Liu Cong saw that his father was a little angry and smiled at Liu Yang.

"Dad, am I kidding? What happened to make you so excited?"

"Have you been upgraded?"

When Liu Yang heard Liu Cong's question, he pointed to the TV in front of him, and then used the remote control to re-present Liu Cong with what he had just seen.

"You don't know, our country actually has a nuclear aircraft carrier!!"

"And the current official propaganda is even more awesome than the one in the United States. Do you think I can not be excited?"

"This is related to the status of our country in the world. Currently, only two or three countries in the world have independently developed nuclear aircraft carriers, and only China has one."

"I don't know when the country started developing nuclear aircraft carriers. Why haven't I heard any news about it in the circle before?"

Liu Yang was also very puzzled. Like Liu Cong, he was also a fan of military industry. Whether China had tanks or fighter jets, Liu Yang would learn about them immediately and conduct in-depth research.

But for the nuclear aircraft carrier, he really hadn't heard anything about it before.

"Dad, it didn't take long to develop and build this nuclear aircraft carrier. It only took about half a year."

"Half a year!? Are you kidding me here? You can't joke like this."

"If you say it takes two or three years to build an aircraft carrier, it's still somewhat credible. But if you say half a year, you're just bragging to me here!!"

"By the way, how do you know that it took more than half a year from research and development to successful manufacturing? You have to find a reason to convince me!"

Seeing the curious look on Liu Yang's face, Liu Cong smiled: "Dad, do you believe me when I say that I am the chief engineer behind this nuclear aircraft carrier?"

Hearing what Liu Cong said, Liu Yang was stunned for several seconds, and then laughed.

"Son, could you please stop bragging so loudly next time? If you brag too much, your front teeth will leak!"

When Liu Yang heard Liu Cong's explanation, he laughed instead of getting angry.

"This is probably the biggest joke I've heard in years. Son, when did you learn to brag like your uncle? But your uncle is a little worse than you!"

Liu Yang smiled and pointed at Liu Cong. Liu Cong didn't look very good at this time, with a look of grievance on his face.

"Dad, the news just now just introduced that the nuclear aircraft carrier was built. I can tell you what name the nuclear aircraft carrier is and what configuration it uses. Believe it or not, it will take about twenty minutes for the official to announce the answer. !”

Hearing what Liu Cong said, Liu Yang gradually put away his smile and became serious.

"Okay, come and listen!"

"Okay, then I'll say it."

"This nuclear aircraft carrier is called Guangming Ship. Its maximum displacement reaches 110,000 tons, which is equivalent to the largest Verus ship in the United States."

"In fact, in some aspects this aircraft carrier is better than the American one, because this aircraft carrier uses a lot of high-tech technologies that they don't have, such as 5G technology, automatic docking technology, and automatic navigation. To put it bluntly, it means automatic driving. …”

Liu Cong and Liu Yang had a lot of fights, which made Liu Yang dumbfounded.

"Why do I feel that everything you say is true!!"

"This is true. I don't need to lie to you now. I am indeed the developer and chief engineer of this light ship."

Although Liu Cong was very serious at this time, Liu Yang still shook his head in disbelief.

"I don't believe it. If you can develop an aircraft carrier, then I can build an aircraft and cannon. No, it's a spaceship!!"

At this time, Zhang Guimei happened to come down from upstairs and heard Liu Yang talking to Liu Cong about building airplanes and cannons.

"Liu Yang, you left a good Chinese professor alone and now you are bragging!!"

When Liu Yang turned around and saw Zhang Guimei, he was speechless for a moment.

"No! It was your son who bragged first. He said he could build a nuclear aircraft carrier!"

"Mom, I'm not bragging, everything I said is true!!"

Zhang Guimei looked at the two living treasures defending themselves. Instead of getting angry, she smiled.

"I don't care whether you build airplanes, cannons, or aircraft carriers. I don't care about any of this, because I'm going to be late for work, so who of you will see me off?"

Hearing that his mother needed help, Liu Cong was of course the first to bear the brunt.

"Mom, I'll take you there!"

In this way, Liu Cong drove his mother to the company and then returned home.

After arriving home, Liu Cong saw Liu Yang sitting there motionless, his eyes full of disbelief.

Out of curiosity, Liu Cong stepped forward to see how Liu Yang was doing at this time.

After Liu Yang saw Liu Cong coming back, he slowly raised his head and glanced at Liu Cong, and then said: "Everything you said is true, that's what was really posted on the official website just now!!"

Liu Cong picked up the water on the table and took a sip, then wiped his mouth with his sleeve.

"Dad, I told you, I am the chief engineer of this aircraft carrier research and development. I completed all the projects here alone and they implemented them. Otherwise, how could it be so fast?"

"I just looked at the signature at the end. The chief engineer's name is really Liu Cong!!"

"Son, tell dad honestly, did you lie to me?"

When Liu Cong saw his father being so excited, he spread his hands to signal Liu Yang not to be excited.

"Dad, please don't get excited. Now that things have happened, I don't want to hide some things anymore. Why don't I tell you everything!"

"Actually, not only am I the developer of this nuclear aircraft carrier, I am also..."

Liu Cong told Liu Yang all his deeds one by one, because some things couldn't be hidden at all. If you don't tell them now, your family will know sooner or later.

"You mean you became an academician at a young age, and Academician Shu asked you to be his successor!!"

"I really heard you right! Am I dreaming! Or are you dreaming?"

Liu Cong knew that Liu Yang would not believe some things even if he told them for a while, because some things were simply impossible for ordinary people.

For example, some people will not be able to hold the title of academician in their lifetime. Only those who have made significant contributions in certain fields can be called academicians. Moreover, Liu Cong is only in his twenties, and Liu Yang has never heard of such an honor in China. young academician,

"Dad, I know you don't believe what I say now. The truth will be revealed in a few days. Sooner or later you will believe that what I say is true and there is not a single lie."

At this point, Liu Yang wanted to refute, but Liu Cong's phone suddenly rang again.

The caller was Academician Jiang. Liu Cong answered the phone without hesitation, "Academician Jiang, why did you call me in person?"

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