“After these processes have been completed, it’s the interview stage.”

"At that time, you will be the leader today!" Academician Jiang said.

"I'm the leader? Aren't you with me?"

Academician Jiang was a little surprised when he saw Liu Cong, then smiled and shook his head.

"We and the academicians are going to conduct the live broadcast and answer questions for the national audience. This interview is specially given to you. After all, you are the real pioneer of the Bright Ship, so you deserve one. Exclusive interview.”

"You have to know that this is a live broadcast by China Channel. It is possible that you will be known to people across the country just because of this interview."

"I know you were well-known before and many people knew you, but this time is really different. You have to take advantage of it!"

Of course Liu Cong understood what Academician Jiang said, so he could only nod.

"Academician Liu, the official live broadcast will begin soon. I'm going out. You can come with us!"

In this way, Liu Cong was escorted by all the soldiers to the bottom of the Guangming Ship.

At this moment, the scene was very lively, and many big shots were watching all this.

Among them were the commander of the navy and many senior officers of the naval force, and each of them was very excited.

Liu Cong looked up at the huge aircraft carrier, with two huge banners hanging above him.

It has slogans like "Strong Army and Strong Country" written on it. There are hundreds of firecrackers and hundreds of barrels of fireworks placed on both sides of the aircraft carrier. As long as the time is up, these fireworks and firecrackers will be set off in unison.

Liu Cong was already crowded with reporters from China Channel, and dozens of cameras in their hands had already been pointed at the aircraft carrier.

Time gradually came to nine o'clock, which is when the ribbon-cutting ceremony of the Guangming Ship officially began.

Under the aircraft carrier, something similar to a podium was temporarily built. Although it was a bit simple, it was enough.

First, the commander of the navy came up, a middle-aged man in his fifties. His expression at this time was full of pride.

"Now I announce that the ribbon-cutting ceremony of the Bright Ship has officially begun."

The next second the middle-aged man finished speaking, hundreds of firecrackers and hundreds of barrels of fireworks were lit at the same time.

The crackling sounds and the roar of fireworks instantly ignited the atmosphere to the extreme.

The reporters cheered and recorded this beautiful moment with their cameras.

At this moment, the number of people watching online on China Channel has reached 50 million at the beginning, and it has been increasing by hundreds of thousands per second.

In order to prevent the live broadcast from being interrupted midway, most of the servers in Peiping were used by Huaxia TV for live broadcast.

Faced with such a grand occasion, Liu Yang, of course, sat in front of the TV and watched it immediately.

Since today was the weekend, Liu Yang did not go to work, so he got up early in the morning and waited for the live broadcast.

Liu Yang was also extremely excited when he saw the true appearance of the Guangming Ship.

"This is the light ship! It's so handsome! It's so handsome, it's so big!"

When he was happy, he thought of what Liu Cong said to him yesterday, and then frowned slightly.

"That kid won't tell the truth!"


At this moment, everyone at the scene was extremely excited. What was in front of them was a real nuclear aircraft carrier. This was something many of them had always wanted to see.

Dozens of academicians at the scene all stood in front of the aircraft carrier. Anyone who saw this lineup would think it was awesome.

It can be said that this is China's ceiling lineup.

However, looking around, everyone here is at least fifty years old, and there are even eighty-year-old academicians.

In this way, the ribbon-cutting ceremony took thirty minutes, and the next step was to formally introduce the functions of this nuclear aircraft carrier.

More than anything else, everyone wants to know the specific functions of the nuclear aircraft carrier.

Since it involves many confidential issues, it is impossible to show it on site, so Academician Jiang can only take reporters to the deck of the nuclear aircraft carrier to introduce the specific functions of the nuclear aircraft carrier to satisfy everyone's curiosity.

In this way, under the live broadcast, Academician Jiang and a group of academicians led the reporters to the deck. When they came up, the wind was very strong, and the hair of many reporters and ladies was flying with the wind.

The words spoken through the microphone at the scene also made a swishing sound, but I could barely hear everyone's conversation clearly.

"Academician Jiang, it is an honor to visit the nuclear aircraft carrier today, and it is an honor to meet you. Next, I would like to ask you to introduce to us the specific functions of this nuclear aircraft carrier, so as to answer the audience's doubts. "

With that said, the reporter lady took the initiative to hand the microphone into Academician Jiang's hand.

Academician Jiang looked at the camera with a smile on his face, "Dear viewers in front of the TV, we meet again, but this time I am not meeting you in the name of developer and chief engineer."

"Next, let me introduce to you some of the functions of this nuclear aircraft carrier."

First, Academician Jiang took a microphone and introduced the specific functions on the deck. He also mentioned the electromagnetic ejection device, and then talked about the specific area of ​​the hull.

When the various functions on the nuclear aircraft carrier became known to everyone, everyone was in a state of complete disbelief.

At this moment, Liu Yang, who was sitting in front of the TV, was numb. He sat blankly in front of the TV and stared at the TV screen with empty eyes.

"Really! Everything he said is true!"

"How is this possible? How could my son be so powerful!"

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