Time flies, and the first month is halfway over in a blink of an eye.

And this means that Liu Cong's short and peaceful life is over, because he may be even busier in the future.

After the Lantern Festival, many schools have started to reopen one after another, and various professional positions in society have also resumed work one after another.

Liu Cong is no exception. Today he is going to a space base one or two hundred kilometers away from Peking. Because the last link is very important, Liu Cong has to do the whole process in person.

At this time, LAISAI Company in the United States, far across the Pacific Ocean, was also in full swing on its most critical project.

After one or two months of debugging, the success rate of their rocket's launch and recovery has slowly reached 80%.

On the other side, their Starlink satellites are also being completed one by one. Only the last few critical steps are left before they can send these satellites into the orbit of Blue Star.

"Academician Levi, it won't be long before our satellite can be launched into space. The initial estimate is about a month."

"Our current rocket can launch fifty satellites at one time. If you look at it this way, our rocket will have to be launched at least one or two hundred times to send satellites to every corner of the Blue Star."

The middle-aged man named Academician Levi looked at the Chinese face in front of him and nodded.

"Well, we must not make any mistakes in the next period of time. This star chain must be launched early, because some people can't wait."

The middle-aged man in front of him frowned slightly when he heard what Academician Levi said.

"Which plan are you talking about!!"

Academician Levi nodded gently, "Mr., are you still thinking about that place? You must know that you are now an academician of our country in the United States, and the benefits we give you are more than ten times what you originally received in China!!"

Hearing what Academician Levi said, the middle-aged man in front of him hurriedly explained: "That's not the case. I no longer have any feelings for my country. Everything I do is to serve the United States."

"I'm just worried that this day has come too early. Are they prepared?"

Hearing what the middle-aged man in front of him said, Academician Levi laughed.

"What are you afraid of? Can China still be our opponent?"

"Don't worry, your family is with us now. Anything that happened in your country has nothing to do with you, and you don't need to worry about that place."

"Since our government has accepted you, you are a member of our country. Please believe in our country!"

After Academician Levi said these words, he showed a meaningful smile, which in the eyes of middle-aged people, was very charming.

"Don't worry, I will fully support the steady progress of the project and will never let the country down."


China, space launch base.

At this time, Liu Congzheng and Academician Zhang Bin were visiting the satellite assembly workshop. This workshop was very large, and it was filled with parts for various Starlink satellites.

Walking another two hundred meters, Liu Cong and Academician Zhang Bin came to a fully automated assembly workshop.

Since top secrets were involved here, there were several officers and soldiers guarding the place. After seeing Academician Liu Cong and Zhang Bin arriving, the soldiers let them go as soon as possible.

Generally speaking, this workshop is higher than the other workshops. Many of the precision instruments used here are custom-made by Liu Cong's company.

There are not many people in the workshop, just an operator next to each machine.

Academicians Liu Cong and Zhang Bin watched each part pass through the automated equipment, and then came out as a complete whole.

Of course, these preliminary finished Starlink satellites cannot yet be put into use. They still need to be transported to the next step for debugging and maintenance, and finally implanted into the system.

The two of them were walking and chatting, but when they talked about the software, Academician Zhang Bin's heart began to lift.

"Academician Liu, where is the system link of this Starlink satellite now?" Academician Zhang Bin asked.

"As you said, there are still about a day or two left. Our company is already doing the final packaging. Once it is done, I will pick it up as soon as possible."

Hearing what Liu Cong said, Academician Zhang Bin felt relieved.

"Okay! Academician Liu, I can only trouble you with this matter. Only you know how to do this system. If you assign the task to us, we may not be able to get him out in a short time, maybe a year..."

Of course, what Academician Zhang Bin said is very reasonable. At present, they really can't come up with these software technologies involving high-end technologies.

Some core technologies cannot even be developed by Hongke, and they have to develop them themselves.

"Academician Zhang, don't worry, our rocket will be able to send the first batch of satellites up soon. We must seize the orbit of the United States before they launch Starlink satellites, so that we can completely interrupt their orbit." Planned.”

"The current international situation seems calm, but in fact, an invisible war has begun behind the scenes."

"So, we must be ready at any time!!"

Liu Cong's concerns are not understandable to ordinary people, because apart from him, only a few senior officials in China know about the conspiracy of the United States.

Some time ago, the country announced on its official website that it has given many signals to vigorously develop military industry.


In the evening, Liu Cong dragged his exhausted body back home.

At this time, Chen Qiong was still watching the palace drama with Zhang Guimei in the living room, while Liu Yang on the side was holding a computer and grading students' papers.

"Mom, is there any food? I'm hungry!"

Zhang Guimei and Chen Qiong turned around at the same time, pointed to the kitchen with expressionless faces, and then turned back to watch TV.

Liu Cong walked to the kitchen and saw that there was some food left for him in the pot, so he picked up the bowl and squatted in the kitchen to cook.

After eating, Liu Cong washed up and went back to his room to rest, because he was really tired today.

Liu Cong, who was lying on the bed, thought that there were still some plans that had not been fully implemented, so he took his mobile phone and typed something on the bed.

Until about eleven o'clock in the evening, Liu Cong slowly fell asleep.

The next day, when Liu Cong got up in the morning and went to the living room to find water, he heard Liu Yang yelling in the living room.

Liu Cong was shocked by his father's unusual behavior.

"Dad, are you having a seizure this early in the morning?"

Hearing what Liu Cong said, Liu Yang's eyes widened, "No matter how big or small, I am your father!!"

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