Liu Cong was really not used to seeing everyone so enthusiastic. After all, he usually had a very low status in the family.

"Why have you never told me that you are studying this? It turns out that you are busy with this every night, and I ask you to go to bed with me early every day."

Chen Qiong on the side said apologetically.

At this time, everyone's eyes were focused on Chen Qiong, and they looked at Chen Qiong in surprise.

"Sleep?" Li Xiulan asked with some doubts.

"Ah! That grandma is not what you think. Chen Qiong just calls me every night before going to bed and asks me to put her to sleep." Liu Cong hurriedly explained to everyone.

"So that's it! It scared me. You have to be nicer to Xiao Chen. You must not take advantage of others before you get married, you know?"

"I know, grandma, no way."

Then Liu Cong turned to look at Chen Qiong, and then whispered, "I don't know who is taking advantage of whom!"

"Okay, okay, let's get down to business. Since the grandson has returned gloriously with his mission, we have to celebrate him properly tonight. Our old Liu family has not been so happy for a long time!"

"Hmph! Those who used to look down on my eldest grandson, I want to show them that my eldest grandson is a person who can build an aircraft carrier, and now he is the youngest academician of China. Let me see who dares to criticize me in the future. Not Da Sun’s.”

Liu Jianguo was very happy at this time, and even the tone of his speech changed a lot.

"Old man, you should keep a low profile at your age and don't show off everywhere."

Hearing what Li Xiulan said, Liu Jianguo looked at his wife with some dissatisfaction, "Huh! What's wrong with me showing off? Who let those old guys show off in front of me every day, saying how good their grandson is..."

Liu Jianguo couldn't stop talking. Finally, Zhang Guimei interrupted Liu Jianguo.

"Dad, let's not stand outside. It won't be good if someone sees him later. He is completely famous now. If a large number of reporters come in by then, we won't be able to stop him."

At this time, Lieutenant General Li Hu, who had been silent behind him, spoke.

"Don't worry, with us here, no one will be able to break into your home!!"

Lieutenant General Li Hu's words instantly attracted everyone's attention. Just now, everyone's eyes were focused on Liu Cong, and they had not noticed that there was someone standing behind Liu Cong.

"I forgot to introduce you, this is Li Hu, Lieutenant General Li, from the Peking Military Region..."

After listening to Liu Cong's introduction, everyone looked very surprised. Maybe in Liu Cong's eyes, the title of Lieutenant General is nothing, because he has seen too many people, but in everyone's eyes, this is already a very high official title. .

"Ouch! Lieutenant General Li, please come quickly. No one noticed your arrival just now. Please forgive me!"

Lieutenant General Li Hu was stunned by this sudden enthusiasm.

Liu Cong winked at Lieutenant General Li Hu and motioned for him to come in.

Then the whole family entered the house. Now that Liu Cong is back, he is completely different from before. He was sitting on the sofa and wanted to pour a glass of water. His family would not let him pour it. Zhang Guimei poured the water for Liu Cong herself. What if It was simply not possible before.

Such enthusiasm made Liu Cong a little uncomfortable for a while.

After a while, a soldier in civilian clothes came in and reported to Lieutenant General Li Hu. Many reporters, as well as many relatives and friends, had gathered at Liu Cong's door.

It is difficult to determine the specific authenticity of what these people say about Liu Cong and his family. After all, they still have very few relatives in Peking.

"Why don't I go out and take a look? It's no big deal that so many people are blocking the door of our house!"

As soon as Liu Cong wanted to go out, he was blocked by everyone.

"Hey! You can't go out. You are a national public figure now. What if something happens to you!!"

When the family heard that Liu Cong was going out, they hurriedly stopped him.

"It's okay. Lieutenant General Li is with me, right?"

"If you don't face it now, you will have to face it sooner or later. I'm out."

When he arrived at the gate, Liu Cong saw a hundred or so people surrounding Liu Cong's home.

"Liu Yuan, logically speaking, this community is also a high-end community. Why did you suddenly say that so many people are allowed in?"

Liu Cong looked around and saw the gatekeeper of the community blocking the door of his home.

"Look, they have all come to join in the fun."

Seeing such a scene, Lieutenant General Li Hu, who was a soldier, was a little angry.

"No, I will go back to the leader and kill them. Why are you so irresponsible!!"

"Alas! Forget it, it's not easy for them either."

With that said, Liu Cong walked to the door. When everyone saw Liu Cong himself, the scene was really chaotic. If Liu Cong hadn't closed the door, there would have been a stampede.

At this time, the soldiers standing at the door holding weapons signaled everyone to step back. Everyone became more honest when they saw the guns in their hands.

Later, Liu Cong opened the door to his home regardless of everyone's obstruction.

After seeing Liu Cong come out, people took photos of Liu Cong with their cameras.

Liu Cong didn't care about this and let them take pictures.

After searching around, Liu Cong found no familiar person. Liu Cong dared to conclude that the group of people who said they were his relatives and friends must have lied to him.

"Hello, Academician Liu, I am from the local radio station in Peiping. Do you have time now? I would like to interview you."

"I'm here first, I'll do the interview first."

"I came first!"

"I came first!"


At this time, the scene was simply chaos.

Seeing such a scene, Liu Cong really had no choice.

"Stop fighting, just come together!"

In this way, Liu Cong accepted an interview for several hours. During this period, he even asked people to buy water for the people at his own expense. He really had no airs at all.

Seeing that Liu Cong was so humble and polite, the reporters showed great respect for Liu Cong's attitude. After all, those in their profession are used to being driven away.

The time came to four o'clock in the afternoon, and these people were very sensible. Seeing that Liu Cong was a little tired, they left spontaneously.

Then Lieutenant General Li Hu immediately led people to find the general manager of the property and asked him to strengthen management. When the general manager learned that the youngest academician in China, the chief engineer of the nuclear aircraft carrier, lived in his community, he was so excited.

After all, there are still many villas in his community that have not been sold. If this is used to make a fuss, there will definitely be many people rushing to buy the villas here.

In the evening, major media began to rush to report Liu Cong's deeds. It can be said that this time Liu Cong was completely famous in China.

"I don't know what the system will give me this time, but I'm suddenly looking forward to it." Liu Cong said to himself.

"Mom, I was sleepy, so I went upstairs to sleep. I have something to do tomorrow."

"Hey! Okay, then go ahead and let mom watch TV with your grandparents for a while."

Zhang Guimei's voice was very gentle, not like usual, which made Liu Cong very uncomfortable.

In this way, Liu Cong returned to his room and summoned the system.

"Tuan Tuan, how much reputation do I have now!"

Liu Cong called the system, but there was no response from the system.

"Hey! System, what's wrong with you? It's burned out? You should say something back!"

Liu Cong called this, but the system still didn't respond, so he simply used his mind to go in, but found that he couldn't get in at all, as if his head was blocked by a door.

Liu Cong was very confused because he had never encountered such a thing before.

"Damn it, isn't the system farting? If that's the case, what should I do in the future?"

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