"As I grow older, these things have turned into cars, houses, and money. I know this is forced by life..."


Liu Cong took the microphone and said a lot in front of the camera, and the emotions he expressed were real.

Even the reporters on the side were moved by what Liu Cong said.

"Okay, it's getting late, I'll stop here. Please stick to your dreams, thank you!!"

Afterwards, Liu Cong handed the microphone to the reporter on the side, bowed gently to the audience in front of the camera, and then faded out of public view.

At this moment, the number of viewers in the live broadcast room has exceeded 100 million, and the name Liu Cong will definitely be known to the public after today.

Moreover, the words Liu Cong just improvised must have had a subtle influence on many people.

An overseas netizen: What Academician Liu said is really great. When I traveled all the way to study in the United States, I originally thought that the salary in foreign research institutes would be high, so I just stayed here. After listening to what Academician Liu said , my mind was shaken. I will definitely return to my motherland after graduation and contribute my share to the construction of the motherland.

The handsome guy who saved the world: That’s really good. I will graduate with my PhD in one year, and I am also engaged in scientific research-related projects. These words of Academician Liu have further strengthened my belief in my heart. I will definitely devote myself to it when I come out. In scientific research.


Liu Cong, who returned to the conference room, found a relatively quiet seat and sat down.

Lieutenant General Li Hu also sat beside Liu Cong, "Liu Yuan, what you just said is really great!!"

Liu Cong looked at the smiling Lieutenant General Li Hu, and then smiled.

"We are all our own people, so don't flatter us!"

Liu Cong patted Lieutenant General Li Hu's shoulder cheerfully. Of course, Liu Cong was joking, and Lieutenant General Li Hu could tell it.

"I mean what I said, and you and I are really on the right track!!"


The project outside was still in progress, while Liu Cong and Lieutenant General Li Hu continued to watch the live broadcast on their mobile phones.

At this time, Academician Jiang led several people to Liu Cong's side. Liu Cong looked up and saw that the lowest official rank of these people in front of him was the general level, and all of them were higher than Lieutenant General Li Hu.

Out of instinct, Lieutenant General Li Hu immediately stood up and saluted the people in front of him after seeing their identities, and they also saluted back.

"Academician Liu, these people behind me are Navy Commander Zhang Guoqiang, Navy Admiral Tong Rui..."

Academician Jiang introduced the identities of these people to Liu Cong one by one. After listening, Liu Cong nodded to everyone one by one.

"They also came here specifically to see you today. They want to see in person what the person who can design the light ship looks like!"

Afterwards, Liu Cong had a half-hour conversation with the naval commanders and generals in front of him. At noon, Liu Cong went to the Qiming ship to have lunch with them in person.

At this time, the Liu family was already in a sensation, and Liu Jianguo and Li Xiulan rushed to Liu Cong's house immediately.

After Zhang Guimei learned about this, she didn't go to class and ran back directly.

Originally, Chen Qiong was still in a meeting at the company. When she heard that her boyfriend had built an aircraft carrier, she was so surprised that she opened her phone and read relevant reports.

Chen Qiong, who was still in the meeting, saw that her future husband had made such a great contribution to the country, so she directly organized the entire company to disperse the meeting, while she drove to Liu Cong's home alone.

At this moment, Liu Yang's house was already very lively. Everyone was getting ready and waiting for Liu Cong to come back.

At this time, Liu Cong happened to have just finished his meal and embarked on his journey home.

What Liu Cong may not know is that a series of reports and pursuits will be waiting for him when he returns.

Because the impact of this incident is so huge, it can be said that the whole country is celebrating.

The United States also learned for the first time that China's nuclear aircraft carrier had been built, and its performance was not inferior to its own Verus ship. As soon as this news came out, their military felt very heavy at this time. .

The United States has been promoting the uselessness of aircraft carriers to the world and asking everyone not to build aircraft carriers, but it secretly builds aircraft carriers.

On the surface they say they want to maintain peace, but they openly start wars one after another.

"China now has a nuclear aircraft carrier. It seems that we really can't sit still and wait for death!"

"Yes! Should we take some measures to scare them?"

"Hmph! They dare to confront us head-on. Do you think a small threat can scare them? Are you still too young?"

"Hey, let's not talk about this anymore, let's see what is done above!!"


China, Beiping City.

Liu Cong was escorted by a group of people to the door of his home. Before he entered the house, a banner welcoming Academician Liu home was posted outside the door.

When Liu Cong opened the door, he saw that there were many people in the yard. When Liu Cong saw his grandparents rushing over, he was still shocked.

"Son, you are back!"

After seeing Liu Cong come back, Zhang Guimei greeted him immediately.

Afterwards, everyone surrounded Liu Cong.

"Boy, it's really hard for you to hide this from us!"

"We are all a family. You can't tell us anything in advance. You were too low-key before!" Liu Jianguo said.

"Grandpa, it's not that I'm low-key, it's just that the timing is not right!"

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