At this time, Liu Yang had already begun to doubt his life. He recalled the various signs Liu Cong had shown at home and outside, and he could not associate him with the scientist and the chief designer of the aircraft carrier.

Liu Yang stared at the TV, still holding on to a lucky mentality, he still believed that seeing is believing.

Therefore, after repeated hesitation, Liu Yang sat back in his seat.

"If this is really the case, his grandfather would be so happy. I believe his grandfather should also be watching this live broadcast at this time!!"

The screen turned and came to a certain community in Shanglu.

At this time, an old man in front of the TV was drinking hot tea and watching the live broadcast in front of the TV.

This person was none other than Liu Jianguo. He was standing by the TV, watching the live broadcast.

"Old man, where are you now?"

"We are still introducing the functions of the aircraft carrier. It seems that we will not be able to see the launch of the nuclear aircraft carrier today. We can only wait until another day when the official may release a separate video."

"But the next person I want to interview is a young man. It is said that he is the developer and chief designer of this aircraft carrier. I don't know how old he is to be called a young man. It is rare to encounter young scientists in the scientific world. Yes, this young man does have some abilities." Liu Jianguo sighed as he sat on the sofa.

"Hey! He is still a young man. Doesn't that mean that Academician Jiang is outclassed by him?"

"A nuclear aircraft carrier is not an ordinary aircraft carrier. If our country could design it, it would have been built long ago. But what the official said is definitely true. It seems that our country is about to produce a master-class shipbuilder!"

When Li Xiulan said this, Liu Jianguo watched the TV in trance.

"You said it would be great if our eldest grandson had this ability, but he doesn't focus on studying and invests in the entertainment industry. Can't he just be a scientist?"

Although Liu Jianguo is a professor, he is also a scientific researcher and has many invention patents in his hands. He had always planned to train Liu Cong into a scientist, but later Liu Cong failed the college entrance examination and the plan was completely ruined. This caused Liu Jianguo to have a long life. For a period of time, I had an enmity with my grandson.

However, Liu Jianguo still loved his grandson from the bottom of his heart, but sometimes this love was not expressed on the surface.

Just as Liu Jianguo and Li Xiulan were discussing their grandson, a person they were no longer familiar with appeared in their field of vision.

"Old man, look at the TV and see if this is our eldest grandson!"

"Xiulan, I saw it, why is he here?!"

For a moment, the air was barred.


"Hello viewers in front of the TV, the young man standing behind us is the developer and chief designer of our bright ship, and he is also our youngest academician in China!"

"Because if you count the age in years, Academician Liu Cong is only 22 years old this year, and our current youngest academicians in the country are all in their thirties. This shows how powerful Academician Liu is... …”

The reporter had two minutes to introduce Liu Cong in front of the camera. During this period, Liu Cong stood in front of the camera and smiled at everyone wearing the big cotton-padded jacket that Chen Qiong bought for himself.

"I will introduce this much about Academician Liu's deeds. Next, we will give the microphone to Academician Liu."

After Liu Cong took the microphone, he faced so many cameras in front of him and didn't know what to say for a moment. It was the reporter in front of him who saw that Liu Cong was speechless and reminded Liu Cong to speak, and then Liu Cong started talking.

"Ah!! Well, my name is Liu Cong. The beautiful reporter lady next to me just introduced some of my relevant information, so I won't elaborate too much."

"Academician Jiang just introduced the specific functions of the nuclear aircraft carrier behind me and showed it to everyone. I have nothing more to say."

"Since the microphone has been given to me, I will say a few more words today."

Liu Cong smiled at the camera to relieve the tension in his heart. At the same time, he was still thinking about what he wanted to say. After all, he had not rehearsed before this.

During the period when Liu Cong paused and thought, the official live broadcast room went crazy, with countless barrages floating around in the live broadcast room.

Fisherman 666: I have a biological mother! This is the first time in my life that I have seen such a young academician. Don’t we say that scientists and engineers are all old gentlemen?

New Youth: Come on, a famous figure from our Huaqing University has caused trouble again, and this time he made such a big fuss. Isn’t there something he doesn’t know how to do?

Invincible Beautiful Girl Tyrannosaurus Warrior: Ahhh! He's so handsome, I love him so much. Wouldn't it be a pity not to inherit his excellent genes when he's so handsome? Academician Liu probably doesn’t have a girlfriend yet. I want to marry him and give birth to monkeys for him.


For a moment, the live broadcast room went crazy. If Liu Cong could see the current situation of the live broadcast room with his own eyes, I guarantee that he would laugh from ear to ear.

The two old men far away in Shanglu simply stayed in front of the TV when faced with this sudden news.

"I, Liu Jianguo, have lived for more than seventy years, and I have never been so shocked by anything. Even when I led my students to make breakthroughs in the field of machinery, I was not so excited. But today's incident is really shocking. It caught me a little off guard.”

"I really didn't expect that a person who plays chess with me every day would have such an identity. It's so hard for him to hide it from us!!!"

At this moment, Liu Yang's call had already reached Liu Jianguo's mobile phone. Liu Jianguo answered it immediately when he saw that it was his son.

"Dad, have you watched the live broadcast? That guy really kept our family a secret. I was really shocked when I saw this live broadcast!!" Liu Yang started to tremble while talking on the other end of the phone. .

Similarly, Liu Jianguo and Li Xiulan are no better than Liu Yang at this time.

"You don't know about this? It seems that we are all kept in the dark!!"

"Why do you think that boy has such ability!"

"I'll come over from Shanglu with your mother right now!"


Liu Cong, who was at the scene, took the microphone and introduced how he used his spare time to study aircraft carriers, but 99% of his words were made up.

Apart from editing, he really didn't know what to do, because he couldn't say that the design drawings fell from the sky. This seemed very unreliable.

"I've said all that needs to be said, and there are some things that I won't repeat to the audience."

"Finally, what I want to say is that I know there are college students, middle school students, and even elementary school students watching this live broadcast."

"I know that you must feel the same as me when you see the light ship at this time. You are excited, excited, and overwhelmed."

“However, please remember that scientific research may not be as profitable as celebrities or Internet celebrities, and it is very tiring. You need to constantly conduct research and publish in journals, but you must remember that being a scientific researcher Being a worker is a very honorable thing.”

"The future of the motherland cannot be built by some entertainment. Knowing this, we must adjust our mentality. I am not saying that entertainment is not good, but entertainment is entertainment after all, because I used to be in the entertainment industry. I believe in television. Many of the audience friends in front of the camera know me."

"What I want to say is, young people, while you are upright, young and full of energy, you should devote yourself to the construction of the motherland! If a motherland wants to be strong, it cannot be separated from the hard work of our generations."

"The reason why I accepted this interview today is to appeal to everyone that doing scientific research is glorious, and young people can do as well as the older generation."

"So, I once again appeal to the children in front of the TV, please stick to your ideals. I know that many of you dream of becoming scientists, teachers, lawyers, and medical workers."

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