Liu Cong calmly asked Academician Jiang the reason for calling in front of Liu Yang.

Seeing this, Liu Yang did not interrupt the conversation between Liu Cong and Academician Jiang, but watched what kind of reaction Liu Cong would have next.

"Academician Liu, that's it. I believe you have seen the official information."

"Tomorrow morning, we will make a live broadcast of the Guangming Ship, which will be visible to the whole country and even the world."

"We here want to ask you whether you want to throw yourself on the road tomorrow under the interview of the mass media. Everything will follow your opinion."

Liu Cong thought for a while and then replied: "No problem. I will answer any relevant professional questions one by one."

Hearing what Liu Cong said, Academician Jiang on the other end of the phone became excited.

"That's great! Our live broadcast tomorrow is scheduled to be around 9:30, and it should last for more than two hours. I might ask you to come over earlier."

"We have contacted Lieutenant General Li Hu in advance. He will pick you up near your home early tomorrow morning!" Academician Jiang said on the other end of the phone.

"Okay, I understand, let's see you tomorrow."

After Liu Cong hung up the phone, Liu Yang stared at Liu Cong with some confusion.

"What Academician Jiang? Which academician are you referring to?"

"Academician Jiang! That's Academician Jiang Hehai, the chief engineer of the Qiming Ship!"

Liu Cong said it very calmly, as if he was talking about a very common thing. After all, he had been in the scientific community for a while and had met dozens of academicians. It seems this is a very common thing.

"Academician Jiang! Are you kidding me? The famous Academician Jiang Hehai can call you personally!"

"I don't believe it. He is a leading figure in our country. Even I have never met him. Can you meet him?"

At this point, Liu Yang still didn't believe that Liu Cong had such strength, because all this was really too illusory.

"Forget it, you won't believe it even if I tell you. Just wait and watch the live broadcast tomorrow. Everything will be revealed by then. There are some things I don't want to explain too much."

Liu Cong waved his hand to Liu Yang tiredly, as if he no longer wanted to continue talking about this matter.

"Don't worry about the live broadcast, I will definitely watch it!"

"If it's true as you said, from now on I will be your son and you will be your father!"

Liu Yang waved his hands repeatedly after hearing that Liu Yang dared to swear such poisonous words.

"No, no, no, don't make such a vicious oath. I don't want to mess up my seniority. I'll really feel bad about it."

"Hmph! You and I will always be your father. Do you think you can really win a bet!?"

Seeing Liu Yang being so arrogant, Liu Cong simply gave up his struggle.

"Dad, it's up to you. I have something else to do and I won't argue with you here. I'm going out."

Liu Cong made an appointment with Lieutenant General Li Hu last night to gather in a community square near his home in the morning, and then go to the space base together. After all, this is a critical time, and some things still need to be checked by Liu Cong personally.

The Starlink satellite system here is also undergoing the final packaging and testing process. In a few days, this system will be officially put into use.

By then, the first batch of satellites will be successfully launched.

Prior to this, the orbit of Starlink had been planned by Liu Cong.

It can be said that everything is ready, all we need is the east wind.

At noon, Liu Cong, who arrived at the space launch base, immediately devoted himself to work with Academician Zhang Bin.

Try to grasp every detail and make fewer mistakes.

Aerospace projects are rigorous. If there is a mistake, the damage caused will be irreparable. Therefore, Liu Cong does not allow low-level mistakes to occur, let alone launch failure, because they have not much time to waste.

"Everyone, please listen to me!"

"You have to check every component and every assembly step carefully. There must be no mistakes."

"Also, please check carefully for me whether there are any missing solder joints on the chips used on Starlink satellites. Although the accuracy of the machine is already very high, there will inevitably be a damage rate. You must check it for me!! "

Liu Cong was walking in the workshop, holding a loudspeaker and shouting loudly.

Wherever they went, everyone nodded when they heard what Liu Cong said.

When he got home at night, Liu Cong was lying on the bed, thinking about the launch of the nuclear aircraft carrier tomorrow.

This may be Liu Cong's first appearance in the public eye as a scientist. He didn't want to show up before, but now he has to show up, because the current situation can no longer allow him to develop as a dog.

When he thought of this, Liu Cong felt a lot of pressure, and he didn't know how to go in the future. If it was within his idea, it would be fine, but if there were any mistakes, it would really be more than worth the gain for him. But there is no way around this.

Liu Cong just thought about it, and then fell asleep.

The next day, Liu Cong stepped onto Lieutenant General Li Hu's helicopter early in the morning.

Liu Cong was dressed very formally today. He put on the new cotton-padded jacket that Chen Qiong bought for him last time.

Lieutenant General Li Hu on the side also looked at him energetically and gave Liu Cong a thumbs up.

"Liu Yuan, come on, don't be nervous."

"Today is a good opportunity for you to become famous in one fell swoop. After today, many people in China will know that there is a young man named Liu Cong who is the chief engineer of the Guangming Ship and is currently the youngest academician in China!!"

When Lieutenant General Li Hu said this, he was a little excited, because he had accompanied Liu Cong all the way and witnessed Liu Cong's development.

"Lieutenant General Li, thank you for your encouragement. I am nervous now but not nervous. I am already prepared."

"Well, that's good. Just don't be nervous."

"Don't worry, your future safety will be left to us. Don't be afraid. No one in China dares to bully you. Don't have too many worries. People like you should be exposed more."

"Let the Chinese youth see this, this is the role model for them to learn from!"

Liu Cong was already prepared, but when Lieutenant General Li Hu said this, he suddenly felt a little pressure.

If I make a fool of myself in front of the whole country, wouldn't it be very embarrassing? After all, I didn't do any rehearsal before the interview, it all depends on my on-the-spot performance.

In this way, while chatting, the two arrived at the sea area where the aircraft carrier was located.

Liu Cong looked from above and could see that today was very different from what Liu Cong usually saw.

The originally empty coast now has many people and helicopters.

Later, Lieutenant General Li Hu parked the helicopter at the designated location and got off the helicopter with Liu Cong.

The first thing they did when they went down was that specialized personnel came forward to verify Liu Cong's identity. When they learned Liu Cong's identity, the staff immediately respected Liu Cong and regarded him as an idol.

Under the escort of more than a dozen soldiers, Liu Cong came to the designated place.

Midway, someone tried to see who could be escorted by more than a dozen soldiers, but they surrounded Liu Cong tightly, and people outside could not see what was going on inside.

In this way, Liu Cong arrived at a waiting room on land. After entering, Academician Jiang and other academicians had been waiting for Liu Cong inside for a long time.

After seeing Liu Cong coming, Academician Jiang came up to him immediately.

"Academician Liu, it's great that you are here!"

"The ribbon-cutting ceremony of our Bright Ship will begin soon, and we will present it to audiences across the country and even the world via live broadcast."

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