem of nuclear aircraft carriers."

At the end of the trip, Liu Cong and the others came to the navigation room of the nuclear aircraft carrier.

Liu Cong couldn't help but sigh as he looked at the huge steering wheel and the super empty control room.

"Academician Liu, we spent a lot of effort on this control room!"

"I don't know how much high technology is contained in this!"

"For example, automatic driving systems, automatic ship parking, 5G technology, we have used everything that can be used!!" Academician Jiang said.

"What? There is also automatic ship parking technology. What kind of technology is this?"

Academician Li Hu on the side had a thorough introduction to the world today. He had never heard of many of the rankings mentioned by Academician Liu Cong and Jiang.

"Hahaha, the automatic docking technology was also invented by Academician Liu."

"The main thing is that we don't need to operate the Guangming Ship when it docks. Press the yellow button on the center console to automatically dock. This technology is similar to automatic parking, but the objects used are different."

"But having said that, I was very surprised when I first saw this technology. I was also wondering why there was a project of automatic parking ships. But later, after research by several of our academicians, the term was figured out. "

As he said that, Academician Jiang looked at Liu Cong standing aside with admiration.

"Academician Jiang, intelligence will be a matter of time, so our aircraft carriers must also keep up with the times."

"Yes! I totally agree with what you said, Academician Liu!" Academician Jiang gave Liu Cong a thumbs up.

"I really didn't expect it. Today I have completely seen the world."

"Can we come again next time this nuclear aircraft carrier officially sails?" Lieutenant General Li Hu asked.

"Yes! Why not? I wish you could come every day! You are always welcome!"

Hearing what Academician Jiang said, Lieutenant General Li Hu smiled, and so did Liu Cong.

In this way, a few people spent an entire afternoon looking at the entire nuclear aircraft carrier.

There were also some places where people were repairing equipment, so Liu Cong did not bother Academician Jiang to take him to see them.

Liu Cong originally wanted to take a look at China's latest fighter jets. The J-60 is currently a sixth-generation fighter jet with a maximum speed of Mach 3. One or two kilometers per second is already very fast.

Since it was already getting late, Liu Cong and Lieutenant General Li Hu disembarked from the aircraft carrier.

"Academician Liu, the time for our Guangming Ship and aircraft carrier to go to sea has been set. It will probably be around the Lantern Festival. The official will officially notify us when the time comes."

"By the way, you are the chief engineer of the aircraft carrier this time. Your identity will probably be revealed by then, but if you don't want to, your superiors won't force it."

This requirement may have been inconvenient for Liu Cong in the past, but looking at it now, Liu Cong now needs a higher reputation.

As a scientific researcher, he no longer wanted to continue in the entertainment industry, so he had to use hard power to increase his popularity.

"Academician Jiang, I need this exposure opportunity. I feel that as a scientific researcher, I should not stand behind the scenes forever. At the very least, I need the young people in China to be a role model. I want to use my strength to tell them that being a scientist is better than Being an internet celebrity is great and glorious.”

"Today's young people have been corrupted by some bad trends on the Internet. Actors cannot strengthen the country!!"

Academician Jiang was very touched by what Liu Cong said, "Yes!"

"Academician Liu, what you said is absolutely correct. Today's young people are indeed being corrupted by bad trends on the Internet."

"Even my six-year-old granddaughter knows some well-known Internet celebrities, but he doesn't know the famous scientists in China. I caught my son and scolded him for this!!"

Speaking of this, Academician Jiang was also very angry.

"So, I support you in doing this, and you should let the young people of China see that scientists can also have supreme honors!"

Afterwards, Liu Cong and Academician Jiang chatted for a while before officially boarding the return helicopter.

Liu Cong did not return to his apartment until eight or nine o'clock in the evening. According to the school's usual practice, winter vacation will begin tomorrow, because there are not many days left before the Chinese New Year.

After returning to the apartment, Liu Cong packed his things and planned to go back tomorrow.

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